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The "Rant" Thread


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It also pisses me off when I travel somewhere and make plans to do something with an old friend, only for them to blow me off. And when I ask them about it, they just ignore it for a few months, only to message me later telling me how it's been so long since we've talked (still no acknowledgment). And after messaging them within 24 hours of the original message, I still haven't received anything back, and it's been a week later!


Sounds like one of my friends. Luckily, after dealing with a bunch of flakes, I never go anywhere without a "plan b" and "plan c". Plan A always is partying without friends, and if they show up that's fine. But that gets tiring after a while. After one of my friends flaked out on me, they called up a few months later like nothing happened. My response before they started into the conversation: "Who are you again?" Then I hung up. They got the point. That phrase works in text messages too if you need it. "Friends" like that are the ones you don't need.


It lastly, it pisses me off when I letter a friend pour their emotions out to me and try to give them advice for a week. However, once their issue is resolved, do they ask what's going on in my life? No. They even acknowledge when I've had a bad day, but don't even ask why.


Sounds very selfish of them.


My best friend calls me the gay Ann Landers because I get everyone wanting to tell me their problems. Years ago, that was fine. I was trying to be a good friend. Now I've gotten older and crankier, especially since no one wants to hear my problems. Now, I really don't care to hear them and it's really bad. I put the phone on speaker and let them talk while I play a game on the computer, saying "uh huh" every once in a while. I'll read a magazine or watch a video for some of my acquaintances tell me their drama. If I'm out drinking and someone wants to tell me their life story, I just tell them "Why don't you tell it to Oprah? I'm drinking." If it's a computer problem they're having, I tell them to "Take it to a shop or get a mac." and hang up on them.


But it took years of getting involved of that drama (or overextending myself for their sake) to have enough of it. So now most of them won't speak to me or will say a quick hi (imagine that) and I will keep walking. I like it that way. I got enough problems of my own to work on to be worried about theirs. But funny thing: now they are actually taking care of their problems since they don't have me to lean on. So I guess it's tough love I'm giving them.


Anyway my rant is how my exes keep calling me and get mad when I have other plans with people and don't break them. He said how hurt he was. I told him "I don't see a ring on this finger. Get over yourself."


Terry "Shouldn't have stopped drinking coffee 2 1/2 weeks before my 40th birthday" Weaver

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I just moved to the States and started my internship at a hospital. I like it, except for the fact that there is a guy who abuses his "authority" like no other. The guy is only 2 months older than I am, but treats me like a child simply because he has more 'experience' than I. And he is not even good! (I know more about the human body than he!) He's lazy, talks on his handy during work, and makes all of the interns do ridiculous things like park his car from one space to the other for no reason! I feel like I am wasting my time with him because the only 'medical' experience that I am getting from working at this hospital is not going insane from his immaturity. It seems there are some people who start getting BIG egos once even a little authority is handed to them. Ugh, this is very annoying.

Welcome to America. He won't be the last idiot you encounter.



Off topic.....yes, things that were funny a year ago don't necessarily have an expiration date on laughter.

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What about people who think they know how to manage your chronic disease better than you do? You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me what I am or not supposed to eat, when, how much, etc.


See, I have the disease. And I'm under a doctor's care (by the way, he's quite impressed with how well I'm taking care of myself).


So, kindly shut up and let me take care of me, please and thank you.



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What about people who think they know how to manage your chronic disease better than you do? You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me what I am or not supposed to eat, when, how much, etc.


See, I have the disease. And I'm under a doctor's care (by the way, he's quite impressed with how well I'm taking care of myself).


So, kindly shut up and let me take care of me, please and thank you.




I know the feeling

Suddenly everybody's a doctor or at least knows a better doctor who will certainly solve the problem immediately.

Some years ago, I came to a point to just shut up about it to certain people, just to avoid them to tell me again what to do and who to see.

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^This is why I leave my phone downstairs at night.


These sorts of antics are almost always followed up by another message, like "Hey, you didn't respond to my drunken voicemail I left at 3 AM"...yeah, can't imagine why that would be. Some people never get it.



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^Wish I could but with my disabled mom living by herself after my stepfather died, I can't really cut myself off in case of emergencies. But severely cursing out the culprit usually works wonders.


