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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Let me first start off by saying how beautiful and photogenic Twisted Cyclone is. I really don't think the layout will change much though. Even in the winter warm up videos on YouTube that have been posted, the communications manager still advertises it with only 10 airtime moments which it has always been. I can't see a third lap with no additional airtime hills unless some type of giant helix is being added. I know with its sister Wicked Cyclone a few of the hills were changed to outerbanked airtime hills but that was about it. I have noticed in some of the construction videos for TC where some of the ledgers just before the start of the lift hill tilts right side up, which appears to be an extra little hump in comparison to the animation. Either way I'm absolutely psyched for this ride and the new Coastal section as a whole!! As far as Scorcher, I say a few of us get together while the park is closed, bring a couple of paint sprayers, and give SF a lending hand. It looks absolutely gruesome now!

Yes, the new "Coastal" section theming is almost as exciting as the centerpiece Twisted Cyclone! Now the early teaser sign boards referencing Hurricane Harbor make a little more sense now! I hope they go all out with tropical (or more accurately, coastal Georgia) theming. The new Piedmont area should be interesting too.


I'm in love with this ride. I hope there are more palm trees in the coastal area than in the rendering. I also hope for a Universal Studios style themed cue presentation. The cue is indoors so that would be perfect. Maybe they can work out a lighting package too. What do you guys think about my proposals.



Atlanta is a little cold for palm trees, it's the south, but it does get freezing there in the winter (briefly).


I've seen hotels with palm tree landscaping in Metro Atlanta and they haven't died yet.

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I would propose like a fun house spinning tunnel with weather graphics of a hurricane theme. They can have a area with fog/ mist with a stranded car or destruction pieces of the aftermath or something that leads towards the storm like an emergency evaluation plan, or an interactive amaze dealing with the storm leading up to the roller coaster car. Then maybe set palm trees, road signs, fog, a tunnel, or destruction pieces around the track. Last they can have a speaker as you climbing the hill as a radio in the car stating to people you about to ride in the storm or something etc(like bizzaro in SFGA). Just give me extra track layout. I'm good. This is all imagination folks but I think will be cool.



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I would propose like a fun house spinning tunnel with weather graphics of a hurricane theme. They can have a area with fog/ mist with a stranded car or destruction pieces of the aftermath or something that leads towards the storm like an emergency evaluation plan, or an interactive amaze dealing with the storm leading up to the roller coaster car. Then maybe set palm trees, road signs, fog, a tunnel, or destruction pieces around the track. Last they can have a speaker as you climbing the hill as a radio in the car stating to people you about to ride in the storm or something etc(like bizzaro in SFGA). Just give me extra track layout. I'm good. This is all imagination folks but I think will be cool.

They said there would be a lighting package but I don't know what color.

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So, I got all excited planning my first ever trip to SFOG at the end up April, but then I realized the SF rarely ever opens their new coasters with the park. From those of you following Twisted Cyclone's construction closely, does it look at all possible it'll open before Memorial Day? Or is that the most likely outcome? Thanks!


Even following the construction from afar I can tell you, it is not going to open early. Especially a month early.

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So, I got all excited planning my first ever trip to SFOG at the end up April, but then I realized the SF rarely ever opens their new coasters with the park. From those of you following Twisted Cyclone's construction closely, does it look at all possible it'll open before Memorial Day? Or is that the most likely outcome? Thanks!


Even following the construction from afar I can tell you, it is not going to open early. Especially a month early.

It's on track.

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I was thinking the other day, with Six Flags over Georgia going the Carowinds route of making the park more state specific are they losing what they were essentially built up on . . . the six flags that ruled the area at some point? What would be the significance of the 6 flags if they are now not being represented in the park? Could it been just as easy to created ride names that fit the current themes?

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I was thinking the other day, with Six Flags over Georgia going the Carowinds route of making the park more state specific are they losing what they were essentially built up on . . . the six flags that ruled the area at some point? What would be the significance of the 6 flags if they are now not being represented in the park? Could it been just as easy to created ride names that fit the current themes?


