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Efteling Discussion Thread

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When is this estimated to open? Because i'm going in the end of march i hope it's open by then.


Unfortunately this ride wil open summer 2015. The combination of a thrill ride and the theming will make this ride unique and special in the area. In the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) there are few independent parks like Efteling. I still think independent parks in Europe are the most interesting parks to follow, they invest and come with exciting projects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update this morning:


Masonry on track.




Under seemed largely to be closed up.


Steps, within the queue, probably going into preshow 1.


Working on the floor seems to be wood.


I had not seen this big boy was on site already.


Looks like they have plenty of work.




This is the other side of the Gondoletta, in the winter we will be able to see from here Baron 1898.



Sorry about dusk, the sun was low and we only had time in the morning to do this.


Footers for the Immelmann just before the tunnel.


Sin that seems copper between.


It seems to go well maybe the end of December they will be ready to install the track. The footers are at least well underway.


Tunnel and Immelmann will fill this shot.


I Already could see it myself the trains coming out of that tower, the future seems bright.


This concludes it again. Much changed.

I was also planning to make a picture of it but I forget it. The Efteling have made a change in on their entrance building now they have the name on it as well. Not that it was needed, but this is development.

So here a picture From vijfzintuigen.nl for more (including a night shot) just click the Source link below:

Source: Vijfzintuigen.nl

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Really insightful photos, thank you! That entrance still gets my vote for best ever!


On a side note, I really should wait until this new attraction opens, but If i'm tempted to go sooner (like January/February) is it worth going at this time of year? I've read so many conflicting things about what may or may not be open, what definitely won't open etc, all very confusing! Does it really just depend on how cold it is?

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Really insightful photos, thank you! That entrance still gets my vote for best ever!


On a side note, I really should wait until this new attraction opens, but If i'm tempted to go sooner (like January/February) is it worth going at this time of year? I've read so many conflicting things about what may or may not be open, what definitely won't open etc, all very confusing! Does it really just depend on how cold it is?


My second visit to Efteling was taken in January 2014 (6th-9th) for a solo dissertation study trip. Whilst DVH and the Pirana raft ride were closed, it was totally worth going. The park was so quiet, I was getting multiple re-rides on pretty every ride. Largest wait in the whole trip was 10 minutes and that was only because I missed the start of a 10 minute show. The atmosphere of the park is lovely in winter, and the winter illusions made up for the lack of those other two rides. I would still recommend returning when they're both open at some point, but the January trip for me was incredible.

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Do keep in mind that if it has been freezing the chances are high that Joris en de Draak, the Python and the Bobsleigh aren't open, so you'll have to take a look at what kind of weather it is at the time. Other than that, yes. It's definitely worth to go, even though there are a few closed rides. The entire atmosphere is just amazing, especially with those large firepits and the winter illusions. It's also definitely worth to go into the python if it's dark already, the vast amounts of lights make everything look amazing!

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I just now noticed that the name of the efteling was supposed to be on the main entrance building. The original concept sketch features the name on the building with exactly the same font.


It's very interesting to see that after such a long time they finally decided to add it to the main building. It makes me wonder whether they will one day change the 'inside' of the main building as well to stay true to the concept sketch... considering the inside of the building is a huge mess now, in my opinion at least. all those queue lines and inconsistendly placed booths... it looks weird. The concept sketch features one bigger building underneath the middle pillar, which looks quite nice I think.


the concept sketch for the main entrance

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im 99.99% sure people will refer to this as baron everywhere since it's just inconvenient to say baron eighteen ninety eight, or in any language what so ever. As in i'm going there with friends and i wouldn't like saying "hey let's go on paroni tuhat kahdeksan sataa yhdeksänkymmentä kahdeksan"

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im 99.99% sure people will refer to this as baron everywhere since it's just inconvenient to say baron eighteen ninety eight, or in any language what so ever. As in i'm going there with friends and i wouldn't like saying "hey let's go on paroni tuhat kahdeksan sataa yhdeksänkymmentä kahdeksan"


They could call it 98.

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by the way, for people who are looking to go to the efteling and are wondering what attractions would be closed; here is a very useful site (dutch though) to see what rides are closed or not in the upcoming months.


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Edited by jedimaster1227
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Heh, track will rise eventually. I think they had to wait at the Clermont plant for some of the other projects to finish up. Probably once Thunderbird's track was finished being manufactured, they're probably working on the track for this now. I have a feeling there will be a lot more work on this due to custom supports that'll have to be built for the lift hill and drop. Outside of the keyholes for Gatekeeper, Baron will for sure have the most unique support structure B&M has ever built for one of their coasters.


No recent images have shown what's going on at the plant, although I can imagine there's quite a lot of Fury track waiting to be shipped to Carowinds. I can imagine that the track for Baron is now being made. Interesting to note that every single piece of steel that's going into the ride building has been pained that green color. They're really going all out for this since this is going to be themed on par with what Disney and Universal could do.

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The station track was one of the first things that went in the building, so I guess technically, track has been installed already. You can see them installing it in the video below:



I can imagine that the base of the lift hill was installed as well. The contractors wouldn't be stupid enough to not install that first before any of the brick facade and roof went in as it'll make installing that pretty difficult with it being inside of a building.

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Erm yes there are 2 track parts installed, those are the only 2. Nothing else has been installed (as far we know.) Also the building is packed with scaffolding inside, so its not possible to place it.


winter is coming so they need to close it. (Snow/rain etc.)


Also rumors are that there will be 2 pre-shows with at least 1 animatronic, which will be about 2 minutes long. (source: looopings.nl)

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Outside of the keyholes for Gatekeeper, Baron will for sure have the most unique support structure B&M has ever built for one of their coasters..

*cough* Great Bear *cough*


I am looking at some pictures, but err, where are these "unique" supports at the Great Bear?

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