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S&S Launched Coaster Rising in Beijing

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That's a very nice vid indeed, looks great and I think there could be some hint of airtime even on that big turn. Can't be too far away from opening now.

Too bad TPR doesn't have lots of frequent asian contributors today that could give us some insights of how all these new rides are performing like when American, European and Australian rides opens up. (Love your work as always though, Dave)

Maybe TPR could do some membership recruiting on the next china trip

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That is a really odd layout, it almost looks like something a child playing RCT would come up with. It looks like a lot of fun, and if it rides more like Powder Keg than the other Thrust Air coasters, I think this could end up being a very fun ride. It looks like a great ride, but I just don't like the layout as it looks too unprofessional to me.


If you have Nolimits and Newton2, then this looks more like what a beginner (like myself) at using Newton2 would produce: forces are in check, there's heartlining, but for some reason it just doesn't have that "geometric beauty" that B&Ms have. However, there's no rule that says a ride's track can't curve at one rate and then all of a sudden start curving at a different rate.


I'm glad that the Chinese government is investing in the US by buying a ride from us

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it has opened. I rode it today.


There are trims on the big drop (actually, it's the first one) but they don't affect the train much. The wacky turn towards the end is pretty intense.


Actually, the whole ride is pretty intense - and pretty good.

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