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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I'm just kidding, I just logged onto my other account.

Ok... What's your birthday?

CPSFMMCW I believe you- that kinda sucks. I'm going to ask this guy a question only you would know.


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be creepy no worries. Just putting on the investigator hat for a moment.

Thanks for believing me. I do not know why on earth this is happening.

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Fellow TPR members, I am so sorry that you have to put up with this nonsense. Since he clearly has no intention of changing his username and photo or leaving, I would really appreciate it if you all would also send a request to have this guy banned. I have done so, and I would appreciate the support from you guys. Thanks.

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About what's new for Kings Dominion in 2015,(in my opinion), I believe Kings Dominion will receive a huge new coaster. Kings Dominion has had a pattern of receiving a new coaster exactly one year after Kings Island receives a new coaster for a while now. Here is the pattern:


New at Kings Island for 2005: Italian Job Stunt Track (Backlot Stunt Coaster). New at Kings Dominion for 2006: Italian Job Stunt Track (Backlot Stunt Coaster).


New at Kings Island for 2007: FireHawk. New at Kings Dominion for 2008: Dominator.


New at Kings Island for 2009: Diamondback. New at Kings Dominion for 2010: Intimidator 305.


New at Kings Island for 2014: Banshee. New at Kings Dominion for 2015: ??????????.


The only thing I have against my reasoning is that Carowinds is suppose to receive a new coaster, but Kings Dominion received Intimidator 305 the same year as Carowinds received Intimidator. If Kings Dominion does not receive a huge new coaster for 2015, I believe the second best possibility for 2015 would be an expansion and conversion of Water Works to Soak City.

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About what's new for Kings Dominion in 2015,(in my opinion), I believe Kings Dominion will receive a huge new coaster. Kings Dominion has had a pattern of receiving a new coaster exactly one year after Kings Island receives a new coaster for a while now. Here is the pattern:


New at Kings Island for 2005: Italian Job Stunt Track (Backlot Stunt Coaster). New at Kings Dominion for 2006: Italian Job Stunt Track (Backlot Stunt Coaster).


New at Kings Island for 2007: FireHawk. New at Kings Dominion for 2008: Dominator.


New at Kings Island for 2009: Diamondback. New at Kings Dominion for 2010: Intimidator 305.


New at Kings Island for 2014: Banshee. New at Kings Dominion for 2015: ??????????.


The only thing I have against my reasoning is that Carowinds is suppose to receive a new coaster, but Kings Dominion received Intimidator 305 the same year as Carowinds received Intimidator. If Kings Dominion does not receive a huge new coaster for 2015, I believe the second best possibility for 2015 would be an expansion and conversion of Water Works to Soak City.


This is not a pattern, it's just a coincidence. I wouldn't rely at all on this for future predictions.

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What about Kings Dominion adding in a winged roller coaster next year? That would be a good fit.


My prediction in terms of the name of the Wind Rider coaster if Kings Dominion were to get one next year, will be "Banshee" or something ending in "hawk"!

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Cedar Fair will likely be spending $30+ million on Carowinds' Giga coaster project next year. I am doubtful we'll see any other new coasters in the chain, unless you count a dark ride as a coaster. I do think it is very likely that KD will get a coaster in 2016 though. In 2015 I'd look for a waterpark upgrade in all likelihood. I could see that dark ride going to CP in 2015.

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Here's an idea: Perhaps Centurion is the name of the rumored KD WMG-type ride? Sounds similar to Wonder Mountain's Guardian, so that might work. As for Fury 325, that's obviously NOT going to KD (unless they want to be redundant?) and will certainly be a giga coaster, presumably at Carowinds.

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What about Kings Dominion adding in a winged roller coaster next year? That would be a good fit.


Hmm--based on my experiences with wing coasters, I certainly hope not.

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I honestly am not a fan of wing coasters (not joking). In 2012, I went to Six Flags Great America to ride X-Flight, when it was brand new, and It was kinda boring in my opinion. It wasn't scary at all, and it was just slow and kinda painful.

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At the current moment, I believe 2015 will bring more throwback/general park improvements throughout the park to keep celebrating the 40th along with a WaterWorks refurbishment with new paint, slides, attractions, and a rename to Soak City or a throwback to Hurricane Reef (the original name). I would like Dorney's name "Wildwater Kingdom" at Kings Dominion though, but I doubt it.

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Yes, Gatekeeper at Cedar Point looks awesome, but I've only ridden the X-Flight wing rider at Six Flags Great America and it wasn't my favorite coaster. I'm sure if they built one like Gatekeeper it would be good!

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Most KD fan site predictions are leaning toward 3 possible scenarios for 2015. None of them really revolve around a coaster for next year (maybe a 2016/2017 time frame for a coaster).


1) Possible continuation of the 40th anniversary celebration with 2-3 former flat rides making a comeback. Might include something like a new sky ride cable car system or maybe the return of the steam train [some sort of in-park transportation system].


2) Water park expansion and renovation. Seems like Cedar Fair is on a roll with multiple water park expansions/renovations over the last 2-3 seasons (Kings Island, Dorney, Carowinds).


3) Dark ride a la Guardian. Ouimet did say they were looking to expand this type of attraction across the park chain. Plus, KD did state the Volcano Mountain was undergoing a multi-year renovation. Whose to say that the park could not expand the mountain enough to house a dark ride attraction (though, it going to be interesting to see how they use any of the existing mountain structure with the volcano supports riddled through it).


I lean to one of the 3 possibilities above happening for next year. At this point and time, any of these could happen ... or none. Just fun to speculate.

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