Because it is the name of the company. While all three original parks have their original areas, very rarely have I seen them put in a ride that has the same theme/name as the area it is in. Everyone knows that is what Six Flags does, basically Six Flags is just a name at this point. (St. Louis lost the flags last year, and as far as I know only Over Texas has its original flags flying.)

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Here is a video from WWU showing the SFOG presentation and the construction tour.




Awesome video!!! If you go to about the 33 minute mark, you will actually hear Someone asking Gene (communications manager) about the additional feet added to TC. You can hear him say in the background that more turns were added to the ride....

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If anyone is hoping for a third lap to magically be added, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. The other RMCs have had some slight variations in the final product when compared to the renderings, and that’s all anyone should expect.


Exactly my thoughts. I'm just expecting some slight differences in banking/roll directions, things like that.

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If anyone is hoping for a third lap to magically be added, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. The other RMCs have had some slight variations in the final product when compared to the renderings, and that’s all anyone should expect.


Exactly my thoughts. I'm just expecting some slight differences in banking/roll directions, things like that.

He in fact said "there will be more turns". The only way for there to be more turns than in the animation is for the layout to include a third lap. CONFIRMED. PERIOD.

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If anyone is hoping for a third lap to magically be added, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. The other RMCs have had some slight variations in the final product when compared to the renderings, and that’s all anyone should expect.


Exactly my thoughts. I'm just expecting some slight differences in banking/roll directions, things like that.

He in fact said "there will be more turns". The only way for there to be more turns than in the animation is for the layout to include a third lap. CONFIRMED. PERIOD.


I'm not quite sure if you're being serious or not, but I want to respond anyway.


If they were including a third lap, why wouldn't they show it in the original animation? That makes no sense at all that they would leave out a a whole third of the layout from the animation.


Also, it is very possible to include more turns while still maintaining the layout shape. For example, the overbanked turn could be two "waves" like on Wicked Cyclone. Or maybe a double down instead of a typical airtime hill. Things like that.


You're welcome to believe what you want, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Drawing realistic conclusions based on logic is not the same as being negative.

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If anyone is hoping for a third lap to magically be added, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. The other RMCs have had some slight variations in the final product when compared to the renderings, and that’s all anyone should expect.


Exactly my thoughts. I'm just expecting some slight differences in banking/roll directions, things like that.

He in fact said "there will be more turns". The only way for there to be more turns than in the animation is for the layout to include a third lap. CONFIRMED. PERIOD.

I would also like to point out that the parts of he old third lap are painted and have the little wood blocks they lay the ledgers on before the nuts and bolts arrive. THIRD LAP!

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If anyone is hoping for a third lap to magically be added, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. The other RMCs have had some slight variations in the final product when compared to the renderings, and that’s all anyone should expect.


Exactly my thoughts. I'm just expecting some slight differences in banking/roll directions, things like that.

He in fact said "there will be more turns". The only way for there to be more turns than in the animation is for the layout to include a third lap. CONFIRMED. PERIOD.


I'm not quite sure if you're being serious or not, but I want to respond anyway.


If they were including a third lap, why wouldn't they show it in the original animation? That makes no sense at all that they would leave out a a whole third of the layout from the animation.


Also, it is very possible to include more turns while still maintaining the layout shape. For example, the overbanked turn could be two "waves" like on Wicked Cyclone. Or maybe a double down instead of a typical airtime hill. Things like that.


You're welcome to believe what you want, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Drawing realistic conclusions based on logic is not the same as being negative.

There are marks and wood blocks for holding ledgers on the old third lap. It's simple logic really. And yes, 'm being serious. No need for a low-key disrespectful comment like that.

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while i'm perfectly happy with what i think it's going to be (couple different banks, maybe a newly formed airtime hill with a touch of theming), if there was one extra thing i could add, it'd be for them to reprofile the turnaround over the lift. it's currently a not too steep hill, followed by a flattening out of said hill, into the turnaround. i think that they have a beautiful moment of crazy ejector air there that's simply going to be thrown away. turn the not too steep leadup hill into a twisting double up, turn the flat section into a dip so you get some ejector, and then possibly bank the turn a bit more to make it feel like you're going to fall out. really, this entire project looks fantastic, and retheming an entire area of the park is just the cherry on top

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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.

