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Bakken, Copenhagen photo report.


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So today me and the girl had the chance to break our off-season. And what a great way to do so! The weather wasn't really cooperating in the morning, but I really wanted to go, so we risked it (I haven't had a day of school or work in weeks, so this day was highly anticipated).


Good thing we went, cause in the late afternoon/evening the weather broke up, and it was a beautiful evening. Bakken is, just like the other tivoli's in Scandinavia, a place that really comes to life in the dark thanks to million of lights.


It was still a bit chilly, but even though we were freezing around 8 p.m we still stayed until they closed at 10 p.m. I don't have that many photos from after nightfall, since my camera is pretty bad at night shot. A new one is of highest priority, anybody on here using a Samsung NX300?


Anyway, onto the photos!


Welcome to Klampenborg


Home to the worlds oldest amusement park Dyrehavsbakken


Hello mr. awesome Intamin family ride, happy to be approaching summer?


The anticipation is high, it's the first free day in quite a while.


Show these and you will get an awesome discount of 40%


Can you spot a really old coaster?


This place will look A LOT better in a few weeks, once it's all nice and green. Still it looks pretty good even as it is now, don't you think?


This is one of my favorite family oriented coasters in all of Scandinavia.


Maybe it has something to do with it being one of very few Intamin mine train coasters.


Entrance for the Circus


Lift hill pornography


Seriously, why are there not more of these? They are some of the best family coasters around. They have a low height restrictions, they are very smooth (unlike the Vekoma counter part) they have a REALLY good pacing through the entire ride without being to intense, and the trains don't have the speed-and-then-drag effect most mine trains have.


Take the curve!


Car track


A real classic, now without it's precious balls


One of the most evil rides in the world lives inside this building


For the really small ones


Imagine these trees in full bloom a few weeks down the road


A beautiful sight


And a beautiful sign as well


Station for Rutschebanen


The new trains looks good, but they have neutered the ride a bit more than desired IMO


Looking out the station


And the other way


You can walk beneath it as well (especially if you need to use the toilet)


The top of the lift hill


We took a ride on the cycle monorail


It provides some great views


Especially of the Log Flume




The evil building


It was waaay to cold for these kind of rides today


You get really close to the Flume on this ride


"Seriously, who the hell decided I should live out here, all by myself???"


"Probably the a$$hole who decided I should spend eternity under this dripping water"


Looking toward the middle of the park


Small drop


I see you Mine Train Ulven


These are fun for the small ones


This is the new for 2014 ride. It's made by Gerstlauer and it's an updated version of the one at Belantis.


You move your own personal vehicle with the wings.


And here is Tornado, just as evil as the last time I visited


I had to wait a long time for this shot, as the place was very dead the first hours


Safari cars




The ride in action. If you figure out how it works (it's not really rocket science) you can get it to spin VERY fast


I managed 41 flips during one cycle. Probably the most extreme ride experience I have done, and I'm glad I'm not that poor cat that crazy lady tried to clean using the washing machine.


Random restaurant


This is the parks wild mouse. It's made by Mack, and it's the new version with magnetic brakes (thank god). How hard can it be to get a permission for something like this you wonder? Very hard, the park had to dig it down into a 2 meter deep hole, to minimize the impact of the ride.


The park was also forced to enclose the lift hill, as it was to loud. It's quite ridiculous actually


POV shot


It's the most gentle mouse I have ever been one (and still it's barely braked). Mack do some very smooth rides these days


Great view of Rutschebanen from up here


Take that hill!


And the big drop. Wheeee


Walking down the main street clock wise


S&S double shit. Kick ass airtime on the top, the ride however is really starting to become worn out. I think it really deserved som tender love and care


Nice place!


A really weird game (yet still so awesome)


This is one of my favorite flats in the world. It's not lame as the one at Gröna Lund and the new one at Liseberg. It's very old school nice, and it has a really long circle. It also really lives at the night with it's lights and smoke effects


Swinging dragon is right next to it


Main street


Johanna rode it again. I still don't know how see does it, that woman NEVER gets nauseous


Old school ghost train. Unfortunately the live actors are only here during high season


I'm really sorry Mr. alligator, please continue with your stuff


Have you ever seen someone so EXCITED for their ride??? Seriously, can't you see the smoke coming out her ears? That's sheer excitement!


Great views of this classic from up here


Old school airtime!


