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The Official TPR Update Thread!

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Hey everyone!


I realized today we don't really have an Official "TPR Update" thread for every time we post an update to the park index. I will keep this thread updated when there is something new to post, and I'll also post if we are going to do a Bag-O-Crap contest with a specific update.


As of right now, I am sitting here looking at tens of THOUSANDS of photos from trips dating from now until even five years ago that I'd like to get caught up on. Most of these updates we've posted to our Facebook, Twitter, TPR Forum, and other places, but have not officially put them into the Park Index, and that's a goal for me this fall!


Let's start with our most recent trip, which was our annual "TPR Orlando October" week. This year was a little different because a week of it was taken up by a cruise on Allure of the Seas (which we will get to later) and for the first time, we focused more on "fall events" like Food & Wine rather than "Halloween events" like Halloween Horror Nights.


TPR's Orlando Trip 2013!

Ok, Part 1! For this update, if we get 25 responses in the forum, I'll give away some Bags-O-Crap!


Link: http://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/photo.php?pageid=115&linkid=13166


Edited by robbalvey
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  Mstankow said:
Should have started with Cici's Pizza instead of tequila.

Oh, god! Why? So we could vomit??? Cici's Pizza has to be one of the WORST places anyone could possibly eat. Golden Corral or a Carnival Cruise ship are tied for second.

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I enjoyed the comments about the validation-seeking runners. I thought most people did races for themselves. I think, in addition to my Six Flags refillable sports bottle, I will start carrying around all my old trophies from when I played little league.

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  Intaman said:
I enjoyed the comments about the validation-seeking runners. I thought most people did races for themselves.

EXACTLY! Seriously, the majority of the runners are AWFUL now. And it sucks because I do know some people who do the RunDisney events just for their own fun, do the race, get the medal, put the medal up on their shelf as a sign of a personal accomplishment and as a Disney collectable.


But over the last few years I feel that Disney has found a way to market "pretentiousness" to thousands of insecure people who feel that doing a race, along with TENS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE, who all get the same reward, regardless of even finishing the race, gives them the entitlement to shove a medal in someone's face and demand recognition.


I mean, it's cool you ran ten miles and all. I probably would have to train for at least week to be able to do that (and let's be honest here, you only have to run a 16-minute mile in order to quality at a Disney race, and even if you don't "qualify" you still get a medal!)


It's unfortunate because I really feel that RunDisney puts out a quality product and does an AMAZING job with their events. It's just the attitude of about 95% of the runners that kill it for me.


What a shame....



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  paiging_jen said:
Have you guys tried Agave Azul up on Kirkman? It's a really good Mexican restaurant you should check out. Great margaritas and excellent chips, salsa and yummy ranch dip which are complimentary.

We haven't yet, but heard nothing but AWESOME things about it. It's on our "to do" list.

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  robbalvey said:
  paiging_jen said:
Have you guys tried Agave Azul up on Kirkman? It's a really good Mexican restaurant you should check out. Great margaritas and excellent chips, salsa and yummy ranch dip which are complimentary.

We haven't yet, but heard nothing but AWESOME things about it. It's on our "to do" list.


I prefer it over Rocco's and it's pretty much what I'm going to compare every Mexican restaurant to going forward. Definitely check it out.

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I'm a big Disney runner. I've ran a ton of Disney 5k's, 10k's, 1/2 marathons, Full Marathons, Goofy Challenges, and even the most recent Dumbo Double Dare. I've only done about 3 running events outside of Disney. I run because it helps keep me somewhat in shape, and lets me eat a lot more! I love the Disney events because I can reward myself for the long training with a vacation at a Disney Park. I also do like getting the medals…BUT, I totally agree with what Robb posted.


I don't wear the medals around the park because I don't need to be congratulated for running a long distance, they remind me of those crazy pin traders that show off their pins, they're really heavy, and most of all, because I didn't win a darn thing. I have them at home in our workout room, and pretty much I'm the only one who sees them. Don't get me wrong, It's a great accomplishment for a lot of people, and could be a great start for them to be healthy, but it's not something that needs to be flaunted. It is very true what Robb says about Disney races, a vast majority of them absolutely use the medals as a way to show how much better they think they are. This past Disneyland 1/2 Marathon weekend, I saw some lady wearing her Goofy medal around the park. There is absolutely no reason to wear a medal from 9 months ago other than to show off that you ran a longer race and you think you're better than everyone. I did see one group that turned their medals into pin lanyards, and thought that at least they had an actual function for it.


The required pace for the Disney races does absolutely make it the easiest race there is. A 16 minute per mile pace is about 3.75 mph. The average person under 65 years of age walks about 3.4 mph. I'm not saying you shouldn't run if your that slow, not at all, Disney is an absolutely great place for a first or slower race. I just think it's kind of odd to wear the medal around acting like you won or participated in some very tough to finish events. Also, when it comes to distances, pretty much anyone can run the half. There was one guy I know (Granted, he ran illegally) that found a number on the ground and decided that night to run the race the next morning. He didn't train even one day, didn't have running shoes, and still ran the race within the time requirements. I'm not saying that it isn't hard, but it's not something that only a few special people can actually do. What I do can be done by anyone, and because of that, there's no reason to show off an accomplishment that everyone else can do. I'll absolutely support them 10000%, and help people in anyway they can, but there's no reason to turn around and wear the medal in a way that's arrogant and condescending.


I'm definitely in the vast minority of Disney runners, but I don't feel there's a need to show off your medal. Heck, after running the 1/2 marathon, I don't need a medal for people to realize I ran it. The limping and grimacing with each step is more than enough!


Well, that's my 2 cents!

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Great to see this thread come about. I catch some updates on Twitter but don't always have time to go back and see all of the pics that get posted, so it's good to be able to read them as part of a trip report.

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Ha! I think you're right on both counts. They're shredded wheat biscuits presumably laced with crack.


I'm think of starting an international snack exchange where I will ship people random British things in exchange for Triscuits!


As a side note on the report, I feel compelled to say that the margarita at Rocco's Tacos was insanely good!!

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^^ Thanks TPDave - now that I feel the need to experience these things, I might go and check back to a local shop I discovered in Perth on the weekend. It was like somebody had gone to the US and bought up every conceivable brand of US snackfood and crap that they could find, and shipped it all out here and set up a shop themed solely around that stuff not normally being available here.


Its like we don't have enough crap food of our own, so by importing the stuff it becomes 'exotic' crap, so it must be good!

I bet they have some Triscuits there.

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Oh man, these photos are already making me miss Orlando so much!


Feel you on the thing with the medals, that is kinda annoying.. One question, how did you manage to get the photos of the runners with their medals, considering the captions? Did you have to be all like 'wow, you look amazing in that medal, let me take your picture!'.



Talking of international snack exchanges, I am just about to eat one of these bad boys...


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