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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Hey Guys! I had a very interesting day today at Great Adventure!


We entered the park right as they were letting people to the rides. We got one of the first on Nitro, in the front row. We then switched to the back row, where we got two more rides without getting off. The ride ops were great. Third train was back, and in service. The line moved much faster with all three


Then, we went over to Batman. Both trains were running, but the ride was stacking horribly. Maybe it was the lack of riders, but they sure were slow.


Skull Mountain was next. The ops were great and were running to check the restraints. Awesome job. The room was also pitch black, which is much different from last year. Both trains were running. Where did the third train go?


Next, we walked across the park and got a ride on Bizarro. Front row of course! There was no wait as they were running all three trains. The audio was working, but it only worked on one side of me.


Kingda Ka was next. We got a ride in the middle of the train. The line was incredibly short. Maybe 15 minutes. The orange train was INCREDIBLY rough, almost painful. Afterwards, we went back and rode again, except this time in the blue train which was much smoother. Kingda Ka was running all day without problems. (15 minutes for each ride)


Next, was Rolling Thunder. Both sides were running, but there was only one train on the left side. Operations were painfully slow. Also, the ride was in major need of a refurbishment. The blue train was missing multiple side covers and the ride just looked bad. The paint was peeling and fading. I rode on the right side. As we were about 3/4 of the way up the lift, the train stopped. After about a minute it started back up again. The ride was a little rattly and bumpy, but not too bad. I didn't get any airtime ;( (20 minute wait for 4 trains to dispatch)


Bizarro again? Of course! I rode Bizarro in the back and it was great. The ops were double stacking every single time. (15 minutes)


The park was getting crowded for the concert tonight, so we decided to head out. (Around 2)


On a side note: Green Lantern still has only two trains, but operations seemed to be much better than last time. They rarely stacked them. Superman and El Toro were both running two trains and were stacking terribly.


Ride Count: 10 in 3 hours

Nitro: 3

Batman: TR:1



Kingda Ka:2

Rolling Thunder:1

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I think rolling thunder just likes to crush your spine, and then rearrange your organs.

DAT TURNAROUND, after the third hill on the right side. I was like...wait for it, wait for it, OWWWW.


That turn re-arranged my organs, and when we hit another abrupt turn, they conveniently re-arranged back to where they should be.

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I just got an email from Six Flags telling me that tomorrow, May 4th, is coasters after dark. The park will be open to season pass holders only from 6-9pm. All the major coasters look too be operating.


I'm going. Who else will be there?

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^If that is any indication that the management will be turning away from cheesy cardboard superheros, I am all for it. The park was on a good path with the addition of Golden Kingdom and the El Toro area, then backtracked and did the Bizzaro revamp and added Green Lantern.

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I'm going on sunday for the first time ever...any tips?


Superman (If one train is running...its the longest line usually) then maybe Kingda Ka would be my first one to hit, El Toro's line seems to move fast. It seems in El Toro's station the front gets so busy but going towards the back of the station it's empty.

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It seems in El Toro's station the front gets so busy but going towards the back of the station it's empty.


Absolutely this. There is a garbage can about half way down the station, people think it's a powerful force-field that they can't pass.

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It seems in El Toro's station the front gets so busy but going towards the back of the station it's empty.


Absolutely this. There is a garbage can about half way down the station, people think it's a powerful force-field that they can't pass.


So true, forgot to add that and the fact that when you say excuse me to people by the trash can, they usually dont move

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Going to the park tomorrow for the first time this season. How are the crowds usually this time of year on a Friday?

Walk on usually never more than five minutes. Have fun.


Thank you! Than I will be able to get on all the coasters and few flats they have that I like.

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