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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Given the legacy CF leadership team seems to have the upper hand at SF now, I could see Green Lantern potentially getting converted to a floorless and moved to SFDL. 

I don’t think it’s incredibly likely and I don’t know the dimensions off the top of my head without going to google maps to see if it would fit.  But, I could see them placing this at about a 45 degree angle in place of the go-carts, between Viper and Skyscreamer. The lift hill could easily go over the campground, which is oversized to begin with.

They really need a higher capacity ride to rebuild their somewhat tainted reputation from surrounding areas the past 2 decades. 

I was a rides supervisor/manager from 2009-2012 so I’ve always had a tendency to discuss “what-ifs” to turn the park around, and as this thread seems to continually illustrate, the improvements come in small, gradual doses.

On a separate and personal note, the removal of Grizz, Giant Wheel and Thunder Rapids was inevitable but quite a blow to the lineup, especially with the 1-train ops since my departure years ago. 

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Purely from the fit perspective, there are a number of parks in the new chain that would benefit from a relatively largescale floorless being moved in. I don't know about the future of Green Lantern though if it is removed. The ride is almost 30 and it has already been relocated. This puts it around the point where we have seen B&Ms need serious track work, if not straight up an entirely new track. Green Lantern has over 4,000 feet of track, so this would be a sizable investment for a Michigan's Adventure-Darien Lake level park despite it being a relocation. 

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^ I agree 100% and given the portfolio of parks, even if it did fit and the track was in decent enough shape, I don’t think this would be the park of choice. 

Dare to dream 🫠 I also have intentionally moved to areas around better parks so I don’t care that much tbh at this stage, but do wish the park my best. 

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On 10/30/2024 at 1:17 PM, 716coaster420 said:

Back to ME for a second (sorry I'm all over the place lol)...1 or both of the trains are either on the way or have been delivered.  Nice to see them taking care of this early🤘



Is there no evidence of track reprofiling as part of the refurbishment?

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My guess is no new Titan Track for Predator this year, but I am expecting another train for both Motocoaster and ROS.  I am not sure what track reprofiling is but I expect ME to run better just with the new vest style train

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On 10/30/2024 at 1:17 PM, 716coaster420 said:

Back to ME for a second (sorry I'm all over the place lol)...1 or both of the trains are either on the way or have been delivered.  Nice to see them taking care of this early🤘



Hey i have a sweater from my aunt sadie that should have arrived. Can you check the tracking for me?

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I forgot to say that Screamsçape is reporting the SFA is getting new trains for their Intamin hyper.  Could they ship their current trains to SFDL or could SF have ordered new trains for us too?

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When SFOG got new trains for Ninja/Blue Hawk they smoothed out some of the transitions by welding not replacing any track. I imagine if SFDL does anything to ME it will be that as well.



I forgot to say that Screamsçape is reporting the SFA is getting new trains for their Intamin hyper.  Could they ship their current trains to SFDL or could SF have ordered new trains for us too?

Isn't the current ROS train only like 9 years old? I doubt they would send SFA's to SFDL as they're probably at the end of their life span, but maybe they can part enough enough decent parts to go back to two train ops?

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^ Yeah I believe the new ROS train’s inaugural season was 2016 and that both the original red and blue trains retired after the 2015 season. When I worked at the park from 09-11, I recall that stress fractures found during NDT were often the reason why one train wasn’t ready to go at the start of the season. I’m sharing that because I think you are spot on that the SFA trains are at the end of their service life. Also, Darien Lake’s have the Dragster style T-bar and not the ankle shackles, so it’s not like they’d keep an original SFA train and ship Darien’s down as a second train. They’re different models. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/8/2025 at 1:38 PM, Doppel Looping said:

Hey i have a sweater from my aunt sadie that should have arrived. Can you check the tracking for me?

I've located it.  She said stop being a smartass and she will actually send it🤣😂

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1 hour ago, 716coaster420 said:

Anyone know if Predator is getting more Titan Track this season? 

I sure hope so as the parts they redid with Titan track over the last few years rode great!

I am wondering when the park will share an update of the Mind Eraser? A photo of the new trains would be better than nothing! :)

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