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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Well, not saying this is what happened, but somebody mentioned something about a wheel assembly breaking loose, causing it to valley. Although this is very unlikely, as they have stated, it HAS happened... Just look at the Mindbender in Edmonton... that exact scenario took place.

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As this is a prototype I expect some delays before opening.


Hope they have it all fixed for my planned trip in September - but I will delay my booking until the ride is running smoothly for at least two weeks without problems.


I lately watched the documentary about Anton Schwarzkopf again were he stated that in ride construction you can't calculate everything, that you need long experience in how strong parts of the track and train have to be - always mockingly hinting at MBB who built an inverted coaster for the 1976 Oktoberfest which was scrap metal after 16 days.


But even Anton's Alpina-Bahn stalled mid-track as the wheels were too tight on the rails and the friction caused the train to stop - the ride had to partly taken apart and the train removed by a crane.

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As this is a prototype I expect some delays before opening.


How is this a prototype this is a Lifthill based coaster with 14 inversions manufacturers have been using chain lifts and making inversions for decades, their is nothing new about the Smiler beside it having 14 inversions which all of them have been done before. Yet Intamin get's creamed for creating 400+ foot coasters with never done before on a coaster hydraulic launches, 300+ foot lift hills with cable lifts if they don't work perfect every time, yet Gerstlauer has failed to get a coaster open using tried and proven tech and the excuse is it's a prototype

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^The trains are prototypes. It's definitely not uncommon for manufacturers to have hiccups when they introduce prototype ride vehicles (i.e. Battlestar Galactica, Timberliners)


At least no seats have fallen off of The Smiler yet. (as far as we know)

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They've removed all mention of it from their article now anyway and just say technical incident instead now.


After-Hours Incident:


TowersTimes understands that between the park closing on Thursday 23rd May and opening on Friday 24th, a further technical issue occurred during the ride's testing. This resulted in X Sector being closed to the public for the entire day so work could continue in preparing the ride for opening.


No details have been released by The Alton Towers Resort and references to the ride's opening date have now been removed from the official website. Due to the ongoing issues with the ride we suggest that if you are planning to visit solely to ride The Smiler, you should consult the official Alton Towers Resort website for further information on the ride's opening.


TowersTimes will continue to bring you more details as and when we hear them. Our Facebook page and community forum are great places to check for updates during this time.



Towerstimes aims to bring you the latest news, as it happens and in our effort to deliver events as they unfold, Towerstimes apologises for any inferences that may have been construed due to the original articles' wording. We aim to work with the resort to bring you the very latest on this ground-breaking and exciting ride

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Two big developments on site today.

1: Fences removed from entrance. Also according to Towers Times members the person in front of the entrance says that they are just finishing up for the opening Tomorrow.

Towers Times member J_Baggie.


2: The Smiler is added to the big queue board, although it still says closed it supports the claims that it could open tomorrow.


Towers Times member Lexie.


No official source has confirmed that the ride indeed opens tomorrow, so don't get to exited yet. But recent developments give the hint it's going to open soon.

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John Wardley is in the smiler building right now with his family, could be there for the first public ride, or just for a behind the scenes tour, either way it looks promising.

Edit: Staff on park are saying that the ride will be open tomorrow, still small chance of a soft opening this afternoon, but looks like tomorrow will be the first full day of operation. Glad they managed to stick to the "May 2013" opening, even if it is the last day in May. Just a shame they missed the original confirmed opening date of the 23rd. I'm sure it will have been worth the wait though.

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