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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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Yeah but we have had Waitangi day (long weekend) ANZAC day (another long weekend) and Easter (5 day weekend) and this weekend is Queens Birthday weekend (3 day weekend with 6 day sales)


Zane “My birthday on Tuesday last day of sales“ williams

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Unfortunately, I won't be at Robb and Elissa's barbeque on Saturday, but I will be dealing roulette for the high school seniors during their after-prom party on Friday night.


And one lucky senior will drive away a BMW donated by the local BMW dealership. They do that every year. It's usually a few years old, but it's detailed and looks and runs like new.



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oh man, last night after I picked up my friend, we headed over to the Buckland Showcase. While on the main street waiting at a light, I look to the left and I see a van with spinners!. I pointed and said "Spinners!" and the lady in the passenger seat look at me in the van. Then she rolled down her window and told me that the spinner hub cab was a mistake.


First time I've ever seen spinners on a family mini van

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Headin' out to pay bills and get a late lunch. Being up all night working an after-prom party for the kids does that to you...


BTW, I hope that everyone who's going to Robb and Elissa's today has a great time. Wish I could've been there...



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Today, with some of my birthday cash, I got a new digital camcorder. Its one of those budget cameras, but its halfway decent. My only pet peeve is that the zoom sucks. Other than that, I got a lot for a cheap price ($97), it includes an MP3 player as well and Lithion Ion rechargeable batteries.


A good deal, if your local Target has this deal and if this is your first camera;



Oh, and that is my first camera. Still learning how to use it.

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