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S&S Launched Coaster Rising in Beijing

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If this thing is rough it will be VERY rough, if this thing is smooth it will be awesome. I dont know, but there are many S&S launch coasters that people dont seem to like. The hypersonics were rough, I ave heard dodonpa is roughish, and ring racer blew up. Now, this coaster(probably) wont contain an air launch, and if it works this ride will be awesome. I just hope this ride will be like powderkeg and less like hypersonic.

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Well, considering Hypersonic used a completely different style of track and trains, and was developed an entire decade before this coaster...


And why don't you think this ride will utilize a compressed air launch, CJ? All of the other S&S launchers do (even Powder Keg)...it's kind of their trademark.

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This thing seriously looks like it came straight out of No Limits, banked airtime hill and everything. Looks pretty cool though and I'm glad to see S&S start building more of a variety of coasters.


Oh and banked airtime hills in theory shouldn't be any different g-force wise then a normal one. I'd be curious to check it out though because I don't think it's ever been done on a real coaster before.

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This ride looks nothing like Xcelerator, to be honest...


I can see some "similarities", but they are so far off it is not worth a comparison.


I agree. This coaster actually has some drops between the over banks, and the first element is quite a unique rendition of a top hat if I ever saw one. This ride looks cool for what it is!

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Oh and banked airtime hills in theory shouldn't be any different g-force wise then a normal one. I'd be curious to check it out though because I don't think it's ever been done on a real coaster before.


The Voyage has one near the beginning of its turnaround...it is really uncomfortable and awkward.


But I'm guessing the jackhammering the wooden coaster trains do on that part of the ride may have an effect on that. The element on this coaster might provide a completely different experience.

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I've even been on the Voyage multiple times and I completely forgot about that. It's not that big or anything though and like you said, it's probably less comfortable on a wooden coaster.


It really is kind of funny how this coaster looks like it could be a No Limits design though.

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I honestly don't see why S&S is not more popular with US themeparks, they are based out of the midwest and they make insanely fun looking coasters. Sure they've had problems in the past, but right now they are making, in my opinion, the most unique coasters.

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Ive seen lots of coasters with some wacky looking elements, but this is the first one I have seen in real life that looks like it was ENTIRELY designed by a little kid playing RCT...all of those turns and hills just look too wacky in those pictures lol

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