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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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Dominator - Cedar Point (I think it would be an excellent addition for CP's next coaster. It would finally get the riders and attention it deserves. If not Dominator, than another, new floorless. They are in need of another B&M)


Thunderhawk - MIA


Villain - Great America


Beaver Land Mine Ride - Scrap/Sell


Texas Twister (Top Spin) - Cedar Point or Sell


Americana Ferris Wheel - King's Island


Big Dipper - Scrap


Double Loop - Scrap/Sell


Time Warp - Scrap/Sell


RWB- Scrap


Head Spin - MIA

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^^Tell me about it.

It's so sad seeing coasters get taken down. This is like Astroworld demolition all over again.

Hey, just be happy that it would seem more coasters from GL will be relocated than Astroworld's. IMO, any of those Astroworld coasters that haven't been put up yet are as good as gone. *Maybe* the SLC will have a chance to survive, but my bets are on Ultra Twister and Batman never seeing riders again.



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The great thing about Geauga Lakes rides, is that many of them have been very well taken care of, even with the Six Flags maintenance, most of those rides ran pretty well.


I hate the fact Im speaking in past tense about Geauga Lake. This is going to hit me really hard one of these days.

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Okay, first I'd like to officially say that I send my thoughts out to the people affected by this. I know how important amusement parks are in most of our lives on this site, and I haven't experienced a park closing that I love, but I do know that it would be completely devastating.


If Valleyfair (My Home Park) closed down, I would seriously die. It's basically my home and it's my favorite place in the world. If all of the rides there we relocated and people started talking about "Ohh! We call dibs on this ride!" I would get so infuriated.


So in other words, I wish I could say it'll all be alright, but it probably won't. Something you GL fans just have to realize is that CF made this decision because they obviously thought that this would be best for the park, and even though all of you may not agree, and no matter how many petitions you start, you can save coasters, but IMO, I do not think you can save the park.

Really, though I would love to be proven wrong. Best of luck to all GL fans.

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If Valleyfair (My Home Park) closed down, I would seriously die.

Yeah, but what if you had Cedar Point an hour and a half to the west of you and Kennywood an hour an a half to the east?


Yeah, it sucks that GL is closing, I guess, but really, when you have those two parks on either side, what does GL really have to offer?


The only time I really was impressed with GL was the year Six Flags called it "Worlds of Adventure." The three-parks-in-one gimmick was really awesome! We had a great day going from the rides park, heading over to the animal part, and then cruising through the water park.


If Six Flags had been able to make that format WORK, I really think Cedar Point would have had some serious competition. But it just seems like SF gave up on it way too quickly.


Other than that, I never really was a fan of GL. It was a "half day park" at best. Big Dipper was "good" but it was far from my favorite "classic woodie."



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Okay, first I'd like to officially say that I send my thoughts out to the people affected by this. I know how important amusement parks are in most of our lives on this site, and I haven't experienced a park closing that I love, but I do know that it would be completely devastating.


If Valleyfair (My Home Park) closed down, I would seriously die. It's basically my home and it's my favorite place in the world. If all of the rides there we relocated and people started talking about "Ohh! We call dibs on this ride!" I would get so infuriated.


So in other words, I wish I could say it'll all be alright, but it probably won't. Something you GL fans just have to realize is that CF made this decision because they obviously thought that this would be best for the park, and even though all of you may not agree, and no matter how many petitions you start, you can save coasters, but IMO, I do not think you can save the park.

Really, though I would love to be proven wrong. Best of luck to all GL fans.

If Geauga Lake was in Florida or another hot southern state where it isn't sunny and 80 one day and 30 and snowing the other day...it would work.



Honestly...by this time next year, we'll see most of Wildwater Kingdom sitting in Soak City's parking lot waiting to be assembled.

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Honestly...by this time next year, we'll see most of Wildwater Kingdom sitting in Soak City's parking lot waiting to be assembled.

It's been a long time since Soak City got a new slide. That multi-colored tube complex and the Tornado would go GREAT at Cedar Point!



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^ I was at CP for 4 days, but I didn't care to visit the waterpark because its so neglected. It wasn't exactly "water weather" at the time, but a few cool slides could have made all the difference.


It turns out the there's a carbon copy of just about everything there at Dorney's Wildwater Kingdom, plus a lot of other kick-ass slides. I had a great time at that waterpark.

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Beaver Land Mine Ride - Gilroy Gardens

You do realize that Gilroy Gardnes already has a clone of this coaster in it's current collection, right?




But imagine, the worlds first dueling kid-coaster!

Dueling Beavers! new for 2008!


i give WildWater kingdom about 2 seasons before it meets mr. Wrecking ball, but then again, look how long the other waterpark has been sitting/rottingon GL's property.

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I really do think Kings Dominion would be the perfect park to send Dominator to. The capacity is really high, and it seems like the park could use a ride like that. Also, it's not launched. They haven't put in a traditional lift hill coaster in a while. It's also long compared to the park's other coasters, and it'll be one of the taller coasters in the park as well.


I agree with people who have said Michigan's Adventure would be good for both Thunderhawk and Head Spin. I don't know how likely that will be, but i imagine they'll get one of the two.

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With marketing, you can do anything. There are people among the GP who say that Infusion is better than Nemesis, and Cedar Fair could do the same thing with Thunderhawk. Give it a glossy new paint job, bring in some celebrities, add some simple water effects and you have a winner.

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With marketing, you can do anything. There are people among the GP who say that Infusion is better than Nemesis, and Cedar Fair could do the same thing with Thunderhawk. Give it a glossy new paint job, bring in some celebrities, add some simple water effects and you have a winner.


Also the newness to BPB is also a factor I think.


Most teenagers especially have this view that since a ride is over 10 years old it sucks, just cause they have ridden it so much



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^Maybe, but I doubt it due to building codes/safety concerns.


Now that the ride side is gone, I doubt the water side has that much time left. In fact, I wonder why CF didn't close the whole park down. I'd love to see Cedar Point rebuild soak city as it was really bad when I went in 2004. For comparison, SFKK's "old" water park looked about just as fun(I went when it was closed last year), and now the "new" water park looks really cool. If Cedar Point did the same with Soak City, then I might have a reason to go back to that slab of concrete. Soak City needs more slides, and Wild Water Kingdom has plenty.


Airtime-If Soak City built a Deluge type ride then even better-&Gravity

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I really hope that Dominator goes to KD. They desperately need a B&M. those ideas about it going to CP are ridiculous IMO because they just got a major coaster this year.


For Thunderhawk, MIA would be good. In fact, any park would be good for it.


I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned KBF or KGA for relocation options for any coasters yet.

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