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The "Rant" Thread


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I have a HUGE RANT now!!!


*clears throat*


As most of u know.... I am a HUGE Robbie Williams fan, and today was pre-sale day for his tour. To qualify for pre-sales, you had to pay £25 (around $44) to join the "Inner Sanctum" section of his website. As a huge fan, I was quite happy to pay this as aswell as pre-sales you get a few other cool things, such as a t-shirt, exclusive songs ETC


So this morning, as some of u know, I was online bright and early and at 20 to 9 I managed to get into the ticket buying site. This was the 1st problem of the day, Everyone could get on early) 2 my surprise...I could ACTUALLY GO 2 One of the English Dates! Well I died, Called my friends as the tickets are slightly pricey for us students £50 ($87.50) When I got thru 2 her she was like do it! So When I got thru to pay my money the site crashed, I was frantically pressing refresh etc but no luck so I kept trying again and again and I couldnt get thru.


I switched to my Mums account and managed to get thru, I put my card details in and then it wouldnt process them! So Foned up the company, They said that my transaction had been unsuccessful!! So I tried to get on it again and the whole site had crashed.


Well, I was Hysterical! I was fuming! I had paid £25 for pre-sales and now ALOT of them r on EBay, when fans like me have no tickets!


Decided to call the press, as the website were still urging people to join, telling them they could get tickets!! So we called our local newspaper and spoke 2 a really nice man who said that there is a trading standard issue involved and if I dnt have tickets by tomorrow I have to call him back.


Im so annoyed because I have followed RW since I was a little girl when he was in take that and I get nothing! Ive paid £25 and got nothing!


Anyway, Just got an email from the site saying Ive to try back at half past 2. Keep ur fingers crossed for me!

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I HATE rain so much that you can't ever imagine. Last cloudless day I had was the first day of my England Trip (Oct. 2nd) I can't go out, and I feel so sad when it is so gray and wet outside. I am serious about moving to California some day, partly due to the weather. God damn it I hate rain so much, and I need to get some anger out


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i dont like people who are mean. im not talking about the sarcastic hardy har har "your retarded" kinda mean, im talking about people who are genuinely mean -ex. this kid at my school took this blind girls walking stick and threw it down the stairs, that kinda stuff makes me sad

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I'm pretty ticked off that my best friend is mad at me and I have no idea why. He isn't taking to me at all. So how am I supose to fix the problem if I don't know what it is!! Uggg... He needs to get over himself and just tell me what's freaking wrong!! And another thing I'm sick and Tired of always being the one who gives to everyone and I never get anything in return. Not even a simple thank you. Its like they expect me to give it to them. For Example: My friends didn't have any money so I gave the money to go eat. Well I had $60 and they gave me the change of $25 and I didn't get anything to eat! Then they got hungry agian so I gave them the rest only for them not to use it and I wanted to get something for myself but by the time they gave me the money back it was too late for me to buy anything. This was also my birthday money and I didn't get anything for myself.



Thanks for listening to me.



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i dont like people who are mean. im not talking about the sarcastic hardy har har "your retarded" kinda mean, im talking about people who are genuinely mean -ex. this kid at my school took this blind girls walking stick and threw it down the stairs, that kinda stuff makes me sad
man i so would have kicked his ass soooo freakin bad he would have NEVER done that shit again ever,too bad im 19 and not in school but then again maybe that's a good thing cause if someone ever did that around me they would be in the hospital for a month
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Meijer, Kroger, WalMart and any other store you like that you can think of. Each of them are always really crowded with such stupid people! They walk on the left side of the hall and just stop in the middle of a busy intersection, WTF IS THAT?? Also, you always get this high, f*cked up cashier with no customer service skills at all! These places are some of the ONLY THINGS that ever put me in a bad mood.


Another rant, specific to WalMart. This is by far the worst! The aisles are small and packed with disgusting people. the parking lot is always busy with plenty of questionable characters looking for a space and the list goes on. IS ALL THAT S*IT REALLY WORTH SAVING TWO DAMN DOLLARS ON SOMETHING???

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I hate my web design class. I'm just really crap at it and I don't know why. It's not difficult, I just don't have the right sort of brain. Expect there to be a "Help Louise With Her Web Design Coursework" thread very soon.

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Anybody remember themeparkbrochures.com ?


Well, I hate how the site now became one of those stupid spam sites. That site was always an interesting looksee once in a while.


I wonder if anybody knows the webmaster of that site. I really want the site back!

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