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SFNO/Jazzland Discussion Thread

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The lighting in these pictures is absolutely gorgeous.


Perhaps he is trying to open Wild West World. All the other ones seem far too likely to open to have Mr Rogers involved.


I love the style pictures taken, they are HDR photos. You don't know tons of light to do these, just an tripod or a camera that does HDR photos inside the camera.


The one I like the most is the ferris wheel with the red sky. New Orleans has some amazing sunrises and sunsets.

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Perhaps he is trying to open Wild West World.


I think the chances of either one opening are pretty much the same.


Would it be worth opening anypark in this economy right now? I mean look at the last two brand new parks to open (WWW, HRP)

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  • 1 month later...



Four months after a Delaware bankruptcy court turned over responsibility for the former Six Flags theme park in eastern New Orleans to City Hall, the site's future remains unclear. Beyond making plans to hire a security firm to watch over the park, the outgoing mayoral administration has announced no public plans for the property.


A spokesman for the mayor's office said the site "remains a critical redevelopment priority for the city of New Orleans," but he did not respond to questions about plans for demolition or maintenance on the site or whether the city has been approached by or was entertaining potential buyers or lessors interested in the site or its equipment. With time winding down in Mayor Ray Nagin's administration, it is becoming less likely that any activity will happen at the site until Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu takes the reins at City Hall next month.


Six Flags terminated its lease with the city in December while undergoing bankruptcy reorganization. The termination agreement called for Six Flags to make a $3 million cash payment to the city. The company also must give New Orleans 25 percent of its net Katrina-related insurance proceeds for the site if the settlement exceeds $65 million.


"It's a highly valuable piece of real estate," City Council President Arnie Fielkow said. "It's imperative that the next administration work with private industry and the council with trying to identify a catalytic project that will spur positive development at that site. We cannot afford as a city to leave it as a blighted property."


The most recent action on the park, which never reopened after Hurricane Katrina, came in February when the City Council agreed to appropriate $240,000 to hire a security firm to patrol the site. The city must conduct a "competitive search" process to choose the security contractor. A firm has not been hired yet.


James Ross, a spokesman for the city, said New Orleans "is preparing the solicitation for a security contractor following the necessary appropriation by the City Council."


Last summer's buzz about plans for redeveloping the tourist attraction, once heralded as a catalyst for economic development in eastern New Orleans, has quieted.


New Orleans, however, still owes several million dollars on a $25.3 million loan it used to build the park through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 108 loan program. The first loan for $15 million was taken out in 1995 to build the original Jazzland Theme Park that preceded Six Flags. A second loan was taken out in 1998 when Six Flags took over the site.


Payments on the loan had been $2.4 million a year until 2017, with the city and Six Flags each paying a portion. When a judge proceeding over the bankruptcy of Six Flags agreed last year to terminate the company's lease and turn the property over to New Orleans, the city alone became responsible for that payment, which was reduced in August as part of a refinancing deal to take advantage of lower interest rates. Six Flags' outstanding lease agreement had been a barrier to plans to redevelop the site. But that is no longer an issue, and there still are no public proposals for the site.


"We need, as leaders, to start identifying some realistic and alternate opportunities for the Six Flags site," Fielkow said. Fielkow has been a champion of a developing a sports complex at the site, but he is careful to stress that that project, Big League Dreams, does not have to go on the site. Fielkow said at least two other sites in eastern New Orleans, including one adjacent to Six Flags, could become home to the complex. "The Big League Dreams project is still very viable, and it does not in any way need to fit on the Six Flags site. Finding the land for Big League Dreams is not an obstacle," Fielkow said. "What is challenging is ultimately finding the financial resources to build Big League Dreams." The Big League Dreams sports complex would require a $20 million to $25 million investment from the city and perhaps the state and federal governments. Fielkow said he has talked with Mayor-elect Mitch Landrieu about the project and plans to discuss it with him further after he takes office. In the meantime, Fielkow is working with state legislators to complete a feasibility study to determine whether the project would be a good fit in New Orleans. Financing for the study, about $100,000, was allocated during last year's legislative session, Sen. Ann Duplessis said. But the money has not been authorized. She expects the authorization to come within the next two weeks. The study could be completed by the end of the summer. "As with anything with the state, they don't move as fast as we would like them to move to finalize authorization for the use of the money," Duplessis said.