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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.


So let me get this straight. The communications directer announces 300 extra feet of track. He says they are adding things to the layout. He then says two months later they are adding turns. There are marked small blocks of wood placed recently(I know this because they aren't painted but they would be if they were already there because they used paint sprayers which can't pain fine details). RMC always places ledgers on small wood blocks as the bolts don't come until hey are almost ready for testing. Tracks are placed on ledgers. I spot these blocks in images on this board on the structure of the third lap. I am now a troll for coming to the logical conclusion that there will be a third lap. That's about as illogical as it gets!

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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.


So let me get this straight. The communications directer announces 300 extra feet of track. He says they are adding things to the layout. He then says two months later they are adding turns. There are marked small blocks of wood placed recently(I know this because they aren't painted but they would be if they were already there because they used paint sprayers which can't pain fine details). RMC always places ledgers on small wood blocks as the bolts don't come until hey are almost ready for testing. Tracks are placed on ledgers. I spot these blocks in images on this board on the structure of the third lap. I am now a troll for coming to the logical conclusion that there will be a third lap. That's about as illogical as it gets!


since there was a lot of information flying around saying that these mystery additions would add 300ft onto the ride length

300ft - 15ft for additional banking changes

285ft - 60ft in maneuver changes to add track to connect the airtime hill/turn to the helix


then we're left with 220ft of track left for the helix, that means that using the formula ((t/3.14=d)x6/5t)= helix, we can assume that said proposed helix would have a diameter of 70ft. This means that each 1/4 of the helix uses roughly 35ft of track to travel forward in the circle, and when we use the formula (220ft/4)-35ft, we are left with 35ft to adjust the angle of the turn (aka turning). Then after calculating the latitude based turns, we can figure out that to have a perfect circle, the train has to travel roughly 58ft to complete 1/4 of the helix. Therefore, based on the 232ft, which is over the projected 220ft added for the helix (but close enough), we can come to the conclusion that the width and "height" of the helix is roughly 2/3 the size of a baseball field, which is EXTREMELY small. Then, to go further, if we assume that the train is traveling 25mph throughout the helix, which is a fair assessment based off the animations, we can say for 25mph = 36 feet per second, meaning that 232ft/36ft= roughly 6.5. this means that if this hypothetical 220ft helix was added, it would add a mere 6.5 seconds onto the ride time, and that's not even adding in the extra speed gained from a coaster train which is much heavier than an everyday car used in the calculations. now let's ask ourselves, would six flags really invest all this extra money and time to add 6 seconds onto a ride that would not only kill the pacing, but increase maintenance, increase construction costs, push the construction deadline even further, and not provide anything to the ride experience. and that's not even including the fact that honestly, the attraction is stronger without it, and there's no marketability in having a helix vs. not having one. the answer to that is no. so therefore, you're wrong

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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.


So let me get this straight. The communications directer announces 300 extra feet of track. He says they are adding things to the layout. He then says two months later they are adding turns. There are marked small blocks of wood placed recently(I know this because they aren't painted but they would be if they were already there because they used paint sprayers which can't pain fine details). RMC always places ledgers on small wood blocks as the bolts don't come until hey are almost ready for testing. Tracks are placed on ledgers. I spot these blocks in images on this board on the structure of the third lap. I am now a troll for coming to the logical conclusion that there will be a third lap. That's about as illogical as it gets!


since there was a lot of information flying around saying that these mystery additions would add 300ft onto the ride length

300ft - 15ft for additional banking changes

285ft - 60ft in maneuver changes to add track to connect the airtime hill/turn to the helix


