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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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I would really hate to see Twisted Twins go. That coaster in my opinion was the best coaster in the park with the most airtime. If that coaster goes it would be like 2 more coasters leaving, and I'm also sure Ed Hart doesn't want to see any more COASTERS and RIDES leaving this park.


But anything could happen between now and the day the park opens. There's already been 1 or 2 changes already.


btw, it will be 5 coasters.


Thunder Run


Roller Skater

New Coaster For 2011?

Greezed Lightin (the ride will be moved to the other side of the park)

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its hasn't been fully confirmed about relocation or what ever, but Ed Hart did say he plans to keep all of the rides and coasters at the park a couple of months ago. Also, the Kentucky Kingdom Redevelopment Facebook Site had mention this coaster in one of their polls asking guest about their favorite attractions. All of the main attractions were including in the survey/poll such as Greezed Lighting, Giant Wheel, Thunder Run, Mile High Falls... but, twisted twins was not.




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That doesn't exactly mean Greezed Lightnin' is going to be relocated.


The ride has to be relocated to be in operation with the park. Remember, Ed Hart is given back 15 acres to the KFEC. Greezed Lighting is one of those rides that is located in the 15 acres. Every single ride on those acres will be relocated to the larger side of the park.


And Rob, I agree with you, but I'm sure Ed already knows. Greezed Lighting is like the finest Schwarzkopf left in my opinion.

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I just cannot get enough of Greezed Lightnin'! Me and my daughter love to get to the park early enough to just have our own personal ERT . If that ride were to go, so would we! But there's no way KK would part with that coaster.

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I would certainly put in a vote for the Schwarzkopf for those of you who want a shot at seeing more than one of these rides operating in the USA!





I haven't been on one of these since King Kobra at KD in the early 80's. That was my first looping coaster and I remember both loving and being frightened by it!

I agree the new coaster (if they end up getting one) will probably not be something too spectacular. I'd like to see a spinning mouse or one of the smaller EuroFighter models (they're all the rage in the US now!). As was mentioned earlier, maybe the park can get Led Zeppelin/Time Machine (which I never rode).

Not to get too off topic, but the reviews for LZ/TM were pretty mediocre. Could there be anything done to spruce it up if it were to be relocated to KK (or some other park)?

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Greezed Lightning is winning by a long shot! Shuttle loops are just plain fun, plus this particular coaster has some sentimental value for me as it was one of my first looping coasters back at Six Flags Over Georgia as Viper. Every time I ride Superman, I think about when Viper was in that place and I become a little sad, but that's beside the point.

I'm glad that Greezed Lightning is getting so much attention!

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With the prospect of the former Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom to be reopened this Memorial Day 2011, I might consider visiting this park as my first stop as I head out west towards Holiday World and Indiana Beach on my 2011 summer vacation (if I do decide to go west at all: I'm still deciding if I should go south to Florida or should I go east, then north to Ocean City - alas, only I can make that decision). To me, Kentucky Kingdom was an unique park that had a small section and a larger section connected by a bridge.


But there are two drawbacks: 1)I've been burnt before when some corperation was planning to reopen the once-flooded Six Flags New Orleans (a park I got to visit a year before Hurricane Katrina), and the plan never came to fruition. I fear the same thing might happen to Kentucky Kingdom.


2) Now let's suppose that Kentucky Kingdom does open up on Memorial Weekend 2011 and I do decide to go west this summer. What rides will they have running? Greezed Lighting will always be a must ride to me (one request, please no brakes when the train is traveling backwards into the station and heading up the incline in the back) , and I'm sure that Thunder Road will still be there (hey, it's a triple out and back coaster!), and I'm sure the water park area and a variety of flat rides will still be there. But Chang has gone to Six Flags Great Adventure and Twisted Twin should be torn down and rebuilt into something exciting (Bonfire, the ride), but that's okay for I never cared for any of those rides. Perhaps the new owners can surprise us and actually make this park even better than before (Okay, so I'm a hopeless optimistic. So sue me!)!!!


But all of that is just pure speculation and my summer vacation of 2011 is still far off. All I can do is keep up to date with the comings and goings and maybe (just maybe) I'll be heading to Louisville, Kentucky again.


"Gee Whiz, after all that typing and putting in all those codes and stuff, you need to lie down!"

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Also remember that the supports are rusted, track is broken in a lot of places, and the trains are many miles away in the hands of Six Flags. To retrack... no, refurbish Twisted Twins, they'll need a lot more money than they're spending now.

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Also remember that the supports are rusted, track is broken in a lot of places, and the trains are many miles away in the hands of Six Flags. To retrack... no, refurbish Twisted Twins, they'll need a lot more money than they're spending now.


Do you think Twisted Twins would have 100% retracking and 100% new sturcture if the ride never went SBNO? it only been about 3 years now since this ride has been closed. In my opinion, none of us actually knows what the twins looks like up close. You got to get behind the gates/fence for that. I don't think the ride highly needs restructuring, but it does need alot of retracking. This ride however doesn't need those prototype trains that are at SFSTL.


Most people is making it seem like this ride been closed for decades, buts its been 2-3 years... just saying.

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There is no way for us to know the exact condition of Twisted Twins. There is a LOT more that goes into determining the structural integrety than a quick visual inspection as you drive by. Only the park owners and those directly involved with its restoration know the answer to this.


Let's please move this discussion on past the condition of Twisted Twins now.


Thanks you.



Edited by ernierocker
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^^Then you my friend need to drive in this exact location to have a look for yourself, or just look at it though street view.


I drive on C.Drive everyday. The structure still looks the same since the ride close. On street view, that photo was taken in the summer of 2007 which was when the ride was operating.


I'm not positive what structure you are looking at, but in any case, retracking this ride would practically be a waste of money for Hart. There are many other places to spend of upwards of $1.5 million.


That figure would be for only the immense amount of work that would have to be done to the track. It doesn't count the money required to get all pneumatics and mechanical functions opperational, purchase new trains (even more money if you want them to run anywhere near smoothly), and extensive cleaning that has to take place on the ground.


I've seen the structure and I for one do not feel that it is suitable in the pull-outs of the drops, however, if it is structurally sound, that is the only part of the ride that is capable of being retained. Overall, I think it would be a major mistake to waste millions of dollars on a ride that doesn't provide the thrills that a couple million dollars more would buy.

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