Southern Star Amusement, the company that made the biggest splash in its bid to control the park when it was linked for a few months to children's brand Nickelodeon, is still interested in purchasing the site, the company's president Danny Rogers said. "We're waiting for the new administration, quite frankly," Rogers said. "We really are still interested in it. We really hope the new administration will help us with it." Southern Star proposed spending more than $150 million to redevelop the park. In addition to renovating existing rides, the company's plan had called for adding new rides and several water-based attractions. In August, Nickelodeon, a division of media giant Viacom, agreed to lend its name, marketing strength and cachet to the park through a licensing agreement. But the company severed ties with Southern Star three months later shortly after Southern Star failed in its bid to request $100 million in Hurricane Katrina business development bonds from the State Bond Commission.

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A new developer is trying to reopen the park:


A Minnesota developer seeking to restore the former Six Flags Theme Park in eastern New Orleans has filed an application with the Industrial Development Board requesting preliminary approval of up to $200 million in bonds for the project.


In its application, 3 Wise Men Entertainment, Inc. said it wants the bonds to restore existing infrastructure and equipment in the former Six Flags park, which has not reopened since being damaged by flooding in August 2005.


The application will be reviewed by the IDB at its April 20 meeting. If the request is approved, the application will be considered by the State Bond Commission. Bond commission approval would allow the company to begin shopping for investors.


3 Wise Men Entertainment says it will restore "infrastructure, sewer, water, other utilities, building structures and existing park rides," among other things on the 150-acre site. The company's proposal also calls for the development of a "resort with a water park and additional theme rides."


According to the application, construction on the site would begin May 25 and conclude in late September 2011. The park would open Oct. 1, 2011 and produce 1,000 permanent full time jobs. The total projected budget for the project is $202 million.


3 Wise Men Entertainment became registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State's Office Thursday. The company's primary officer is listed as AB Moten Corporation, a Minnesota real estate development firm, whose chief executive officer Joseph Smith Jr., is listed as the applicant on the IDB application.

A telephone call to Smith went unreturned Thursday.


Although an overview of the application also says that the park "will be re-branded into a Nickelodeon Universe Theme park," a spokeswoman for the cable television giant and children's brand said the company has no plans to lend its name to the venture.


"We have no relationship with them and have no plans to develop with them," said Joanna Roses, a spokeswoman for Nickelodeon. "We have never met with them."


Roses said Nickelodeon has no plans to develop a theme park in New Orleans.


Nickelodeon, a division of the media giant Viacom, had agreed last year to lend its name, marketing strength and cachet to the park through a licensing agreement with Southern Star Amusement, another company seeking to develop it. But the parties parted ways in November because Southern Star failed to meet contractual requirements and deadlines, Nickelodeon said in a statement at the time.


Southern Star Amusement had been approved for $100 million in Hurricane Katrina business development bonds by the Industrial Development Board, but withdrew its request to the State Bond Commission after failing to post $500,000, or .5 percent amount of its bond request, with the state treasury before the development board met.



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I'm just so ready for this to just die.


I can tell you this, that property is not valuable, nor is it an attractive piece of land for opening something else. It's in an open area with nothing of any significance close by. There should never be any other theme park to open here, it just won't work. If any of the rides can be salvaged, Dixie Landin in Baton Rouge should be the recipient. They should just work something out, and send whatever possible over there, because at least that place could survive.


This is just absolutely ridiculous.

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This needs to stop.

I agree with stingrock23. The NO East area is beyond unstable. Sure, it's *somewhat* back. But in no way to support a theme park or resort complex. And the park sitting there idly whilst waiting for the support to be built is a total waste. If there's a park in NOLA, it would work best on Pontchartrain (maybe) or on the Westbank of the city somewhere. Otherwise, move anything salvageable over to BB/DL. They could use some spare Vekoma parts anytime of the year.


And PS, I caught wind from I can't remember who that Walmart has been communicating with NOEast representatives about building a store there. Could be good, ultimately bad. Ehhhhhhhh, c'est la vie.

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The Minnesota developer with plans to restore the former Six Flags Theme Park in eastern New Orleans has withdrawn its request to appear before the Industrial Development Board today to request preliminary approval of as much as $200 million in bonds for the project, according the board's administrator.


