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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I've kind of been wishing for a central measurement station at SFoG. My 3 year old and I go almost every weekend and he is right at 42 inches. Taking a little guy up to a ride and waiting in line, then being told he can't ride is literally a nightmare. He has no fear and already gets upset that he can't ride Goliath so he gets upset by this and I get to deal with the aftermath

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Rather than a bracelet, why not a stamp of some sort on the wrist? You can't pass it to another person, and if it gets rubbed off for some reason, you can always go back and get re-checked. Or, you can just chance the measurement by a ride op.

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Went to SFOG this past week and overall rode every coaster except for Blue Hawk but when i was on Mindbender the rideop was enforcing the no glasses rule on it and this was the first EVER time they've done this on Mindbender. It was total BS so i held my glasses and when the train left the station i put them back on. My glasses didnt even budge in the slightest. So after that i rode it again and did the same thing. The Rideops are so inconsistent with the loose article rule. They need to do somethint about it.

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^^ this is an odd post. . . you're posting that you're happily breaking a direct request from a ride operator.. .because you feel you know better?


why not just get a glasses strap, if you're so dead set on wearing your glasses on a ride?



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It seems like Mindbender has gotten faster as it has gotten older. I for one am glad that the trims / blocks kick in like they do. Untrimmed going into that last loop would have airtime galore, but then you'd be unconscious pulling into the station . Still one of the best rides ever to me (I've been riding it since it was new.)



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If it actually is themed to Poison Ivy, I don't think it would go in the old Splashwater Falls location... I'm thinking the new rides going where the stunt show in Gotham City was. They were in the middle of tearing that down when I was there last weekend, so it would make sense.

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^^ this is an odd post. . . you're posting that you're happily breaking a direct request from a ride operator.. .because you feel you know better?


why not just get a glasses strap, if you're so dead set on wearing your glasses on a ride?




What I was trying to point out was how a single ride-op could say no glasses on a specific ride but then you go on a ride like Batman (which is WAY More intense than Mindbender) and the ride-op will tell you that it's fine to wear your glasses but then when you go back to Mindbender when the ride-ops change shifts, they'll tell you its alright. they used to tell you to not wear glasses on Dare Devil Dive but now they allow you to them now. It just kind of makes me so bewildered, one thing that I don't understand is why they allow you to wear glasses on Superman, the one ride where you MIGHT need to take your glasses off on. Six Flags needs to either ban glasses on all the rides or none of the rides. no more of this random chance.

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It seems like Mindbender has gotten faster as it has gotten older. I for one am glad that the trims / blocks kick in like they do. Untrimmed going into that last loop would have airtime galore, but then you'd be unconscious pulling into the station . Still one of the best rides ever to me (I've been riding it since it was new.)




I am quite glad that the trims were on otherwise, that loop would have been uncomfortable. but the downside is the lack of airtime.


I think the reason why it was on the day I went was due to the unseasonable heat, hopefully it won't be so bad in September


I do wonder though why the bottom of the horizontal loop has such a rattle? is it due to the waterfall making the track rust in that part of the ride or is it just because of the amount of Gs? I've been wondering that for quite some time.

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^ That 2nd horizontal loop has always been VERY forceful - I'm under the assumption it is from the G's.


I didn't realize they were tearing down the Batman arena! When I've gone this year I've been with my little guy and we haven't ventured into Gotham City as although he is only 3 - he wants to ride all of the big rides and gets upset that he isn't tall enough for Batman. He's just hit the 42" mark and I'm debating on taking him on Mindbender. Not because he would be scared (he is fearless,) but because of the super heavy g forces at the bottom of the "2nd loop - downward helix" and the last loop. Thoughts??


I'd love to see a Poison Ivy themed ride!



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When I've gone this year I've been with my little guy and we haven't ventured into Gotham City as although he is only 3 - he wants to ride all of the big rides and gets upset that he isn't tall enough for Batman. He's just hit the 42" mark and I'm debating on taking him on Mindbender. Not because he would be scared (he is fearless,) but because of the super heavy g forces at the bottom of the "2nd loop - downward helix" and the last loop. Thoughts??

The kid is tall enough and wants to ride and you're worried about some measly g-forces? What the hell kind of coaster dad are you?

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