These rides are just so much fun


They should by law be in every amusement park in the world IMO. Please Mr. Putin, your such a big and great man, can you make it happen? (*heavy sarcasm used*)


They should by law be in every amusement park in the world IMO. Please Mr. Putin, your such a big and great man, can you make it happen? (*heavy sarcasm used*)


Good looking area of the park




Signature crooked lift hill of Rutschebanen


This was the best ride attendant of the day. Nice, polite, made jokes and actually talked to you. big thumb up. The ride attendants were actually pretty bad today. Most of them didn't even say hello..


Unfortunately the Intamin curse strikes for about two hours during the day


You need to ride this one optimally over the lift launch. Otherwise it will take the chance to kick your a$$! The best way to do it your first time is with your hands on each side of your neck. Still, you won't be prepared for how powerful it actually is, no matter how many times you read how powerful it is, it will surprise you big time. I will show you bellow how to ride it optimally, as I know a lot of people will ride it for their first time during the Scandi trip

To the right is what you want to do. If you do like the guy to the left, you will end up with the face expression he does, as well as a half broken neck.

None of these are recommended!

Left bad, right good! These are very important steps to follow, otherwise you might end up with a bad impression of a really awesome ride.


Looking down the main street toward the wild mouse.


Johanna was dumb enough to ride this thing, she loves spin-and-puke machines.


She regretted it big time however, she said it was majorly painful. Maybe it's time has come, ans something else should be brought in?


The ride has some really nice lights running under the rails. It's fun to follow it when you ride as it changes color and pattern constantly.


Love the way Mack and Gerstlauer are making "wooden" supports.


And old classic.


Very fun, and quite intense ride.


Always make sure I ride it when I visit.


I love the bus, and I love the coaster behind it.


The 5D cinema, and the shooting ride. Both are fun rides, but they are nothing spectacular.


Now this ride is awesomely fun!


Every park should have a Kang-a-bounce. They are perfect family rides, and even a thrill seeker like myself like it (I do like more flat rides than others though, I don't need thrills to have a great time).




I really love the smell of old wooden railroad ties around this ride. You can almost feel the ride when you come close to it.


A lot of people hate this ride with a passion. I LOVE it. It really is the ride that pushes how extreme you can go in terms of intensity. There's a fine line between brilliance and insanity, and this ride is so high up on the list you can go, without crossing the line to insanity.


I remember the first time I rode it, first it almost snapped my neck of, because I wasn't prepared and I also remember that I thougt "holy shit, are we actually going through that tight turn? No way, it's way to tight!" when we approached the final turn of the ride.


But as I said earlier, be prepared for intensity and brace yourself, then you will love it!


That's a pretty serious look


Time for some dinner!


Just so much fun!

Edited by _koppen
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It was a nice and cosy place.


I took a 400g steak. i never seen one as big as this, usually they are small, but very tall, this was the complete opposite.


The water cleared in the late afternoon/evening.


The new look with the new ride. Doesn't it look great?


As I said, I love this ride, but it sure is not for everybody, that's for damn sure!


Same awesome ride attendant can be seen here.


This photo gives a great sens of the speed of the ride.


Love the lights! To bad my camera have a hard time with night shoots, it dosen't do the place justice..


I really like this ride. I hated the one at Belantis, so it was nice to have a nice experience on it. (that may have something to do with me hating all of Belantis)


It just look great!


Big smile


This ride is amazing at night.


The lights are gorgeous


Ad the smoke really takes over the whole area when it goes of


Looks great!


I sure hopes the dragon also likes smoke


This really is a night place.


And with this picture I leave you. We had some really awesome night time rides on this coaster before we left at closing time. Hope you enjoyed watching.

Edited by _koppen
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Thanks for showing what you could, of the night lighting at the park.

Usually in the TPR Tours, there is not much time in the schedule to actually

stay into the evening. We're always heading somewhere else, heh.


Can't wait to get back to this park, especially Tornado!

It's a truly surprising coaster, right from the lift hill. And I've always

enjoyed how the coaster is housed. Very cool design and themeing.


I love it.

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If you're going to spend a night at one of the Copenhagen parks I think we chose right in doing Tivoli!


Don't get me wrong, Bakken is awesome, I love it, but we can't do two super late nights in a row, especially in June where it won't get all that dark anyways!

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Thanks for sharing your report. I really like the atmosphere with the age on the park. For however old it is, it looks far better than a lot of other less old parks I know of in The States. Tornado is something I'd like to try if I ever get the chance someday, just to experience how intense Intamin can really get with their coasters.

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  SharkTums said:
If you're going to spend a night at one of the Copenhagen parks I think we chose right in doing Tivoli!

Don't get me wrong, Bakken is awesome, I love it, but we can't do two super late nights in a row, especially in June where it won't get all that dark anyways!


