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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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  kewlcoasterdude said:
yes, really.


Why would they go back? They went four years without adding any worthy attractions. When they removed two of the flagship rides in the park, the GP probably thought the park was done.


You gotta give something for the folks to come back for, and CF failed in doing that. (talking the ride side, here)

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  coasterdude5 said:
  kewlcoasterdude said:
yes, really.


Why would they go back? They went four years without adding any worthy attractions. When they removed two of the flagship rides in the park, the GP probably thought the park was done.


You gotta give something for the folks to come back for, and CF failed in doing that. (talking the ride side, here)


But the Mega-Buck, ego-superior, vastly enormous Cedar Fair did give GL something!!!!!


A twenty dollar beanbag toss game probably jacked from some locals backyard! ! Oh, and how can i forget. They did buy toilet paper.

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Kind of sad to hear of a closure of a park with so much history. But I guess life moves on.


I'm glad I took a Sidetrip to the park during the TPR Midwest Trip. It really wasn't a bad little park. Would have been even better without those 2 rides missing. Dominator was a great ride, and the SLC was actually really fun as well.


Oh well, at least I can say I was there, and I did get a few credits.


Oh, Villian was horrible. Riding it was like someone punching you in the kidneys continuously. Ouch!


I doubt any of the rides will come to VF.. Certainly not El Dorado when they just took out a similar ride..


It is hard to believe they couldn't make the park work though..

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  denning said:
The other thing that this closing will do is hurt Cedar Point's platinum sales.


Not really. Most of CP's Platinum sales (going by previous Maxx Pass and Combo Pass sales) happen because people want a pass for both Soak City and Cedar Point. The Platinum Pass does not really cost anymore than the Combo Pass they used to sell a couple of years ago.

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If you had the decision of deciding where GL's remaining rides, (not just coasters) were to end up in the CF chain...where would they end up??


Where do you think they would fit in the best, and get good ridership?



Dominator - King's Dominion


Thunderhawk - Michigan's Adventure


Villain - Carowinds


Beaver Land Mine Ride - Gilroy Gardens


Texas Twister (Top Spin) - Cedar Point


Americana Ferris Wheel - King's Island (I think KI really needs one.)


Starfish - King's Island (Patrick-themed stick it in Nik Universe.)


Time Warp - Cedar Point

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  Chadley said:
If you had the decision of deciding where GL's remaining rides, (not just coasters) were to end up in the CF chain...where would they end up??


Where do you think they would fit in the best, and get good ridership?



Dominator - King's Dominion


Thunderhawk - Michigan's Adventure


Villain - Carowinds


Beaver Land Mine Ride - Gilroy Gardens


Texas Twister (Top Spin) - Cedar Point


Americana Ferris Wheel - King's Island (I think KI really needs one.)


Starfish - King's Island (Patrick-themed stick it in Nik Universe.)


Time Warp - Cedar Point

Dominator and Starfish and Thunderhawk- MIA

Villain-Dorney Park

Beaver Land Mine Ride and Head Spin- Valleyfair

Big Dipper- Carowinds

Texas Twister- Sell it or make it go to CP!

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Dominator - Warner Bros Movie World Australia, cos I want it there

Thunderhawk - Michigan's Adventure, poor Michigans Adventure

Villain - bottom of lake erie

Beaver Land Mine Ride - retain the name and send it to the playboy mansion

Big Dipper - leave it there if possible

Double Loop - Michigan's Adventure, crap is better than no coaster

Head Spin - Michigan's Adventure, who else wants a boomerang?

Raging Wolf Bobs - scattered into the wind after being reduced to ashes

Texas Twister (Top Spin) - Cedar Point, another flat for me to be too busy riding the coasters to bother with

Americana Ferris Wheel - Knott's Berry Farm, no, people might see Disneyland from the top and leave.

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For people who are going to say, "Well that went down fast, I knew that CF didn't decide this last week", Thunderhawk and Dominator were going to move no matter what happened, so this was probably planned during the summer to have those rides dismantled at the end of the season. The other rides you see are parts that could have very well be decided to get rid of last week.

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Rest in peace, old friend. You may be gone, but not forgotten...


  snorkymn said:

It is hard to believe they couldn't make the park work though..


You're right. It is hard to believe. I expect better from Cedar Fair. Or should I say, Cedar UnFair.

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Dominator- KD

Thunderhawk- MiA

Headspin- Carowinds

Villain- GA! Anything is better than Grizzly

Beaverland Mine Ride- VF

Big Dipper- Gilroy Gardens

Raging Wolf Bobs/Double Loop- scrapped

Texas Twister- CP

Time Warp- WoF

All other flats distributed between CW, and KBF or scrapped. Dorney and KI are left out because they got X-Flight/Steel Venom.

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