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The Walt Disney Company to Acquire Lucasfilm and Star Wars

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So who do you think they'll get to helm the next movies? Potential ideas...

- Brad Bird (Pixar/Lucas ties, knows how to direct live action)

- Andrew Stanton (Same...but may still have John Carter Stink on him)

- Gore Verbinski (In the Disney stable, knows how to direct big movies)

- David Yates (Harry Potter were as big as any Star Wars movies)

- Guillermo Del Toro (Disney has been wanting to work with him, Pacific Rim has a sci-fi feel)

- Peter Jackson (rolling off LOTR/Hobbit and into Star Wars would cement him as the next Lucas)

- Joss Whedon (doubtful they'd pull him away from Marvel)

- JJ Abrams (Would be great, though doubt he'd pull away from Star Trek)


I think Brad Bird or Gore Verbinski seem the most likely. I'd love to see a wildcard like Edgar Wright get it though.


From that list, I'd like to see JJ Abrams, Joss Whedon or Guillermo Del Toro take a crack at it. I'd be especially interested in Del Toro, and hope that it makes a billion dollars so he can finally make his dream project, At The Mountains Of Madness. And yeah, Edgar Wright would be an interesting choice as well.


Seeing different, talented people making a Star Wars movie actually sort of has me excited about seeing another Star Wars movie, something that wouldn't be possible if Lucas was involved.



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^del Toro adapting and directing Lovecraft would be excellent--he's just the guy for the job.


I think Joss Whedon would be the best fit for Star Wars--particuarly if he can bring his offbeat sense of humor to the series.

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...Guillermo Del Toro take a crack at it. I'd be especially interested in Del Toro, and hope that it makes a billion dollars so he can finally make his dream project, At The Mountains Of Madness.



Seconded, extremely. EDIT Also, Brad Bird, totally! (I need to read more better sometimes.) Incredibles, and MI3, which I thought was a very solid series entry. The action direction in that was stellar.

Edited by RoCo
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Seeing different, talented people making a Star Wars movie actually sort of has me excited about seeing another Star Wars movie, something that wouldn't be possible if Lucas was involved.




And this is what has me the most excited. Of course, once they announce the director/producer and somehow Bruckheimer is attached I'll be pissed.


That's a great list Wes and honestly, I think any of them would do a better job than Lucas did with the prequel trilogies. There are SO many post Ep VI stories out there that they have a wealth to choose from not only for the next trilogy but for future movies.


I would actually like to see the the "Heir to the Empire" series be VII, VIII and IX which would essentially close the book on the Skywalkers and then all future movies would just be independent from the original movies and not be Ep. X, XI, etc.


Of course, a re-do of Ep. I, II, III would be totally fine as well.

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^del Toro adapting and directing Lovecraft would be excellent--he's just the guy for the job.


I think Joss Whedon would be the best fit for Star Wars--particuarly if he can bring his offbeat sense of humor to the series.


I agree that Whedon would be a great fit for one of the new movies, he's signed to do The Avengers sequel which is supposed to be released in 2015 as well so I think he's tied up. However, one name that hasn't gotten a lot of mention that I think would do awesome is Joe Johnston. I thought he did a good job with the Captain America movie and he was one of the Art Directors on Empire Strikes Back (He came up with the Boba Fett design)

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It's a bit outside the box, but I actually think handing the keys to Tim Burton would be interesting. You can't say the guy doesn't know how to develop characters, and it's not like he couldn't handle a blockbuster.


Of course, this would mean Depp would have to be Skywalker or Solo. Okay, on second thought.....

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^del Toro adapting and directing Lovecraft would be excellent--he's just the guy for the job.


I think Joss Whedon would be the best fit for Star Wars--particuarly if he can bring his offbeat sense of humor to the series.


I agree that Whedon would be a great fit for one of the new movies, he's signed to do The Avengers sequel which is supposed to be released in 2015 as well so I think he's tied up. However, one name that hasn't gotten a lot of mention that I think would do awesome is Joe Johnston. I thought he did a good job with the Captain America movie and he was one of the Art Directors on Empire Strikes Back (He came up with the Boba Fett design)


Joe Johnston might be a good choice, too. He also directed the underrated Rocketeer for Disney, as well.

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I just have to react in this thread. I read about it Tuesday and I don't now how to react on a 7th Star Wars movie. Off coarse it's a new Star Wars movie I love them but a new part can screw up the whole series going to much of the radar. Also Disney being able to make more (and please better) attractions with Star Wars sounds good. Can't wait for 2015 to watch it in theaters. Just needed to say it.

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I just have to react in this thread. I read about it Tuesday and I don't now how to react on a 7th Star Wars movie. Off coarse it's a new Star Wars movie I love them but a new part can screw up the whole series going to much of the radar. Also Disney being able to make more (and please better) attractions with Star Wars sounds good. Can't wait for 2015 to watch it in theaters. Just needed to say it.


I don't think Disney could do any worse than episodes 1,2 & 3!

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