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you're welcome. The theme of Baron 1898 is quite unusual in themeparks, a lot parks using a steampunk or western approach when they do a mining theme.


After Christmas the park was beautifully wrapped in a blanket of snow, not all the rides opened like all the outdoor coasters. They worked really hard to get as many attractions as possible operational. People who visited the park on Saturday, December 27th. Got free tickets to visit the park another day due to the many closed rides.


Here is a link to some great pictures of the park this weekend made by a Belgium podcast and Photo website.



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More awsomesauce:



Part 1 of 3 with all kind of things about how some of the techniques work in Het Spookslot the Python. Piranha and more.


I hope there will be an English translation beneath it. But even if you just skip it, you will see some interesting stuff.


Video made by: vijfzintuigen.nl

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I 've said it before, this ride will not have a steampunk theme. The theme is based on real Northern European mining companies.
The building and ride of Baron 1898 will be themed as a real Northern European mining company..

Awesome information you provided. I seriously thought it was a steampunk theme, which was still cool. But now knowing where the actual theme comes from is awesome! Thanks for taking the time to explain it! Can't wait to see the completed ride, and theming!

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^^ Wonderful park history video, even if I didn't understand the language, LOL!


The whole back story of the PYTHON was a-ma-zing, especially the car commercial AND

the proposed expansion plans of the coaster! It looked awesome, and maybe they might

actually do that, and expand Python ("Pee-thon" I loved that, lol.) It was also fun, seeing

Pegasus, running in the background, in part of the video shots of Python.


This man was (to me, obviously) the Disney of his generation, and Efteling is proof positive

of keeping a theme park in theme, well landscaped, and full of experiences for the

entire family, not just the rides, too.


Thanks for sharing this. It was great!

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They cant expand the coaster anymore. (Or we have to demolish Joris and the Draak and the Vliegende Hollander )


Also the 1001 Nacht project is the (early design) of the Fata Morgana, wich was meant to be placed on an Island where the Gondeletta is.

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...They cant expand the coaster anymore. (Or we have to demolish Joris and the Draak and the Vliegende Hollander )...


Well, why not? It's been enough time with these rides. Time for a change!



I just loved the proposed layout not really realizing (or caring) where

the whole thing would be, in actual space. Still fascinating to know.

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I still hope that if we ever have to say goodbye to the Python they just name the coaster that comes next Python Plus.

I knew about the rumor that they intended to remake it like that, but I never knew it was that close, literally they could have waited a year of 2 for that food corner and still have done it. Just not having the money to come up with the food corner that has to be made them scrap the project, that was close.

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They cant expand the coaster anymore. (Or we have to demolish Joris and the Draak and the Vliegende Hollander )

Even using this original layout, it would still be still possible. DVH is nowhere near and I don't think Joris is a problem either.


But these plans are 20 years old. Back then, the Python was only 15 years old... it's now the second oldest Vekoma on the planet, heading into its 35th season. It will soon be time to scrap the entire ride.

Superwirbel was 35 years when it was demolished... Alton Towers' version was only 28 years old... and Walibi's Tornado was just 23 years.


Bing Maps


ANP, Hollandse Hoogte

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Although it would be possible to expand the Python like the Python Plus project it will never happen. But rumors that the Python is going to be demolished is nonsense. Yes it is an old rollercoaster but not every old rollercoaster have to be demolished. They are running with new trains for just 2 years, the track is fairly well maintained and the ride is a truely icon. Of course the ride will be demolished some day but not in the near future. The management has indicated several times that there are no plans to remove the Python instead of another ride in the near future. The Python is not the biggest, best, most exciting rollercoaster but it's still populair and runs well. To compare the python with 'Superwirbel, 'Corkscrew' and 'Tornado' makes little sense. Efteling is known for adding attractions instead of replacing. Efteling knows its history and value and appreciates its icons.


Yes I know the ride is not that exciting, it's not thematized and it's old, but lots of people have childhood memories to this ride, just like me. There will be a day to say the Python goodbye. But I hope it will not be soon because I will be sad to see my first looper disappear.


Ps: De Vliegende Hollander (The Flying Dutchman) isn't build instead of the Python Plus project. Vogel Rok (Bird Rok) is build instead of the Python Plus project.

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^ I can stand behind those words all day long. The python is a icon coaster in our country it has been important for many people as their first coaster with inversions. I think emotionally we can never say goodby to that coaster even when judgement day comes.



Anyway lets go into some real news, we have coaster track Screamscape has them and I share it:

Right color:

Right tag D6-C (Source):


Looks nice Finaly we have pictures of it.

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Although it would be possible to expand the Python like the Python Plus project it will never happen. But rumors that the Python is going to be demolished is nonsense. Yes it is an old rollercoaster but not every old rollercoaster have to be demolished. They are running with new trains for just 2 years, the track is fairly well maintained and the ride is a truely icon. Of course the ride will be demolished some day but not in the near future. The management has indicated several times that there are no plans to remove the Python instead of another ride in the near future. The Python is not the biggest, best, most exciting rollercoaster but it's still populair and runs well. To compare the python with 'Superwirbel, 'Corkscrew' and 'Tornado' makes little sense. Efteling is known for adding attractions instead of replacing. Efteling knows its history and value and appreciates its icons.


