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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Wow, this thing is going up quick... I wish I knew if it was a roller coaster...


Can anyone get a shot of the skyline from outside the park?


Is this guy joking or for real? How can you not know its a roller coaster?


Methinks, the dude doth not get the joke.

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Wow, this thing is going up quick... I wish I knew if it was a roller coaster...


Can anyone get a shot of the skyline from outside the park?


Is this guy joking or for real? How can you not know its a roller coaster?

I think the question is are you joking? Tpr is full of sarcasm and humor. You just gotta get used to it. My first week I say full throttle and was like"wtf".




I still think it's a petting zoo with fire effects, along with a smokehouse next door.

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Teal, orange, purple, and yellow...what an interesting color combination these guys have dreamed up.
Sometimes, the oddest combinations work. Even if the colors do not mix, I would rather a park try to be colorful than pick drab colors.

Actually, the four colors do form something pretty close to a tetrad, a harmonious four-color combination. It's not exact but pretty close.


EDIT: http://paletton.com/#uid=74C1E0ktD++hR+wnR+XIY+VZBM+

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Lots of pictures from today. The ride is starting to look more like it will in its final form, all that's left is the zero-g and first half of the loop.





The trim and a very small amount of the heartline are up, but I imagine the heartline will be the last thing completed on the ride.












Someone from BGWfans was caught taking pictures in the employee area, and now there is a gate.


No additional work has been done on the bottom of the loop. As far as I can tell the third support structure has not been started, and if it has it hasn't gotten far.


But, significant work has been done on the back (front/whatever your preference) tower.




The ride can be seen from many places in the park, obviously being so tall and with its contrasting colors. This was taken next to Pompeii.


From the Festa Italia bridge. I really like the way the loop looks from this angle.


From Da Vinci Gardens. It's very visible from Verbolten's line as well, but by the time I got there it was dark so I don't have a picture. Thanks for looking at the update. Hopefully I'll have one more posted before the park closes for the season.

Edited by zachclarke2
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^Yes, the leaves on the trees should hide it pretty well from vantage points outside of Italy (much as they do Apollo's Chariot). The best views of the ride will be from the front parking lots.

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Those supports appear to be really close to the track. Any idea what type of car will run on this track? Was hoping it would be something you lay down on. We didnt get to Christmastown this year but we saw some of the clearing back during Howl O Scream.




It's a clone of superman ultimate flight at six flags discovery kingdom in California.

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