I'm a bit more lenient on the weekend, since I may be up running the streets at 4am; but I usually don't call anyone at that time unless we are in the same club and I can't find them or making sure they made it home.

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It seems that nobody knows the meaning of "Excuse me" at my school. There's this dude (not the other dudes I rant about) in my locker room who is always changing, like, in the middle of the aisle, and if you say this to him, he just stares at you and yells, "EXCUSE YOU, MOTHERF**KER!" -sigh- I hate what the society has done to people.


And I can't beat the level with the airplane in Urban Sniper. Dangit.

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I'm getting increasingly annoyed noticing the use of the expression 'I could care less' to describe when you don't care about something.




Because the expression should be 'I couldN'T care less'. If you could care less it would mean that you do care to some degree about something, and thus have the capability to care less for it.


I've already ranted about expressions that are incorrect once before, but this one is really starting to annoy me.

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Damn damn damn.

We'll be on a coastertrip in the Usa the second half of May and if we didn't have such a full schedule, we could have joined the filming on Ravine Flyer. We actually drive past Waldameer in the evening on our way to CW but on the filming day we'll be in CP and can't make it in time for the filming session.

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It amazes me what people leave as comments on YouTube.


"dude just shut the fuck up you fag go suck a dick"


What's with all the hate? It's everywhere! Why are people so mean? I'm not mad because this comment was directed at me, I'm mad because of the disrespect people have for one another. Can't we all just get along?

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"Because the expression should be 'I couldN'T care less'." (Purplepills)


You are absolutely right, and I know I've already ranted about that one. It falls on deaf ears. But I could care less...


Nowadays, I'm hearing more and more people end sentences with "and stuff like that." Very lazy way of speaking if you ask me.



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To add to the "phrases" rants, have you noticed the increasing amounts of "and such" that is being said?

People just seem to be throwing "and such" on the end of everything.

"Yeah, today I went shopping and such."


"I think when we're on vacation I'll do some surfing and such."


"I have to buy her birthday present. Teddy bear, gift certificate, birthday card, and such."



You know when you hear or say a word too many times and it starts sounding wrong, or stops making sense? That is what is happening to the word "such" for me. I now think it's gross and should only be used in a sentence such as: "The word should only be used in a sentence such as this"

Because "such as" makes more sense.

The usage of this term really bugs me. If you really feel the need to say something like that, try something more along the lines of:


Yeah, sorry I have no examples there.

You know why?

Because it is unnecessary and doesn't need to be thrown onto the end of every sentence. It really doesn't make you sound smart. It does the polar opposite, actually.


Sorry about the harshness of the rant. It really is more directed at one person I know in particular who throws "and such" on the end of most sentences that come out of his mouth to make himself sound clever.

It doesn't work.

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I'm getting increasingly annoyed noticing the use of the expression 'I could care less' to describe when you don't care about something.



Hahaha, the other day in spanish class, my teacher (A very large Puerto Rican) said that, and I was just like so you could still care some? And he was like huh? (My class is laid back so it's not weird for people to randomly jump into class conversations and just start talking.) And so I said something along the lines of, "Actually, you mean you couldn't care less, because you're trying to show that you have the least amount of care possible but by saying you could care less means that there's still some caring to be had." It made for a hilarious conversation.




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It amazes me what people leave as comments on YouTube.


"dude just shut the fudge up you fag go suck a dick"


What's with all the hate? It's everywhere! Why are people so mean?


I couldn't agree with you more. Especially when it's hate against a certain; race, country, and religion.


On a side note, booing another country's anthem is just plain awful!

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^ Yeah I know what you mean, although I don't have chicken pox. I'm in year 10, have done 2 GCSE's so far and I know I couldn't do with a week off school! But I am going to Australia and Fiji (hitting up some parks ) in October, so I'm gonna have to complete most of my coursework beforehand which will be hell as I will have loads by then!

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^ I get it in my e-mail, too. That's why I have a spam folder where that stuff automatically goes.


Keep in mind that any kind of spam---porn or otherwise---is done for one reason only: it makes money for whomever sends it out.



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