Totally agree on this. Tivoli was wonderful at night with it's lighting and water show.

And this was mainly around the gardens themself. I didn't wander too much to the

attractions part of the park, but you could see everything was beautifully lit, as the

gardens area was.


Looking forward to this, too. Sorry, Bakken. It looks lovely at night. Fact is, everything

usually looks awesome at night with all the lights on.

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Bakken is a great place with some unique rides and coasters.


Nice to see the Schwarzkopf Monster is starting to get a LED light package - so hope it will stay a while...


Sadly this summer I will have only one night in Copenhagen so will not make it out to Bakken, hopefully another time.

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Great report, nice to see some evening images of the place, haven't been there at such a late hour on the few visits I have to the place.

I agree with you that they have neutered Rutshebanen with the new trains and braking system. I do really hope that the one in the park a little bit down the road stay as it is for quite some time in the future.


I can understand the hate of Belantis, it's a complete dump. The main reason why I would ever go back is Götterflug, I absolutely love it

The reason why it's located on the tallest peak for miles is really strange to me, since wind is it's worst enemy. But if you go one day when it's just below the limits, what a ride you get

Got a total of about 250 flips on three rides on it last time I went there (something like 70+80+100 if I remember correctly), the experience is a strange mix of fright and nausea. I really couldn't take it in the end

They should really call it Hang Over, since that's what you feel after an insane ride on one.


Must go back to Bakken to ride theirs.

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Lovely report, thanks for putting it up.


Mine Train Ulven is a fantastic coaster, great first drop. Monster caught me by surprise too the first time, though I wasn't injured - nice, fun, different coaster. Overall the park is so much fun, can't wait to be back at Bakken in June. Bouncy Kangaroo take over? Maybe, we should have enough Aussies to do it ourselves.

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^^ I haven't been on a Sky Fly so I can't comment from own experience.


But we were definitely pushing the boundaries of Götterflug, we deliberately choose the seats with the most amount of headwind at standstill. This meant that you could almost start spinning as soon as the ride lifted, and since you end up at the same spot, then you can carry on spinning until the ride-op shouts that you have to stop since you are going to hit the floor on your way down To be honest, then on my 3rd go, I stopped at 100 spins, because I got too dizzy, could probably have made another 10 or 20 before the ride ended though

I have a feeling that part of the reason of the redesign of the ride is to make it stronger, since when you get some weird eccentric motion to your spinning when you are going at full tilt due to the whole tower on Götterflug starts to move due to it. This motion makes the ride even more nauseating..

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  SharkTums said:
If you're going to spend a night at one of the Copenhagen parks I think we chose right in doing Tivoli!


Don't get me wrong, Bakken is awesome, I love it, but we can't do two super late nights in a row, especially in June where it won't get all that dark anyways!


That is absolutely the right choice! Bakken at night is awesome, but Tivoli at night is mind-blowing! I can imagine Bakken being Millennium force, then Tivoli would be I305.


The only two parks in Scandinavia you should not miss at night I would say is Tivoli and Gröna Lund. Bakken, Tivoli Friheden and Liseberg are all very nice, but not on the same level as those two.


  Loefet said:
I do really hope that the one in the park a little bit down the road stay as it is for quite some time in the future.


I don't think the ride has changed in terms of ride experience (I hope not!) but the ride looks really good now from outside the station with it's new mountain, that's for sure!


  Loefet said:
To be honest, then on my 3rd go, I stopped at 100 spins, because I got too dizzy, could probably have made another 10 or 20 before the ride ended though


Can't imagine doing 100 spins on that thing (insert puke smiley here).

Tbh I started spinning as soon as it was possible and I "only" got around 40 spins before the ride locked the seats.

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  _koppen said:

Can't imagine doing 100 spins on that thing (insert puke smiley here).

Tbh I started spinning as soon as it was possible and I "only" got around 40 spins before the ride locked the seats.


I'm thinking for the tour we all need to find out who the best flipper is in the group, then borrow Robb's Pivothead glasses and get a POV.

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  KBrylczyk said:
I'm thinking for the tour we all need to find out who the best flipper is in the group, then borrow Robb's Pivothead glasses and get a POV.


That's a great idea, would love to see that video!


  rcjp said:
I knew tornado was pretty good. But I had no idea how insane it was!! Now I want to ride it so badly!!


It's very hard to find a POV that really shows the intensity of the ride, but in this one you can very well see the intensity of the launch, and you can see how fast the ride is, even though you can't see how intense the ride is all the way through the layout.


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