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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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This thing looks HUGE. Its larger in size than i thought it would be. You are going to see those hills from the parking lot clearly...makes for a nice view.


It's certainly not short. It all depends on what angle the photo is taken. Due to the steepness, some photos give the illusion of the lift hill being short.

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It doesnt look high...but maybe thats because Im immume to anything looking "tall" anymore, despite its type (woodie or steel). Voyager still looks taller but thats obviously due to there being more track feet of track making up the lift. More menacing supports too.


Cable lift should be interesting. The best part of the wooden coaster will be gone! No lift noise!

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With a cable lift, the only differences between it being an Intamin woodie and most steel coasters is that ET will have is that it has the steepest drop on a woodie, the second tallest woodie in America, and the first woodie (correct me of I'm wrong) to have a cable lift. Though, the capacity should be good because it is a short ride and estimated loading time

1 minute, 10 seconds. Even though the staff can be quite slow on some days.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Why are there only extra supports on one side?


The extra supports on the inside are most likely to give support for when the train is going through the turn at the top of the lift before the drop. Rolling Thunder has the same thing when it goes through the high speed turn. The weight is shifted into that direction needing the extra support.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the update. Its good to see they're still progressing on this ride, though it does seem to be at a very slow pace! Sorry, but I'm going to play the (Hop)Devil's Advocate here for a second. Saying a "Spring" opening is really sad considering other parks building wood coasters have an exact date of opening already. Spring goes all the way up thru June 20, so that's being pretty vague. Also, I've been reading the construction journal from time to time, and I have to laugh at their "progress". For the past 2 months its been sunny, unseasonably warm, and pretty much precipitation free, especially snow-wise, yet they claim they lose 1 day a week due to inclement weather. Apparently the firm GAd is using to build El Toro is PennDOT because if it takes them much longer to get that first drop complete, I may have to offer my assistance, or at least give them a motivational speech and/or more caffeine in their coffee.


Hopefully they're working in lots of areas at once and we won't really see much "visual progress" until all at once even though they've been doing stuff the entire time. I'm still leaning towards it not being opened until mid-June, and I say that with great sadness.


Whatever happened to the days when the brand new ride would open on opening day?! (especially when they plan, start clearing, sign for, and announce it a year+ in advance!)

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Apparently the firm GAd is using to build El Toro is PennDOT because if it takes them much longer to get that first drop complete, I may have to offer my assistance, or at least give them a motivational speech and/or more caffeine in their coffee.


Hopefully they're working in lots of areas at once and we won't really see much "visual progress" until all at once even though they've been doing stuff the entire time. I'm still leaning towards it not being opened until mid-June, and I say that with great sadness.


Whatever happened to the days when the brand new ride would open on opening day?! (especially when they plan, start clearing, sign for, and announce it a year+ in advance!)


LOL, being from NJ, I know what you mean


Actually, the 1st drop can't be started just yet or they could end up with a permanent crane in there. They have to build in a specific order to keep from getting boxed in.


As for when it opens, this IS NJ

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Thanks to our friends Wade and Diana over at http://www.gadvupdates.com/ we were able to bring you some construction photos from their behind the scenes tour this weekend.


Please be sure to check out their update, as well as all the other Six Flags Great Adventure information they have on the site, then have a look at some photos on TPR as well:





Thanks again Wade and Diana!



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Thanks for the update. Its good to see they're still progressing on this ride, though it does seem to be at a very slow pace! Sorry, but I'm going to play the (Hop)Devil's Advocate here for a second. Saying a "Spring" opening is really sad considering other parks building wood coasters have an exact date of opening already. Spring goes all the way up thru June 20, so that's being pretty vague. Also, I've been reading the construction journal from time to time, and I have to laugh at their "progress". For the past 2 months its been sunny, unseasonably warm, and pretty much precipitation free, especially snow-wise, yet they claim they lose 1 day a week due to inclement weather. Apparently the firm GAd is using to build El Toro is PennDOT because if it takes them much longer to get that first drop complete, I may have to offer my assistance, or at least give them a motivational speech and/or more caffeine in their coffee.


Hopefully they're working in lots of areas at once and we won't really see much "visual progress" until all at once even though they've been doing stuff the entire time. I'm still leaning towards it not being opened until mid-June, and I say that with great sadness.


Whatever happened to the days when the brand new ride would open on opening day?! (especially when they plan, start clearing, sign for, and announce it a year+ in advance!)


I'd agree, but then there's things like this that I didn't even think of. (Stealing my own post from CoasterSims.)


I was reading rec.roller-coaster, people were whining about the slowness of El Toro, and Coastin Steve came up with something I didn't hear while talking to any of the construction workers or engineers during the tours.


(Posted by Coastin Steve on rrc):


...But to

explain something about "WHY" the ride is so limited in it's progress


THEE main reason why progress is so limited at this point has to do

with the rides location.

Sandwiched between Rollng Thunder and the water that's there, very

much limits access to the area of the ride that's the farthest from the

main midway. As it turns out this is where the tallest section of the

ride is and where the monster cranes are required.

In order not to "trap" the buliding cranes back there, they must

hold off on doing any construction "in front" of them.

This is not speculaltion. This come from talking to SF engineers

when I've been there on construction tours.

I've been told that once the big crane work is done that construction

will be going on at many places on the ride all at once. (since they

can all be done with smalller, more mobile cranes)


The other factor for the bents they're woking on right now is the

height / number of pieces per bent. By the time they get a 180 ft

bent bolted together, get

them rigged to crane into position and then attach all of the cross

braces, 1 whole day is gone. This progress rate will go up markedly

once they're doing smaller bents.


Another note on progress availablity is weather based, but not in the

way your thinking. While the weather in this area has been

unseasonably warm, and it hasn't rained alot, it has been WINDY. 8-(

Try precision craning, over 100 ft off the ground in high winds....

NOT !!!

So, while the weather so far may seemed to have been good, in

effect it really hasn't 8-(


Another note on this particular coaster. There's not really that

many Intamin people on the job. Basically this coaster is an erector

set w/ directions that Intamin has made and sold to GrAdv. Its' more

the job of GrAdv and local contractors to put the thing together. Sure

there are Intamin advisers, butt basically it's being constructed by



When will it open ? Current guess says early May

(basically still too much to do and too many variables to get an

accurate time frame )


Coastin Steve


Mid June is a bit too pessimistic, especially with how construction speed has picked up. I agree that it sucks that it won't be ready for opening day, but they never were aiming for opening day for whatever reason, so keeping that in mind makes it less bothersome. if you look at the progress, how fast it's starting to get now that the coaster is getting lower to the ground, and if you pay attention to the little things (most of which you can't tell in pictures), you'd see how fast they really are going. This update showed a lot more of the little things that you usually have to see with your own eyes to understand how the coaster is probably at 35-40% done material-wise. (based on the 30% mark as stated in the construction journal and the work done since then.) Hopefully I'll be able to go to the next tour, I miss walking around the park in the cold.

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Thank you for the updated pic's, it's lovely to see a Woodie this size get pieced together so quickly.


I wonder if it will ride like "Colossos" at Heide Park.


When the "upstop" wheels hit the top of the hills they make quite a noise.


Let's hope its a Airtime filled ride for you lucky people living near the park.


We need one of these built in the UK soon, as saving up for a USA airfare is very money draining, but once at the park it's more than worth it.

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