Plans to redevelop the shuttered Six Flags park in eastern New Orleans have foundered. 3 Wise Men Entertainment, a Baton Rouge company created by a Minneapolis real estate development firm, asked last week to be removed from the agenda the day after a news story was published announcing the company's plan to appear before the board.


In its application to the development board, which acts as the city's real estate arm, 3 Wise Men Entertainment. said it wanted the bonds to restore infrastructure and equipment in the former Six Flags park, which has not reopened since being damaged by Hurricane Katrina flooding in August 2005. Last summer two different redevelopment plans were bandied about for the shuttered park, but neither gained traction.


A telephone call to the company was not returned Monday.


In withdrawing from the meeting, 3 Wise Men said it may appear before the board at a later date, a spokeswoman for IDB said. The company's application was to be reviewed by the IDB at today's meeting. If the request had been approved, the application would have been considered by the State Bond Commission. Bond commission approval would allow the company to begin shopping for investors.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Six Flags has removed all of the rides and parts that it wanted, the major rides that are left can be rebuilt. The minor rides that are left for the most part are just junk. The reason Six Flags did not move the majors is it has a stock pile of rides of the type that are left and is not interested in spending the 8 to 12 million needed to restore them, let alone the millions to move them. The damage to the rides in some cases is minor and in others major. Six Flags did major damage to Mega Zeph by removing the trains, braking system, safety system and other parts they wanted. The storm also did it a job in 3 areas (that can be repaired) best case repair cost is 2.5 million but more like 3.5 now as time is the enemy here (this holds true for the whole park after almost 5 years) Zydeco Scream, Log Ride, Spillway Splashout, Jester, Dizzy Lizzy, Sky Coaster and the Big Easy can all be rebuilt. The building for the most part can also still be saved. As for the rest of the rides its just to late. But who knows maybe one or two of them may still have some life left. Repairing and rebuilding the park is still something that could be done. Adding a water park is also just a matter of time and money about 20 million to do it right as a start. The whole park can be saved and restored for around 80 to 100 million however there is no will in the City to get it done and less so with investors who look at New Orleans as a place that could go far, but just has to much red tape, crime and government corruption to ever invest in. The New Mayor and Police Chief may help to change the minds of investors, so for now all I can do is keep working to that end, and so I am still here, still working and still holding on to a small hope that a way can be found to save your park.


Failing that I am sure that the park will be torn down, and I will try and build a new park in Mississippi. If that is to be the parks fate then I will ask the City to allow my company to save the rides that can be saved so maybe the Mega Zeph will ride again. Time will tell.

All the Best




Looks like Danny Rogers hasn't given up yet... Now he wants to move the remaining salvageable rides from Six Flags New Orleans to a new park he plans to build in Mississippi in the event that he and Southern Star Amusements isn't able to re-open the park...

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Well, you have to give him credit for not giving up, even though he should have a long time ago.


A park in Mississippi is, in my opinion, worse than reopening one in New Orleans. Mississippi just doesn't have the population to support a park, and tourists who visit Mississippi don't go there to visit an amusement park. I know Jackson is a big town, but unless they tried to market the park to residents of Alabama, Tennessee, and Louisiana, I don't see how they will get enough people to visit. Even then it will be really difficult to find enough people to come visit.


If the park was small, maybe the size of Alabama Adventure at most, I might be able to see it have a chance of surviving, but even if it's that big, I see it struggling like Alabama Adventure did.


Then again, I think this is just another pipe dream of Danny's that will never see the light of day.

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Well, you have to give him credit for not giving up, even though he should have a long time ago.


I'm glad he's still at it. He's so entertaining. I wonder what he'll try next? A hostile takeover of Disney?

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This is really becoming a pathetic, sick joke.


First off, he is posting all of this information to a fan website, which has a mere 338 members. I am NOT knocking the website, in fact I'm all for it (and for fansites in general). This man needs to become a little bit better educated in the ways of "Public Relations", and perhaps, having a competent person proofread his messages BEFORE they are posted would be a good start!


The New Mayor and Police Chief may help to change the minds of investors, so for now all I can do is keep working to that end, and so I am still here, still working and still holding on to a small hope that a way can be found to save your park.


