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Tokyo Disney Resort Discussion Thread

p. 78 - TONS of new Fantasy Springs info!

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From Screamscape.com ...


New Westernland Restaurant and Character Meet & Greet (2/17/15) Oriental Land Company announced this week that a new restaurant and a new character meet and greet area would open in Westernland, themed to the Junior Woodchucks animated shorts that feature Donald and his nephews. While the character facility will be new, the restaurant will take over the existing Lucky Nugget Cafe, which will be expanded to feature a new two-story dining area and a campfire setting. Look for these to open in Fall to Winter 2016, and the Lucky Nugget will close in Fall 2015.


This looks like it's not even in the park! (o: (art concept, I know)


That two-story restaurant looks very nice, from this artwork.

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^^ The Lucky Nugget cafe is located near the raft dock, to Tom Sawyer Is.

It is one level, and currently serves fried chicken and turkey legs. Turning it

into a two story affair might vary up the menu, too.


If you didn't go for the raft ride, you could easily pass by this little area,

on your way to Big Thunder. It's basically a dead end pathway, with the cafe there.

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I'm enjoying the fact that TDLR isn't revealing everything they have in store for TDL and TDS' future.


This new announcement is amazing, as I did eat a couple of times at the Lucky Nugget on tours,

and to find out it's getting this change is very cool. And the fried chicken was pretty good, too!


And I loved DuckTales too! (Along with Animaniacs.)


Crude older TDL map w/WesternLand but.. the Lucky Nugget is the little building

to the left of that center bathrooms icon, between BTM and the Western River.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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  TPDave said:
It's really interesting to see which characters are more popular over there and get tie-ins, is the current dining place a quick serve? I don't remember it at all!


Yes, it was quick serve counter service. I think their "signature" dish was fried chicken

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  Nrthwnd said:
I'm enjoying the fact that TDLR isn't revealing everything they have in store for TDL and TDS' future.


I'm hoping we at least get an announcement before summer. I think they have to announce something for TDS' 15th next year, and the new port would make a great teaser since TDS isn't getting anything major for the celebrations (besides the new show replacing Mystic Rhythms).

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  COASTER FREAK 11 said:
What a tiny and secluded place to upgrade. I love it! lol


It seems to me now, that TDLR is starting to upgrade and enhance smaller sections of TDL, so that when the

construction walls start going up in Fantasy Land and Tomorrow Land, there's "more space" available

to the gp, and more dining choices, etc.


Very cool. This IS a very classy resort.


Random TDS Winter shot. Mmmm fire and ice/snow... {THANK YOU whoever took it!}

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  • 3 weeks later...

Something "retro" found. It's a page from some Japanese/English magazine describing Tokyo Disneyland, two years after it's 1983 opening. It actually looks like a version of what the original Disneyland "could have" looked like, back in 1955! You also notice that Fantasyland was way smaller than either Tomorrowland or Westernland. And actually about the same size as Adventureland. But the locals (now) want more of their fantasy.


So now (finally), the park is starting to catch up.

And trading some "Tomorrow" for more "Once Upon A Time."



Parking right up at the front gate, too! Back then.

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  • 1 month later...

The Oriental Land Company has announced the details of their expansion plans for both Tokyo Disneyland Park and Tokyo DisneySea Park!




Oriental Land Co., Ltd. announced that several themes for the further development of the Disney parks at Tokyo Disney Resort® have been decided. For Tokyo Disneyland® Park, two of the areas within the Fantasyland redevelopment plan will be themed to the Disney films Beauty and the Beast and Alice in Wonderland.


The overall theme for the new themed port at Tokyo DisneySea Park will be Scandinavia with a portion of the area being themed specifically to the world of the Disney film Frozen. These new areas will include attractions, restaurants and other facilities filled with enchantment that will enhance the Guest experience at Tokyo Disney Resort.


The theme park development plans, first outlined in Oriental Land Group’s “2016 Medium-Term Business Plan” (for the period of March 2015 through March 2017) announced on April 28, 2014, include a 500-billion-yen level of investment in the theme park business over the next ten years. The plan for Tokyo Disneyland Park centers on the redevelopment of Fantasyland, which will nearly double the size of the themed land. For Tokyo DisneySea Park, the new eighth themed port will be developed in the expansion site located south of Lost River Delta.


Oriental Land Co. will proceed in the redevelopment of Fantasyland and the development of the new themed port and expects to decide within 2015 on the themes and facilities for all of the areas.






Edited by KPTSN
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^Agreed! The new concept art looks great, and I'm sure it'll be pretty close to what's actually built, being as this is Tokyo Disney. The new Scandinavian port for TDS looks particularly good.

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includes area where the world of the Disney film Frozen can be experienced

Because of course it does.


The area does look pretty awesome though, at the very least based off of the concept art.

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  COASTER FREAK 11 said:
I hope what ever ride they put into the frozen area is a great E Ticket with a new ride system. I also hope it is NOT a retelling of the film and they try for something new.


According to the trusted source who first broke this news back in September, it will be a huge and modern E-ticket. The supposed budget for the ride alone is over $400 million, which is even more than Radiator Springs Racers. It was also strongly hinted that it will be a trackless dark ride.

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^That's awesome to hear! Also, looking at the larger map, I just realized that the Disneyland Expansion will actually be adding new real estate to the park as well! I *hope* that the new Frozen area does this somehow (even though its not in the drawing). Either going over or under the monorail and road there. A guy can dream right?

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