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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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The park doesn't have a noise restriction per se, but the park does make a lot of moves out of "consideration". For example, GhostRider did not have that tunnel/shed-thingy installed until Knott's bought that Ramada(or was it a Raddison? I don't remember...something with an R). As for the height restriction, they already have two structures over 300' (Supreme Scream from flagpole to ground is 310' and Windseeker is 301') So I'm gonna go out on a hunch and say that unless there are plans to build a stratacoaster, there should be no problem, unless its noisy....

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Well yeah you can clearly tell it's Fan made but imo it would be an awesome site to see, if something like that did come to life at Knotts. Just imagine getting off the 5 or the 91 and seeing that massive Intamin lift in the distance , even though it's just a fan made comcept that first drop looks heavenly


I'd also hope that the two straight sections in the figure 8 area are Camelbacks


Anyways who ever made it, I get the idea they were going for I see it, and I love the concept fan made or not. I could only dream Knotts was getting something like it.


WFChris I'm thining the z shaped element as you called it is suppose to be a Camelback over Ghostrider or at least that's how I interpreted it.

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-Windseeker is really good. I've been somewhat skeptical of this attraction since it was announced, but now that I've been on it I think it is one of Knott's best non-coaster attractions. It isn't really scary (unless you're afraid of heights), but does feel a lot higher than I thought it would. The ride cycle is a little shorter than I was expecting, but it's still long enough, and the music is a nice touch (although difficult to hear at the top).

Wow, talk about a compliment sandwich!


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Is anyone planning on going to Haunt on Saturday the 1st? That will be the day after the TPR event at USH HHN. I had originally thought of maybe spending that day at Disney, but with so many attractions closed at the DLR, Knott's seemed like it would make more sense.

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Even though that layout looks in my opinion completely bogus, if that was the actual layout it looks like they would have to modify Ghostrider's structure, which would give them an excuse to do some rehab work on it...I know you West Coast-ians are itching for a Ghostrider rehab...

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Even though that layout looks in my opinion completely bogus, if that was the actual layout it looks like they would have to modify Ghostrider's structure, which would give them an excuse to do some rehab work on it...I know you West Coast-ians are itching for a Ghostrider rehab...


If Knott's was going to build a hillbilly I-305, I don't think they would want to pay to redo Ghostrider at the same time. Even if smaller modifications were necessary, they probably wouldn't replace all of the track. Although since they would have to close Ghostrider for construction anyhow, maybe they would take the time to spice up Ghostrider too. You know what, you actually might be on to something...

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Even though that layout looks in my opinion completely bogus, if that was the actual layout it looks like they would have to modify Ghostrider's structure, which would give them an excuse to do some rehab work on it...I know you West Coast-ians are itching for a Ghostrider rehab...


If Knott's was going to build a hillbilly I-305, I don't think they would want to pay to redo Ghostrider at the same time. Even if smaller modifications were necessary, they probably wouldn't replace all of the track. Although since they would have to close Ghostrider for construction anyhow, maybe they would take the time to spice up Ghostrider too. You know what, you actually might be on to something...


Maybe the layout would be a station in the old Kingdom of the Dinosaurs location, put the lift hill behind Wheeler Dealer bumper cars, then have a 90 degree turn and an 85 degree drop put together like Expedition GeForce's drop. Then, the ride would go behind Mystery Lodge & Bigfoot Rapids and get to GhostRider then returns back to the station on the opposite side of the park.


Knotts with Giga Coaster. Sorry for the bad color scheme, I did it to show the track and supports well.

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