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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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Had the Monkey Fist IPA the other day and am having the Old Man Winter right now.


While I'm not a huge fan of winter ales, I have to admit that the Southern Tier version is the best I've had so far. But then again, I could be prejudice because the brewery is right down the street from our house!


This version is much hoppier and darker than others that I have tasted. There are no figs, twigs or other crap that goes into some of the other seasonal beers.


3 types of hops, two malts and 7.0% APV = warm and happy people in coaster-less & snowy western NY!


Shipyard Monkey Fist IPA from Portland, ME...a sweet, yet bitter hop flavor.


Old Man Winter by Southern Tier Brewery (my favorite hometown brewery). Hoppy taste with dark, caramel undertones. This is the most anticipated of their seasonal releases for me. Still love their batches of Unearthly IPA the best though!

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Decided to open up this bottle (Jewbelation Reborn), and wow. 17 different malts, 17 different hops, and a whopping 17% ABV. One beer and I can feel it. I recommend the different Shmaltz beers to anyone looking for some delicious beer and shtick.



Shmaltz Brewing Company's He'Brew Jewbelation Reborn (17)



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^I still hate beer. At this point I'm doubting any potential to acquire a taste for it.


Currently quaffing a white zin courtesy of ol' Two Buck Chuck. (Charles Shaw, the quintessential cheap Trader Joe's wine.) Very smooth and tasty; just what I need after being unnecessarily keyed up all day.


Edit: haha, accidentally responded to a way older post! Previous poster disregard my ^.

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I sampled this chocolate porter concoction at Santa's Christmas Cabin at Knott's. First sip was pretty good, with a licorice aftertaste. But, like most flavored beers, it just tasted "watered down" after the first couple of sips.

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^^ I had a Sam Adams White Christmas two days ago from the sampler pack. I thought it was pretty good too.


Today I popped open a Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale and I made the whole family try it. Opinions were mixed on this one: my dad hated it, my sister thought it was interesting but couldn't have more than a few sips of it, my mom liked it, and I thought it was alright. It was like a stout and I couldn't really taste the raspberry, but could taste the pretzel and notes of chocolate.


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^^ I had a Sam Adams White Christmas two days ago from the sampler pack. I thought it was pretty good too.


Today I popped open a Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale and I made the whole family try it. Opinions were mixed on this one: my dad hated it, my sister thought it was interesting but couldn't have more than a few sips of it, my mom liked it, and I thought it was alright. It was like a stout and I couldn't really taste the raspberry, but could taste the pretzel and notes of chocolate.


I'm not into the "flavored" beers all that much. They usually taste good for the first sip or two, but seem "watered down" after that.


Enjoyed a nice Sierra Nevada Celebration at my niece's house yesterday.

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^^ I had a Sam Adams White Christmas two days ago from the sampler pack. I thought it was pretty good too.


Today I popped open a Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale and I made the whole family try it. Opinions were mixed on this one: my dad hated it, my sister thought it was interesting but couldn't have more than a few sips of it, my mom liked it, and I thought it was alright. It was like a stout and I couldn't really taste the raspberry, but could taste the pretzel and notes of chocolate.


Rogue Ales is generally a very good brewery, but the Voodoo Doughnut ales that they do are not at all good, at least not in my experience. I haven't tried this one, though, so there may be hope yet for them.

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^&^^ It wasn't bad or watered down, but I didn't like it enough to buy it again. I bought this one just for fun and to have everyone try it (I wouldn't want to drink a whole 22oz bottle by myself). I bought the Maple Bacon Voodoo Donut beer two years ago and also opened it on Christmas Day. I missed out on the Banana Peanut Butter one they did last year but saw it recently at World Market so I may buy it to try it. I like Rogue's beers in general and I'm glad they are having fun and trying new beers out even if they don't always turn out great.

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Sam Adam's Juniper IPA. Not a fan of this one. Still have another bottle so I'll give it another shot.


It's just not very good. Interesting, yes, but ultimately a failed experiment and easily the worst beer in this year's Sam Adams winter lineup. Old Fezziwig, on the other hand, is just plain fantastic and I wish I didn't have to drive into MA just to get standalone sixers and cases of it.

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^Never heard of that before but I may look into it.


This may not be the last beer I drink this year, but it will most likely be the last one I post on here this year.


New Belgium Brewing Accumulation White India Pale Ale


Happy New Years Everyone!



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