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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Big crowds today at the park. The free drinks though were in little clear plastic cups (probably 8 oz) like you buy at the grocery store.

How are they distributed? Do they have self serve stations like HW does, or do you have to go to a drink stall?


Both. The former $1 drink stations are self serve but they will also give you a free soft drink at any food location. I am betting this stays in place for everyone next year not just pass holders.

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Big crowds today at the park. The free drinks though were in little clear plastic cups (probably 8 oz) like you buy at the grocery store.

How are they distributed? Do they have self serve stations like HW does, or do you have to go to a drink stall?


Both. The former $1 drink stations are self serve but they will also give you a free soft drink at any food location. I am betting this stays in place for everyone next year not just pass holders.

There was even a side window in the Hurricane Bay food court set up to handle free drinks. I don't think they would do free drinks for everyone in 2016-aside from a few select weekends-as that perk is being used to drive 2016 season pass sales, but for 2017 it would be a distinct possibility.

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Speaking of T3 I didn't know T3 had lighting on the tracks!


They added the lights, when the Fair was going on and the Park stayed open til 10.

i'm still trying to figure out why the lights on the Ferris wheel are not on?

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Speaking of T3 I didn't know T3 had lighting on the tracks!


They added the lights, when the Fair was going on and the Park stayed open til 10.

i'm still trying to figure out why the lights on the Ferris wheel are not on?

Someone working at the park once told me some electrical workings for the lights were fried.



Dropped into the Kingdom today. T3 was down for maintenance, but everything else in the dry-side of the park was running, including Mile High Falls. The window that broke was replaced with wood until they find a replacement. Considering I've seen the window on the other ride of it boarded-up before this happened, I don't think it was the first time that's happened this year either.


I was surprised to experience Cyclos pulling 6 complete flips (plus some stalls) on a full-load! The operator at the time said it was likely because the seats were balanced perfectly. The free drinks were, as expected, going very fast! There were clear plastic cups that had roughly the same amount of drink the original $1 cups did. If you wanna seen the process of it, I made a small instagram video of me grabbing a drink.


Regarding Storm Chaser, as others have stated, the height of the lift hill structure has definitely raised since the last time I saw it! It looks like it's gonna be a fast entry into the barrel roll for sure, very similar to Medusa. The rest of the structure around the ride was also being worked on, and plenty of Stella's side was still being removed.


Got into town from college the day before I visited the park, drove around the site a little to have a look.


20 extra feet has been added to the height!


A small panorama


Take note of the height difference between the lift hill, and where the roll will be.


Did somebody say "possible ejector?"



I hit the park the day after. Riding Fear Fall first-thing when I entered, I could easily see Storm Chaser's structure on the far end of the park. It's going to look great!


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^ The one at Beech Bend was amazing and seeing KK get a park-model version would be icing on the cake, especially since they already have a relationship with Zamperla due to the kiddie rides and Cyclos.


Something in the old spot of Top Eliminator Dragsters would work wonderfully as well, especially something that takes up only a slim strip of land (i.e. Intamin Impulse, S&S Free Spin, etc.).

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