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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

Came here with memories of the “66 days” they did with Thunderbird. Can’t believe I was still able to log in! Paula was always such a blast!  Anyone else think that maybe this new coaster is custom and has a water element? I even thought about a transportation ride too. Just s small transport from boulder canyon to the old pilgrims plunge location would significantly reduce the hike from that area of the park where splashing safari meets holiday world down to the heart of Thanksgiving which is kind of that Pilgrim's plunge location, and also near another entrance to Splashin Safari. This would tie in the Boulder Canyon/ Raging Rapids replacement.  Excited for tomorrow! 

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Also curious if anyone noticed that the story on the website of the gravy company tells the continuation of the story from gobblers getaway. Same family. Pizza instead of Turkey on Thanksgiving. I think we might have a gobblers getaway tie in…. Or a clue of maybe a new dark ride element on this new coaster?

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This is an incredible addition! I’m so happy for Holiday World, finally adding their sixth coaster (ninth if you count the massive and very expensive water coasters). It fills a glaring gap in their lineup and will definitely be a hit with kids. The theming is over the top in the best way and I know kids and their parents will love it! The renderings look gorgeous as well. 

On another note, in those renderings everything appears true to the park except for one thing. There is no Crow’s Nest swing next to Thunderbird in any of the renderings. This is probably not meant to mean anything, but I wondered if maybe it meant the end for that ride? Surely not, but I guess we never know. 

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  • 6 months later...

Hey y'all! My name is Kristen M and I'm a college student at Columbus State in Columbus, Ohio. I am getting ready to work on my final project for my Folklore class and I will be doing History of Holiday World. Besides asking employees/former employees, I plan on having a survey for passholders and guests to fill out for their own stories to share. 

I'm not sure where or how to post this but was wondering if anybody here would be interested in filling out a survey in 2 weeks?! Full credit is always given along with a short biography of the person I get a survey/interview from. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/12/2024 at 4:28 PM, KristenLeigh said:

Hey y'all! My name is Kristen M and I'm a college student at Columbus State in Columbus, Ohio. I am getting ready to work on my final project for my Folklore class and I will be doing History of Holiday World. Besides asking employees/former employees, I plan on having a survey for passholders and guests to fill out for their own stories to share. 

I'm not sure where or how to post this but was wondering if anybody here would be interested in filling out a survey in 2 weeks?! Full credit is always given along with a short biography of the person I get a survey/interview from. 

If you are still needing help I would be glad to help!

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  • 3 months later...

So, we decided on a bit of a whim to spend the day at the park yesterday. About a 3 hr 15 min drive for us each way, so we just did a day trip. We did not go to the water park this time since it had just opened and I suspected they wouldn't have everything going yet (that turned out to be accurate) and I also assumed the water would be fairly cold especially after the storms and  hail of the night before (not sure if that was correct but based on the frigid temps of the log flume, probably) Although from observations there did look to be plenty of people that gave it a go. 

Good Gravy is a very basic layout, as expected with a Vekoma family boomerang, but the theming and the queue are absolutely fabulous. Grandma's house is still decorated in all of it 60's mid century kitsch, including dark brown cabinets and orange countertops in the kitchen. If you're old enough you know what I'm talking about, lol. Even if you don't want to ride it, go through the queue.

Ops were still brushing the rust off. Really slow at Voyage but we saw a whole group being trained so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they just need to get a little more practice in. Although the Legend crew was rocking it.

All major rides going, no downtimes that I am aware of. In fact the only rides I saw not open were some of the slides in the water park as mentioned. Crowds were manageable. It was a good day.

Already had a couple shows running, the high dive show and a magic show that seemed to be geared toward kids.

Thanks to HW for having the EV chargers! Nice to get some free juice along with the parking, drinks, and sunscreen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if anyone else from here made it out, but Holiwood Nights was a great time this year! Rainy weather almost all day Saturday helped keep the day crowds away, and ERT for every ride was walk-on except Voyage which had about a 20 minute wait all night. Only got one Voyage night ride, but the countless Thunderbird and Legend rides made up for it. Good Gravy is super cute, especially the queue! Glad it was a part of ERT as I wouldn't want to wait more than 15 minutes for it, but glad there's a solid family coaster in the lineup now.

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