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The Walt Disney Company to Acquire Lucasfilm and Star Wars

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I'm not sure what is making me LOL more...


The Star Wars fanboys jizzing all over the place after this announcement or the Disneyland fanboys trying to re-arrange Anaheim to fit in another park.


Both of them are... HYSTERICAL!



Yes, I think it's going to be both irritating and amusing for quite some time.

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I do believe that Disney will eventually open a third park in Anaheim, and it will probably center around Marvel and LucasFilm. However, I really don't care about how it's going to happen, I'll care when it's actually open. Until then, I'll just enjoy what's already available in Anaheim, which is a whole lot.

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^ILM is part of the deal.." Under the deal, Disney will acquire ownership of Lucasfilm, a leader in entertainment, innovation and technology, including its massively popular and "evergreen" Star Wars franchise and its operating businesses in live action film production, consumer products, animation, visual effects, and audio post production. Disney will also acquire the substantial portfolio of cutting-edge entertainment technologies that have kept audiences enthralled for many years. Lucasfilm, headquartered in San Francisco, operates under the names Lucasfilm Ltd., LucasArts, Industrial Light & Magic, and Skywalker Sound, and the present intent is for Lucasfilm employees to remain in their current locations"

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^^In the videos added to the first post you can hear from George himself that he has had a direct hand in the story and characters not only of the new trilogy but of the stories beyond. He is essentially handing over the remainder of his Star Wars work to Kathleen Kennedy and to Disney for them to oversee, execute and caretake for the rest of time.


It was clear from the conference call that Disney plans on putting Star Wars in every outlet it has access to including movies, TV, merchandising, theme parks and other synergistic efforts to maximize their return.


Most interestingly, while the deal does include certain access to Indiana Jones (despite there being some existing agreements in place with Paramount), the valuation for the deal was determined almost exclusively based on the calculated return value to be drawn from Star Wars in the coming years.

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Outside of theme parks, I think this will finally open up the Star Wars and Indiana Jones worlds to new thinkers and we won't get crap like the prequels and Crystal Skull. I wonder if Disney, with their ride to movie obsession, will make a Temple of the Forbidden Eye movie.


As for parks, I see WDW benefiting more from this at the get go. DHS could go with a total SW land rather than Cars (Booster Bike themed to the forest speeders anyone?) and even expand the Indiana Jones offerings around the stunt show.


DL should stick with Marvel since they can't get those franchises into the Florida Parks and it lets different attractions drive attendance on both coasts.

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This will either turn out really really good, or really really bad. I'm hoping for the best


^Have you seen Avengers? Disney is "killing it" when it comes to producing quality content from existing franchises. If the last indy film or the star wars prequel is any indication, these franchises are in better hands..


On a separate note, wouldn't it be cool if Disney announced they were going to re theme Hollywood Studios as the "Worlds of Marvel & Lucas"? There is A LOT of potential here..


-chris "would love to see Disney announce something like this in the near future " con

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I'm not sure what is making me LOL more...


The Star Wars fanboys jizzing all over the place after this announcement or the Disneyland fanboys trying to re-arrange Anaheim to fit in another park.


Both of them are... HYSTERICAL!



I love this post.


Seriously though, to me this means very little, but I expect this is good for boys and manboys (like Adam). Seems like Disney is really on the way up buying out big properties.

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Just to make sure we're clear, there were ONLY three Indy movies.


ONLY Three.


This deal is very interesting to me. I look forward to seeing what happens.


During a Live Press conference call this afternoon they did say they're looking to place Star Wars immediately into both Shanghai and Hong Kong parks, as well as the other properties in the future.

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Disney has done a fantastic job with Marvel putting it in the hands of the people who care about it most, I see no reason why they wont do the same thing with Star Wars. I see nothing but fantastic content coming out of this. They no longer have to pay licensing fees for anything Star Wars, reap all the rewards from the billions it will bring in, and one of the biggest things is control of ILM. Think of all of the Marvel movies that they are now making that they wont have to budget speacial effects for.

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^ I have heard rumors about Star Tours 2 going to HKDL, which honestly would be a good fit at their Tomorrowland needs another decent attraction.


I agree with this. Their version of Tomorrowland was nice enough, but tiny compared to the other parks.

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This will either turn out really really good, or really really bad. I'm hoping for the best


^Have you seen Avengers? Disney is "killing it" when it comes to producing quality content from existing franchises. If the last indy film or the star wars prequel is any indication, these franchises are in better hands..


On a separate note, wouldn't it be cool if Disney announced they were going to re theme Hollywood Studios as the "Worlds of Marvel & Lucas"? There is A LOT of potential here..


-chris "would love to see Disney announce something like this in the near future " con

Was I the only person that liked Indy 4?

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I don't mind if they make more Star Wars or Indy films IF they are GOOD. The 4th Indy film and Episode 1 were TERRIBLE. Episode II and III had their flaws but are watchable.


I'm wondering how this will effect of the shell of a company that LucusArts had already become with most of their internal development ending a few years ago.

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