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The Cruise Ship and Cruise Line Discussion Thread!

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Oh, and Costa released compensation. $14,500 per person who was on the ship. Thoughts? Too little? Too much?

I guess it depends on the person? If you were a local to the originating port, suffered little physical or mental damage, didn't bring much stuff with you on the ship, then it would be GREAT! But what if you traveled a far distance, on expensive plane tickets, wasn't a frequent cruiser, over-packed because you're not used to a trip like this, and this whole thing really freaked you out?


If we got $14,500 from a local cruise, that would be awesome! But if we were, let's say, doing an expensive Baltic cruise or something, I'd think I would be underwhelmed with the payout.

Edited by robbalvey
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^ This is pretty much what I was thinking. Also,if it had been an accident that was perhaps out of their hands (such as a rogue wave, or a fire started by a freak occurrence), then maybe it'd be easier to justify smaller compensation. However, we're talking about what seems to be complete negligence here, and that would be REALLY difficult to overlook had I been a passenger.

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If I wa the one getting to do some advising here I would tell the passangers to decline the first offer. In a situation like this where there was such a high degree of gross negligence I would bet that the settlement amount will increase with time.


That being said, I would be tempted to take the settlement, walk away from the whole damn mess and get just get on with my life.

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If I were the cruise line, I would give more to people with more expensive staterooms, reasoning that they more likely were either taking the trip of a lifetime or had more pricey things. That's not to say, however, that they should give less than the $14.5k to anyone, that seems like a good minimum amount.

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It will be interesting to see what kind of settlement they give to the families of the victims, I was reading somewhere that per some European maritime law there is only a maximum of around $75,000 that the owner is legally responsible for in the event of a death or a passenger. I have no idea how accurate that is but if it is it will be interesting to see if Costa compensates the families more than the the required amount.


The more I think about it 14K seem fairly reasonable, if it were a 21 night cruise on a high end luxury liner like Seabourn or SilverSea that would seem low but for a the majority crowd that was likely on that boat and survived with little trauma $14,000 is probably a pretty reasonable.

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If this means to every SINGLE passenger, then couples got a good deal! They would almost be getting $30,000! But if it were per stateroom, then it depends on the person. (Wording is kind of tricky, can anyone clarify?)


From my perspective (as junior in high school), $14,500 would be awesome for me! (Notice how they said even kids were being compensated, imagine a 5 year old getting that amount of money ) That could get me a really decent car & buy back my clothes! But for parents and adults, this could be underwhelming depending on what they brought. Especially since adults usually carry large wads of cash on cruises!



EDIT: Never mind, just read that the money is per person. So if you think about it, if you were traveling in a group of 3, you get $43,500!

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From my perspective (as junior in high school), $14,500 would be awesome for me! (Notice how they said even kids were being compensated, imagine a 5 year old getting that amount of money )


I would imagine the money would probably go to your parents if you're under 18. Still, though, if you have the sort of parents who would give you the money instead of keeping it, that is a lot of money.

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Did you sell your clothes to a pawn shop?


What...? If I lost my clothes in a cabin that's underwater, how would I have sold my clothes? Lol!! What I was saying is, as a high school student, I don't need extravagant clothing. $2,000 to $3,000 would certainly suffice buying a new wardrobe to replace what I lost (considering you didn't take your whole closet with you). I'm not buying my clothes at Lacoste here!


I would imagine the money would probably go to your parents if you're under 18. Still, though, if you have the sort of parents who would give you the money instead of keeping it, that is a lot of money.


Yeah that is very true. And I know, trust me! My parent's would put it towards college or my savings account.

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Random news from today...


- Concordia - Another body found. Brings total to 17.


- Carnival Fantasy - Man fell or jumped from the top of the atrium to the bottom...dead.


- Royal Caribbean sponsored excursion in St. Thomas sent 13 people to the hospital (only one major injury)


I have a feeling a lot of these 'smaller' cruise news stories will be in the mainstream news now!

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"Costa Concordia will take 10 months to be removed

The Costa Concordia cruise ship will take up to 10 months to removed from Italy's coast, according to officials, as rough seas off the Tuscan coast forced the suspension of recovery operations.


Officials called off both the start of operations to remove of 500,000 gallons of fuel and the search for people still missing after determining the Costa Concordia had moved an inch and a half over six hours, coupled with waves of more than three feet.


A 17th body, identified as Peruvian crew member Erika Soria Molina, was found Saturday. Sixteen crew and passengers remain listed as missing, with one body recovered from the ship not yet identified.


Officials have virtually ruled out finding anyone alive more than two weeks after the Costa Concordia hit a reef, but were reluctant to give a final death toll for the Jan. 13 disaster. The crash happened when the captain deviated from his planned route, creating a huge gash that capsized the ship. More than 4,200 people were on board.


"Our first goal was to find people alive," Franco Gabrielli, the national civil protection official in charge of the operation, told a daily briefing. "Now we have a single, big goal, and that is that this does not translate into an environmental disaster."


University of Florence professor Riccardo Fanti said the ship's movements could either be caused by the ship settling on its own weight, slipping deeper into the seabed, or both. He also could not rule out the ship's sliding along the seabed."


