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The Walt Disney Company to Acquire Lucasfilm and Star Wars

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I'm excited about the future, yet saddened that we lost so many good opportunities for more "hot Carrie Fisher." Thanks again, George.


There was no chance for more "hot Carrie Fisher" as soon as pictures like this made it on the Internet...



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How old are those pictures of Carrie? I thought I saw a recent picture of her last October and she didn't look that bad and she wasn't nearly that heavey either. No hottie by any means just not aged very well.

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Are you ready for geriatric Han Solo?




Latino Review, the site known for dropping major scoops about superhero movies, has moved on to Star Wars, and their latest finding is a biggie.


They’re reporting that Harrison Ford will return as Han Solo in Star Wars Episode VII. Now, we knew that he was interested in returning and we’ve heard that LucasFilm is interested in doing something with Solo, but this is the first time we’ve heard that Ford will, in fact, return. How will he fit in? Is this news legitimate? Discuss below.


Until Disney and LucasFilm release a press release, I understand how people will take this piece of news with a grain of salt. But Latino Review would not report it unless they heard, from a very reliable source (or sources), that Ford, director J.J. Abrams, screenwriter Michael Ardnt and LucasFilm’s Kathleen Kennedy had discussed this and agreed on it.

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Here's the reality of the situation, as old as Ford looked in Indy 4, he actually didn't look "bad"

It's just a shame that movie was god-awful. Had that movie been even half-way decent, I don't think people would have made as much fun of "old Indy" in it, because I think he's the only one out of any of the original Star Wars/Indy films that actually *MIGHT* (stress this word heavily) be able to pull it off again.

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That really was such a terrible movie!


As for Star Wars, I can't wait to see them release more info about the film and have the Star Wars fanboys going crazy. And not crazy, like happy crazy, but the how dare you destroy it MyMagic+ will destroy the earth crazy.

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I consider this welcome news. I think that by including the older characters from the previous sagas even in a limited capacity, it can help to ease the transition and introduction of new characters and stories in the franchise without it feeling like a totally new start.

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