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Oh have a look here by the way. It may explain a few things for some people. It should explain a few for me, I was diagnosed five years ago.


Yeah. I'm 99.99% sure I have that too. It's not "official", but, frankly, I've been diagnosed with about 1,000 different psychological problems, and when I read up on them they're always completely off! However,when I first read up on Asperger's it was almost scary! It was quite clearly, and exactly, me.

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I didn't know it can go so far. I mean, I have never met with a negative comment about the fact that I like roller coasters. On the Internet I find a lot of things like this. I used to play pinball a lot and I am a member of a pinball enthusiast forum. Honestly they have discussed the same thing. The general public probably react the same way no mater if it is a coaster enhusiast, a linux enhusiast or a pinball enhusiast. I presume it is because of stereotypes.

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I am addicted to coasters, but even more to Disney... My family think I am totally nutZ... But my parents paid for me and my family, my brother and his family and themselves to go to Walt Disney World.... (All the way from Belgium)... Who is crazy now....


I guess I still am as I am returning to WDW for the third time...


I do need to do something on my coaster credit so I planned to go on a nice coaster trip somewhere in the near future... and again they'll all think I am nutZ...


Everybody knows about my addiction........


Family call me crazy

Friends call me crazy

At work they call me crazy...

I wonder what they call me over here 8)

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It changes from year to year. This year my love for coasters went up 100%, mainly due to this forum and finally being to interact with other enthusiasts.


Alot of people know I'm the "coaster geek" but I'm never picked on, just quizzed to see how much I know. Like, "What's the name of that pink and yellow coaster near L.A. that flips you over bout' hundred time?" Uhh... X


I kinda obsess over it, like, I'll start screaming when we past by Great America, but it's more of a joke. The past few months my family has gotten really annoyed with the hobby. When we're planning our vacations, I always try to guide them for the best days for a park and that seriously ticks them off.


But, I've got this forum, and my love for coasters. IMO, that's all I need.

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A lot of friend really don't know about my love of coasters/ parks. It really just never gets brought up. I think most of my family knows, and they really don't have an opinion on it. There really aren't too many enthusiasts in Indianapolis anyway. When I talk with friends about interests, it is usualy the ones they have as well... Green Day, Starbucks, Boston Legal, etc.


I do, however, think that my enthusiast friedns know I am into this stuff

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I LOVE coasters, my dad LOVES coasters, my brother LOVES coasters, and my mom likes some coasters.


I am the coaster nut in the family, but at least my dad likes them enough to go on them with me. (and have fun).


Antonio"I know the most about coasters compared to everyone else in the family"G.

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Most of my friends never understood it...Every person in my family was once afraid of riding rollercoaster, and I just escorted them on their first "big" ones and they were fine. My partner is really supportive and wants to be able to ride coaster with me some day. Just waiting for him to lose some more weight after his surgery, and we should be ready to rock-and-roll.

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At first people used to think I was mad, but never thought of me as a train or plane spotter type person. Then we started our website and after watching our films or looking at our pictures it was quite a shock how many people started to ask to come on our trips. I still get a few people say to me you wouldn't catch me on one of those rides, I just say to them, get out more as there is more to life than Pop Idol or Big Brother.

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I didnt really get into riding roller coasters/visiting Theme parks till i was in my mid 20's.

Now it is something i do often with my wife(who tolerates SF type parks but likes wdw/USF)and kids who benefit from my older life obession.

But while i talk ablout it at work etc. i usually only visit parks with family or by myself and i dont let it out that i am a theme park geek.

Though im sure other family members among themselves talk about it and question my sanity.

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My friends think I am kind of crazy but this is not just because of coasters. Anyway they are used to hear anything about coasters and lately even tell me if they hear or see anything related to coasters.

Most of them dont like coasters and theme parks at all and all my efforts dont help. Luckly my nieces like it so I have lovely company to coast with.

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  • 1 year later...
I'm in the closet about being an enthusiast. I don't talk about it much offline.


Same with me, but for example, if a friend is like "Oh yeah have you been on Superman at SFNE?" and I say "yeah", they'll say "The drop is straight down" and I'll say "No, it's not".


Another example, my friends saw Down Time at LC and said "This is nothing compared to Scream! at SFNE" and I'll say, "Yeah, Scream is just as high as Superman. I read the signs."


I just do whatever I can to be the "anti-geek".

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