From the picture, the ship looks to have gone under water a bit more.


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From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/9047774/Costa-Concordia-will-take-10-months-to-be-removed.html


Even though this is a tragedy and there were lives lost, I find that the photos that have been taken are very interesting, and in a way beautiful.


Again this isn't something that you see every day. But amazing how poor (stupid) decisions can cause so much damage and loss.












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Erika Fani Soriamolina's body was found by divers on the sixth deck of the vessel wearing the ship's uniform but no life jacket.


Witnesses said Soriamolina had helped dozens of terrified passengers into lifeboats on the night of the disaster before giving the life jacket to an elderly man.


A tourism graduate, Soriamolina was working on only her third cruise on the Costa Concordia .


The recovery of the young woman's body ended a desperate search by her parents and sister Madeleine who were among the family members of passengers and crew waiting for news of their loved ones on Giglio.


On Saturday the body of a woman found several days ago was identified as German passenger Inge Shall.




A list of those confirmed dead or missing in the grounding of the cruise ship Costa Concordia off Italy. Italian officials released a list of the missing. Those not listed as crew are passengers.



Maria Dintrono, Italy, 30

Sandor Feher, Hungary, 38, crew

Horst Galle, Germany

Jeanne Gannard, France

Pierre Gregoire, France

Gabriele Grube, Germany

Guillermo Gual, Spain, 68

Egon Hoer, Germany

Giovanni Masia, Italy, 85

Thomas Alberto Costilla Mendoza, Peru, crew

Jean-Pierre Micheaud, France, 61

Erika Fani Soria Molina, Peru, 25, crew

Inge Schall, Germany

Francis Servil, France, 71

Luisa Antonia Virzi, Italy

Josef Werp, Germany


One other body has been recovered from the wreckage but not identified.


UNACCOUNTED FOR (List includes name of one body awaiting identification)

Dayana Arlotti, Italy

William M. Arlotti, Italy

Elisabeth Bauer, Germany

Michael M. Blemand, France

Christina Mathi Ganz, Germany

Norbert Josef Ganz, Germany

Girolamo Giuseppe, Italy, crew

Barbara Heil, United States

Gerald Heil, United States

Mylene Litzler, France

Margarethe Neth, Germany

Russel Terence Rebello, India, crew

Margrit Schroeter, Germany

Siglinde Stumpf, Germany

Maria Grazia Trecarichi, Italy

Brunhild Werp, Germany

Edited by robbalvey
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If this means to every SINGLE passenger, then couples got a good deal! They would almost be getting $30,000! But if it were per stateroom, then it depends on the person. (Wording is kind of tricky, can anyone clarify?)


From my perspective (as junior in high school), $14,500 would be awesome for me! (Notice how they said even kids were being compensated, imagine a 5 year old getting that amount of money ) That could get me a really decent car & buy back my clothes! But for parents and adults, this could be underwhelming depending on what they brought. Especially since adults usually carry large wads of cash on cruises!



EDIT: Never mind, just read that the money is per person. So if you think about it, if you were traveling in a group of 3, you get $43,500!


Pack your bags kids, WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! RIGHT AFTER THE SUPER BOWL of course cause I have tix.

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Erika Fani Soriamolina's body was found by divers on the sixth deck of the vessel wearing the ship's uniform but no life jacket.


Witnesses said Soriamolina had helped dozens of terrified passengers into lifeboats on the night of the disaster before giving the life jacket to an elderly man.


A tourism graduate, Soriamolina was working on only her third cruise on the Costa Concordia .


It's so sad to hear a story like this, when you have the captain of the ship tripping into a life boat and speeding away in a taxi.

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First of all, there’s a misspelled word in the headline. That should be “yourself.”


What's the issue there? I'm sure the ad had to go through corporate. Corporate is Carnival, and look who they cater to. So for them, "Youself" is correct grammar for their standard clientele!


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First of all, there’s a misspelled word in the headline. That should be “yourself.”


What's the issue there? I'm sure the ad had to go through corporate. Corporate is Carnival, and look who they cater to. So for them, "Youself" is correct grammar for their standard clientele!

Not surprising. This was a few pages back in this thread...


Saw this over on a cruise enthusiast message board and thought it was pretty funny. Apparently one of the Carnival ships just out of dry dock for some upgrades (including the Guy Fieri crap) has a ton of things misspelled all over!



This was just one example!


Oh Carnival!


Once again.... "Oh, Carnival!"

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The cruise industry can't seem to shake the bad news. About 200 passengers and crew have contracted the noro virus on two Princess cruises.


MIAMI (AP) – More than 200 passengers on two cruise ships headed to south Florida have been stricken with a gastrointestinal illness.


Officials with Princess Cruise Lines say two of its ships were struck with a norovirus that can cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain.


The Crown Princess returned from a seven-day cruise Saturday and was docked at Port Everglades. A total of 140 passengers and 18 crew members were affected by the illness.


The Ruby Princess is scheduled to dock Sunday morning. Cruise officials say another 81 passengers and nine crew members were affected on that ship.


Passengers set to embark this weekend have been notified that their departure will be delayed a few hours at least as the ships undergo further disinfection in Port Everglades.

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