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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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I'd love to see a small berry patch somewhere at Knott's showing people how berries are grown, perhaps with samples of fresh berries when they are in season. They could even sell berry plants in the gift shop.

Quoted because I love this idea.


I like this idea as well.


If they wanted to do it, they could add

It to the plot of land that once was the Peanuts Playhouse.

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Or even across the street where Independence Hall is.


It would be nice to see the park go back to its roots a bit more. It seemed like it was going to be destined for land of 1000 coaster supports everywhere under the previous CF regime.

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My dad went to Knott's Berry Farm in 2009 since the extended family in long beach, and whatever other city of LA thought it would be fun. sadly I didn't go since I felt rather sick and I barely know my extended family there. So since then multiple times KBF has been brought up in discussion and he *always* says xecellerator was a upcharge ride, he even said the same thing about pony express at one point. i kept telling him over and over their not upcharge rides and tonight I just found out the upcharge ride he's talking about. The skyhawk ride.


Finally I can put his stupidity to rest.

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Or even across the street where Independence Hall is.


It would be nice to see the park go back to its roots a bit more. It seemed like it was going to be destined for land of 1000 coaster supports everywhere under the previous CF regime.


I totally agree. It seems like CF is just cramming thrill rides on the small parcel of land, destroying the family friendly park that its based on.


I really enjoy silver bullet, but I wish it wasn't built where its at. Ruined the once nice area, where weddings were once held.


Knotts use to be so beautiful, now it's becoming an ugly metal forest.


Now Im wondering why Knotts didn't let disney buy the park! It would have been fantastic, and also utilized the Independence Hall, that few people know about.

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Before Silver Bullet construction obliterated the middle of the park, Knott's did actually have the "original" berry stand and some Boysenberries that came from the "original" vines. Would be nice to see a Knott's museum built either across the street or somewhere in the park (they already have the Ghost Town museum as it is---it should have a larger theme park exhibit).


If I remember right, the store in Ghost Town that sells all the Knott's food products actually does have some sort of "grow your own" kit.

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I am just hoping that whatever goes in PP's spot is something more compact, as the ghost town has already been stained enough with Silver Bullet. I think the biggest dissapointment about Bullet was that they made almost no attempt to theme it to the area. I wish they had just painted the tracks brown, leaving the supports silver. Also, the trains should have been silver as well. One change of color could have saved this ride from completely ruining an area of the park; it would only partially have ruined it. If Knotts is building a giant giga coaster, I hope they keep the footers out of the ghost town.

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I don't think Cedar Fair has any control over the Knott's grocery store product line. I think they are owned by Smucker.


^ Yah I am pretty sure it's Smucker.


I believe it's ConAgra Foods that owns this but I could be wrong.

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Or even across the street where Independence Hall is.


It would be nice to see the park go back to its roots a bit more. It seemed like it was going to be destined for land of 1000 coaster supports everywhere under the previous CF regime.


I totally agree. It seems like CF is just cramming thrill rides on the small parcel of land, destroying the family friendly park that its based on.


I really enjoy silver bullet, but I wish it wasn't built where its at. Ruined the once nice area, where weddings were once held.


Knotts use to be so beautiful, now it's becoming an ugly metal forest.


Now Im wondering why Knotts didn't let disney buy the park! It would have been fantastic, and also utilized the Independence Hall, that few people know about.

Silver Bullet is quite fun, but they completely screwed over the Reflection Lake area.


It's sadly ironic that the family went with Cedar Fair, seeing that they've taken more out from the original park than Disney was planning to; they thought Cedar Fair would preserve more, but nope!

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^Just an educated guess, but at the time the family was approached with the initial proposal to sell to Disney, they opted not to, in fear that the park would be ruined/changed beyond recognition as to What Walter wanted it to be. However, as they passed on Disney, Cedar Fair probably made a decent offer, the family was looking to sell, and no other bids were on the table.

Just a guess.

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The KBF food line was sold to Conagra in 1995, two years before the park was sold to Cedar Fair. A couple of years ago, Conagra sold the line to Smuckers. They do make a line of jams that use cane sugar instead of corn syrup and the theme park carries them. They are called the "Signature" collection and are in square jars. It's not organic, but it's better than the HFCS.


Some of the food lines are park specific and not made by Smuckers. These are not available outside of the theme park and Marketplace (such as the Boysenberry Punch concentrate.)

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My Dad used to be an apricot farmer, and he believed that Smuckers was making at least that flavor for Knott's back in the 1970s (he used to say that KBF apricot jam tasted like "high-grade Smucker's"). But Knott's was still responsible for the boysenberry jam back then, as I recall.

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While TPR won't be able to take part in this year's event (remember, we're Orlando-based now!), MiceChat is once again putting on their annual Haunt event, and we'd encourage everyone to check it out;


Details are here: http://micechat.com/store/index.php?route=product%2Fproduct&path=60&product_id=69

The date is Sept 22nd.


Have fun, guys!



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