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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Probably premature to speculate this early as it could even just be a website thing


Maybe, but to be honest it kind of makes sense. During HITP they did a good deal of deconstruction in that area. We all passed it off as routine winter maintenance but Canyon Blaster was sitting over by Superman and there was a lot of other activity that could be seen from the Skyway. Maybe it's not just routine winter maintenance...


Edited by coasterbill
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The state wouldn't allow it .




No actual source, just remember reading somewhere, I believe the great adventure history forums that they weren't allowed to do it / the state is a pain in the ass about it. I should have clarified that when I posted. I'd love to see them do it because looking down at the water on one of these would be amazing.

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^ I only asked because that whole "the state wouldn't allow it" thing gets tossed out quite a bit, and most of the time I don't buy it. At least not without an actual law cited to back it up (which no one can ever seem to produce).


And as far as BBNP - for HITP purposes it would definitely make sense for them to have a second kiddie area they can have open on that side of the park. There is definitely plenty of room around the JLBFM site where they can plop down a bunch of kiddie rides.

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There's no way they'd be allowed to build into the lake, like a tunnel for a roller coaster but having something swing over might have fewer restrictions. Either way, I don't foresee that happening. I don't think the grade of the land down into the lake really works for that. Swinging out over it only works in my mind when there's a pier-like structure or a steep drop.

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It's a long thin piece of land... it's honestly just screaming for a Giant Discovery but if they wanted to go this route it would be so much easier and cheaper (this is the operative phrase) to just build it parallel to the lake and not have to worry about any of this.

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I guess the biggest factor to consider when discussing building up that location is the impact it'd have to the primary viewing locations for fireworks displays. I always figured they'd put another structure up where the Grandstand used to be.

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The thing is the grandstand was used for the stunt shows, the fireworks were a secondary thing. I dont see them putting up a new seating structure just for fireworks. They only do them 2-3 times all year, you think they're gonna spend money on that?

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That makes sense, but I don't know, it feels weird if they were to move forward without a designated viewing area. I know they have the glorified cow pen up now around the area, I mean assuming they develop the land and add a ride in the manner we're thinking of.


I'm not really the kind of guy who goes to parks to see the fireworks, so I'm not really sure how other parks' setups are compared to what SFGAdv has/had. Maybe I'm overthinking it.

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The thing is the grandstand was used for the stunt shows, the fireworks were a secondary thing. I dont see them putting up a new seating structure just for fireworks. They only do them 2-3 times all year, you think they're gonna spend money on that?


Maybe the main street fireworks show during new years eve was a test to do it there from now on? Since like you said they only did them 3x during 4th of July weekend anyway. Here's a video in case anyone hasn't seen it



You said earlier this thread needed a jolt and it definitely got it with this information today lol

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That makes sense, but I don't know, it feels weird if they were to move forward without a designated viewing area. I know they have the glorified cow pen up now around the area, I mean assuming they develop the land and add a ride in the manner we're thinking of.


I'm not really the kind of guy who goes to parks to see the fireworks, so I'm not really sure how other parks' setups are compared to what SFGAdv has/had. Maybe I'm overthinking it.


I've been to Dorney for their Memorial Day fireworks, and they have no designated viewing area. They also keep the rides running while the fireworks show is running.

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^ I only asked because that whole "the state wouldn't allow it" thing gets tossed out quite a bit, and most of the time I don't buy it. At least not without an actual law cited to back it up (which no one can ever seem to produce).


I just saw someone on the Facebook group page post it as well, I probably just assumed it was true since I've seen it posted a few times.


I don't recall ever seeing or reading about one but has there ever been anything that went out over the lake?

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^ I only asked because that whole "the state wouldn't allow it" thing gets tossed out quite a bit, and most of the time I don't buy it. At least not without an actual law cited to back it up (which no one can ever seem to produce).


I just saw someone on the Facebook group page post it as well, I probably just assumed it was true since I've seen it posted a few times.


I don't recall ever seeing or reading about one but has there ever been anything that went out over the lake?


^Most of the people in that group are morons. I wouldn't read too far into it.

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On the topic of ranking Joker, I said sometime this past summer, and reiterating now that it is the second best coaster in the park. I think it's absolutely bonkers, and I love that I never get the same ride twice.


I was very ambivalent when it was first announced, but I'm so glad the park went this route. Now if only it were more reliable.

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I would honestly rank Joker below a lot of the coaster they have, it would probably be like


1: El Toro

2: Nitro

3: Skull Mountain

4: Runaway Mine Train

5:Dark Knight/Joker


I have to be in the mood to go on Joker, and I really only like the purple side.

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Personally still not a huge fan of Joker because every time I go on it I never seem to get full revolutions. Maybe it's just the luck of the draw. Would still rather go on Joker than Green Lantern, but I have no problem skipping it most times I go unless there's a teeny-tiny line.

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I love Joker! I wouldn't wait on a long line for it usually, but the S&S Free Spins are a great concept, and I hope to see longer ones in the future. Every ride is truly different, and even the rides with minimal flips are great, because it's still a weird feeling, and you can sometimes get airtime. Final Ranking:


1. El Toro

2. Nitro

3. Batman: The Ride

4. Bizarro

5. The Joker

6. Kingda Ka

7. Skull Mountain

8. Superman: Ultimate Flight

9. Runaway Mine Train

10. The Dark Knight Coaster

11. Harley Quinn's Crazy Train

(I'm not enough of a whore for Road Runner Railway, but I imagine it would be here.)

12. Green Lantern


Holy crap this is a good lineup. Kingda Ka just misses the top 5, and my beloved RMT (my favorite non-Disney mine train) is only at #9!

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1. El Toro

2. Nitro

3. The Joker

4. Batman: The Ride

5. Kingda Ka

6. Skull Mountain (back row)

7. Superman: Ultimate Flight

8. Bizarro

9. Runaway Mine Train

10. The Dark Knight Coaster

11. Harley Quinn's Crazy Train

12. Road Runner Railway

13. Green Lantern (Never will ride again)


NOTE....If The Chiller was still there, it would be #2!

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