Once again, this man is seriously demented. He only wants to save "your" park. He has absolutely NO vested interested in what's going on there, except to try and make a buck. At one time he was claiming that the only thing holding things up was the "old" mayor, as the new mayor would make things happen.


Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.


Ahhh... NOT happening.



Failing that I am sure that the park will be torn down, and I will try and build a new park in Mississippi. If that is to be the parks fate then I will ask the City to allow my company to save the rides that can be saved so maybe the Mega Zeph will ride again. Time will tell.

All the Best





This just absofreakinlutely cracks me up! (Not to mention, AGAIN, that Danny Rogers has shown a complete LACK of grammatical skills!!! (Use a few commas, you moron!)) Am I the only one that gets the impression that Mr. Rogers thinks that if the fate of the park is doomed, that the city will just GIVE him the rides to go open a new park, in another state?? Or, even more of a joke - sell him the rides?? With what money?? Didn't HIS company (SSAI) FAIL to come up with a payment of sorts late last year of a mere $500,000, to continue the pursuit of securing "GO zone bonds" (Or something to that effect)??


Now, this is strictly *MY* opinion here below:


IF (and that's a big "IF" ) he were to open a new park in Mississippi, the ONLY logical thing that *I* could fathom would be some kind of place similar to Kemah Boardwalk, near one of the more popular gambling riverboat landings. I'm also talking about 3-5 rides, tops. That's about it. Not a bad idea, but not good either. As a few have stated before, Mississippi doesn't scream amusement park, either in population or general demographics.


Well, you have to give him credit for not giving up, even though he should have a long time ago.


I'm glad he's still at it. He's so entertaining. I wonder what he'll try next? A hostile takeover of Disney?


Why couldn't this have been posted before April 1st??? We could have ran with this so well!!


Oh well, I'm quite sure that Danny Rogers will still be selling his sad story next year as well. Maybe I'll still get it in time for a good April Fools day joke!!




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Well, you have to give him credit for not giving up, even though he should have a long time ago.


I'm glad he's still at it. He's so entertaining. I wonder what he'll try next? A hostile takeover of Disney?


Through extensive research I have uncovered Danny Rogers "Master Plan".


A new amusement park chain called "Danny Boy Fun Parks". The chain will consist of the following parks: SFNO, Hard Rock/Freestyle, SFKK, Fun Spot (Indiana) Williams Grove, Splendid China, Blue Diamond Park and Bushkill Park. All of these places are ready to thrive.


Future expansion may include Ghost Town in the Sky and Conneaut Lake Park as Mr. Rogers was upset that Legoland swooped in with hundreds of millions of dollars to pick up the Cypress Gardens property. Danny Boy Fun Parks was ever so close to securing financing on that one before it got away.


In a bit of humility, Mr. Rogers has conceded that bringing back Astroworld in Houston is beyond his means.


Sorry, I can't reveal my sources.

Edited by larrygator
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  • 2 weeks later...



There is always hope that some one with the money can be found. We (that is Southern Star) are still talking with a few folks who could make this happen. But I will tell you the truth its almost to late. The amount of damage is now reaching a point that the cost to save it will be more then just starting again. To that end we are now working on designing a new park in Mississippi where we do not have all the political problems, red tape and high crime rate to put up with.


Do I still hold hope that a way can be found to save the park YES! But it would take the City to just turn it over now with no conditions (other then us rebuilding it) and the city just lease it to us for a Dollar per paid admission with no less then a 50 year lease. If the City would do that I think we could raise the money to rebuild it. Failing that the park is a wash and its very unlikely to be saved. As no one in the industry wants the park other then us, investors are not interested in taking a chance with New Orleans after seeing what we went through with the City. It would take my company time to get this done and the park would not reopen till maybe 2012 at best. There are people who would back this move but only if the park was handed over as stated.


I have spent the last 3 years of my life doing every thing I could to save your park, far more then anyone else, and it is painful to me to see it go down like this. There are a number of people you can point fingers at but whats the use, nothing ever changes in the City Of New Orleans! I hope that the new Mayor can and will step up and do some thing to save the park, so far he has been to busy with more pressing problems but after the holidays I hope to talk with him about the park.


I and my company are willing to give it one last try as I still think we can save it. We are willing to join with who ever wants to help, failing that we are going to ask permission to remove the remaining rides so that at least they can be saved for future generations to enjoy in Mississippi right next door.

Thanks All



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