then we're left with 220ft of track left for the helix, that means that using the formula ((t/3.14=d)x6/5t)= helix, we can assume that said proposed helix would have a diameter of 70ft. This means that each 1/4 of the helix uses roughly 35ft of track to travel forward in the circle, and when we use the formula (220ft/4)-35ft, we are left with 35ft to adjust the angle of the turn (aka turning). Then after calculating the latitude based turns, we can figure out that to have a perfect circle, the train has to travel roughly 58ft to complete 1/4 of the helix. Therefore, based on the 232ft, which is over the projected 220ft added for the helix (but close enough), we can come to the conclusion that the width and "height" of the helix is roughly 2/3 the size of a baseball field, which is EXTREMELY small. Then, to go further, if we assume that the train is traveling 25mph throughout the helix, which is a fair assessment based off the animations, we can say for 25mph = 36 feet per second, meaning that 232ft/36ft= roughly 6.5. this means that if this hypothetical 220ft helix was added, it would add a mere 6.5 seconds onto the ride time, and that's not even adding in the extra speed gained from a coaster train which is much heavier than an everyday car used in the calculations. now let's ask ourselves, would six flags really invest all this extra money and time to add 6 seconds onto a ride that would not only kill the pacing, but increase maintenance, increase construction costs, push the construction deadline even further, and not provide anything to the ride experience. and that's not even including the fact that honestly, the attraction is stronger without it, and there's no marketability in having a helix vs. not having one. the answer to that is no. so therefore, you're wrong


You forgot to include the 30.ft reduction in height of the second turn. In fact, all of the structure (except the drop, break run, and station) has been lowered drastically. Using slope ( or half moon equation) we know these reductions in height should leave more than 150.ft, so you are wrong. Try again!

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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.


So let me get this straight. The communications directer announces 300 extra feet of track. He says they are adding things to the layout. He then says two months later they are adding turns. There are marked small blocks of wood placed recently(I know this because they aren't painted but they would be if they were already there because they used paint sprayers which can't pain fine details). RMC always places ledgers on small wood blocks as the bolts don't come until hey are almost ready for testing. Tracks are placed on ledgers. I spot these blocks in images on this board on the structure of the third lap. I am now a troll for coming to the logical conclusion that there will be a third lap. That's about as illogical as it gets!


since there was a lot of information flying around saying that these mystery additions would add 300ft onto the ride length

300ft - 15ft for additional banking changes

285ft - 60ft in maneuver changes to add track to connect the airtime hill/turn to the helix


then we're left with 220ft of track left for the helix, that means that using the formula ((t/3.14=d)x6/5t)= helix, we can assume that said proposed helix would have a diameter of 70ft. This means that each 1/4 of the helix uses roughly 35ft of track to travel forward in the circle, and when we use the formula (220ft/4)-35ft, we are left with 35ft to adjust the angle of the turn (aka turning). Then after calculating the latitude based turns, we can figure out that to have a perfect circle, the train has to travel roughly 58ft to complete 1/4 of the helix. Therefore, based on the 232ft, which is over the projected 220ft added for the helix (but close enough), we can come to the conclusion that the width and "height" of the helix is roughly 2/3 the size of a baseball field, which is EXTREMELY small. Then, to go further, if we assume that the train is traveling 25mph throughout the helix, which is a fair assessment based off the animations, we can say for 25mph = 36 feet per second, meaning that 232ft/36ft= roughly 6.5. this means that if this hypothetical 220ft helix was added, it would add a mere 6.5 seconds onto the ride time, and that's not even adding in the extra speed gained from a coaster train which is much heavier than an everyday car used in the calculations. now let's ask ourselves, would six flags really invest all this extra money and time to add 6 seconds onto a ride that would not only kill the pacing, but increase maintenance, increase construction costs, push the construction deadline even further, and not provide anything to the ride experience. and that's not even including the fact that honestly, the attraction is stronger without it, and there's no marketability in having a helix vs. not having one. the answer to that is no. so therefore, you're wrong


You forgot to include the 30.ft reduction in height of the second turn. In fact, all of the structure (except the drop, break run, and station) has been lowered drastically. Using slope ( or half moon equation) we know these reductions in height should leave more than 150.ft, so you are wrong. Try again!


i'm not sure what you're trying to say here. if the coaster was 100ft long, it goes to 400ft (under the +300ft notion that has been widely discussed), if the coaster is 2400ft, it goes to 2700ft. SFOG announced a length that i don't even know, as it has no bearing on the case i just made. no matter the height, length, or ride time of the previously announced RMC, if the ride receives an additional helix like you're claiming, it will be roughly 232ft long and will add about 6.5 seconds to the ride time. have fun trolling

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