Yes I know the ride is not that exciting, it's not thematized and it's old, but lots of people have childhood memories to this ride, just like me. There will be a day to say the Python goodbye. But I hope it will not be soon because I will be sad to see my first looper disappear.


Ps: De Vliegende Hollander (The Flying Dutchman) isn't build instead of the Python Plus project. Vogel Rok (Bird Rok) is build instead of the Python Plus project.


I recognise the sentiments, but as someone near Alton Towers - you simply have to get over these old Vekoma coasters. I guess with Vekoma being a Dutch manufacturer, perhaps it is even closer to the hearts of Efteling visitors, but when Alton Towers announced that Corkscrew was closing (a coaster which opened with the park in 1980) - yes there were some tears and a lot of emotion, but ultimately the park was losing a rough old coaster and getting something unique and modern which, whilst was ultimately over-hyped, is far more ride-able and enjoyed by far more people than Corkscrew was by the end of its life.


For me, Python is outdated and doesn't really belong in an otherwise world-class, beautiful park.


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We all know that the Python has not eternal life. And we all know, at that spot in the Efteling there could be a much more exciting ride. The Python is still operating because not only the Dutch visitors have sentimental feelings for Python but equally Efteling does. If you know the history of this park you know how important this rollercoaster was, and still is. I am fully aware that only Dutch have these sentiments for Python, and that people from abroad call Python outdated. I fully agree the ride is outdated , but I do not agree that it has no right to exist anymore.


The story of Corkscrew and Python are two different stories. Corkscrew became overruled by Nemesis, Oblivion and Air. Python was Eftelings first rollercoaster, after Python they build new rollercoasters but all without inversions untill 2015 when they are gonna open Baron 1898. So for 35 years it was the only ride in Efteling to experience an inversion. In parks history, 2015 will be the first time the Python will be overruled by another rollercoaster. Of course even 'Joris en de Draak' is a better ride but it offers no inversion. The Python is THE national rollercoaster in the Netherlands, more than Goliath at Walibi Holland, Troy at Toverland or Joris en de Draak at Efteling. Efteling will not just demolish the national roller coaster when it's not necessary. Even when the park management wants to demolish the python they can't just do that.


The Efteling park management is in charge of daily affairs, development and imagineering, but in order to be able to make major changes they need the approval of 'Stichting Natuurpark de Efteling' (Nature Park Foundation 'de Efteling' who is the owner of the park. You can compare it for the UK with: the foundation is / House of lords. The park management is / House of commons. For USA: Nature Park Foundation de Efteling is / The senate. The park management is / House of Representatives. The Nature park Foundation 'the Efteling' is sometimes a bit conservative to make major changes, but they guard the authenticity of Efteling. This is why I don't see Python will be demolished soon.


PS: My apologies for the bad grammar sometimes, I want to tell you so much that I get lost in translation.

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Ps: De Vliegende Hollander (The Flying Dutchman) isn't build instead of the Python Plus project. Vogel Rok (Bird Rok) is build instead of the Python Plus project.


Not to burst your bubble, but that's not entirely true. They weren't able to go through with Python plus, because they didn't have the funds needed for it. Instead, they gave approval for the building plans of Villa Volta. It was in 1997 that they came with the plans of the Vogel Rok, which was then built in 1998. In some way they made Vogel Rok because they couldn't do Python plus, yes, but Villa Volta is the immediate result of not being able to go through with Python plus. (sources come from eftepedia, there's an article about the Python plus project there)

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Ps: De Vliegende Hollander (The Flying Dutchman) isn't build instead of the Python Plus project. Vogel Rok (Bird Rok) is build instead of the Python Plus project.


Not to burst your bubble, but that's not entirely true. They weren't able to go through with Python plus, because they didn't have the funds needed for it. Instead, they gave approval for the building plans of Villa Volta. It was in 1997 that they came with the plans of the Vogel Rok, which was then built in 1998. In some way they made Vogel Rok because they couldn't do Python plus, yes, but Villa Volta is the immediate result of not being able to go through with Python plus. (sources come from eftepedia, there's an article about the Python plus project there)


After canceling the Python plus project they looked at building an indoor rollercoaster. The park ordered a copy op Mack's Eurosat but Mack wasn't able to deliver on time for season 1996 so the park cancelled the order and decided to build Villa Volta. So originally there was planned an indoor roller coaster instead of the Python plus project. And yes Vogel Rok is another ride than Mack's Eurosat, originally they planned an indoor roller coaster instead of the Python plus project. So both, Villa Volta and Vogel Rok are the result of canceling the Python plus project.


Source: http://documenten.eftelist.nl/lemmens/interview_lex_lemmens.pdf

Edited by Sven
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