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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I think the coaster is suppose to be flipped the other way, so that the non inverting loop is on the left side, not the right. I could be wrong though. And I am excited for this addition, the superman clones seem like very good rides. And I'll argue that it IS marketable. Only backwards coaster in the state of virginia. There ya go.

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You don't need to break records to have a popular ride. If you can make people aware that you are building a new coaster, you are already marketing pretty well. When Cedar Point built Maverick, they didn't really break any records (that I know of), but lots of people will stand 2 hours in line to ride a new coaster. Busch Gardens is a pretty popular park, and more people will visit to ride this new attraction. So basically, you don't need records to market, you just need a new coaster.

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Completely loved BGW about five years ago...great theming, rides, atmosphere. Then they took out the "Wolf" and put in Verbolten. That was when I slowly started to loose interest. Now this, if it is true...come on man!


Jeez, and we wonder why enthusiasts get a bad rap at times. Verbolten is a a very fun, one of kind, coaster. Big Bad Wolf was literally tearing itself apart and BG:W replaced it with a similar thrilling all ages coaster but people still complain.

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I love this park and i'm still 50/50 on this addition. I feel like BGW is adding this coaster just for the sake of adding a coaster. In the past the Busch parks have been known for carefully planning out their big coaster additions, this just seems out of place. Now if it was a custom premier terrain coaster through the woods by Apollo's Chariot......

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I agree. I think it's great that BGW is getting a premier clone, as they are great, but it just doesn't seem like something BGW would do. They always put in great, custom, we'll themed coasters, but while a new coaster is a new coaster, I am a bit surprised that BGW would do this before a custom coaster (or a woodie). However, i am excited that they are getting a good clone.

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Completely loved BGW about five years ago...great theming, rides, atmosphere. Then they took out the "Wolf" and put in Verbolten. That was when I slowly started to loose interest. Now this, if it is true...come on man!


You're the WORST.


If true, I think this addition fits in Well to the BGE collection. Nice colors, and way way way better than a Boomerang or another Kiddie. If this was the footprint they were looking at, I think the only coaster that could even top this ride would be a Zacspin. I really hope for the dual loading station though for capacity's sake.

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Why are some people mad about this coaster being a clone? Were people complaining about Griffon back in '06 because of it's similarities to Sheikra?


3 Reasons:


1 - We have to complain about SOMETHING.

2 - We can't just be happy the park is adding an attraction.

3 - We know more about running an amusement park than the people that actually do!

Edited by DJeXeL
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Why are some people mad about this coaster being a clone? Were people complaining about Griffon back in '06 because of it's similarities to Sheikra?


3 Reasons:


1 - We have to complain about SOMETHING.

2 - We can't just be happy the park is adding an attraction.

3 - We know more about running an amusement park than the people that actually do!


Well it's not really a complaint, at least for me. I'm just saying this addition seems really Un-Busch Gardens like

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This type of ride is very fun actually! I think the only complaint people are having on this is because it's a clone, but the only other one in the U.S is across the country, I mean it's still a unique ride for now. Also I'm sure Bush Gardens will put its special touch on it and theme it pretty well. I think it's perfect for the park, it's thrilling and still a unique looking ride to the GP, and I assume many enthusiasts in the area haven't ridden Superman:Ultimate Flight at SFDK. I'm excited to see how it turns out!

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