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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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T3 still didn't track well despite the new trains when I rode it last year. It was still lightyears better than most SLCs solely because of there not being headbanging, but it still wasn't popular with most people. We saw Morey's completely fix the Great Nor'Easter, but that was a $5 million renovation.


Six Flags has added topper track to some of their woodies only to give them the I-box conversion a few years later, so it's not unprecedented for a park to invest money in fixing a ride only to go an entirely different route a few years later.

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I was going to make a joke about them replacing T3 with Dueling Dragons/Dragon challenge. However I just read a post on Facebook of someone serious about wanting them there and even messaging the park and decided to share their screenshot instead....lol


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I'm not gonna lie...If Kentucky Kingdom were to land Dueling Dragons, that WOULD kick wholesale ass. Those were some fun coasters, and it'd bring back the dueling aspect that was lost when Twins were converted to Storm Chaser. Plus, given they're slightly older the park could probably land them relatively cheaply as well. That'd be a W in my book. Plus, depending on what they spend on those they may still be able to invest in something such as a hyper for '19 or '20. Even if they were to simply get one out of the two coasters, it'd still be a massive upgrade for T3 at not a lot of money...again, relatively speaking.


All that being said, that sounds rather fantastical to me still. I'm still not of the opinion they're replacing T3 at all, but looking to add something.

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I was going to make a joke about them replacing T3 with Dueling Dragons/Dragon challenge. However I just read a post on Facebook of someone serious about wanting them there and even messaging the park and decided to share their screenshot instead....lol




Wow. And he probably has no clue how ignorant he made himself look.

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It's not the most outrageous idea ever. Ed Hart tried to by the then SBNO "Time Machine" Coaster for that park in South Carolina to have for when Kentucky Kingdom first re-opened, and went with Lighting Run once he was outbid for "Time Machine" by I believe a new park in Vietnam. Moral of the story: Buying a popular used coaster isn't a completely foreign idea to Hart. Especially if he's shooting for a B&M. It'd be a way for him to get one for a fraction of the cost, and those coasters aren't necessarily being removed due to a lack of popularity but because Universal is going all in on the Harry Potter theming in that section of the park and those dragons don't fit that.


Do I think it's going to happen? Not really, no. I'd be dumbfounded if it did. Do I think it's a completely ridiculous of an idea, and thus we should mock this guy for mentioning it at all? Not really, no.

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Like I said, I'm not necessarily a firm believer that it's going to happen by any means. I've stated several times that I'd be about as shocked as anyone if it DID happen. I'm merely pointing out it's not out of the realm of how Ed Hart operates for him to try and buy a used B&M Coaster for his park, and those two would fit the bill. Universal probably has little interest in selling, and they'll likely end up scrapped. That's not to say however, that the idea isn't competely off base and out of the ballpark and realm of possibility and it's not inconceivable for things to change if Hart were to make the right offer. Money, afterall, talks and a park like Kentucky Kingdom is not, has never been, nor will ever be a threat to Universal in any way.


Anyhow, I'm really only interested in chatting about the possibilities overall because for me it's waaaaaaaaaaaay more interesting than the endless "What will lines be like?" and "I went to the park and here are MY thoughts..." posts that fill up this forum on a regular basis. Lol, I don't know what lines will be like on a particular date, and I really don't care what YOUR thoughts are on the park.

Edited by larrygator
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If KK wants a B&M, we (GAdv) will give you Chang back for 3 bags of Skittles, night lights for the Golden Kingdom and 10mins of work from one of your employees to open the gates to our fenced-off dead ends in Old Country and the Golden Kingdom. The number of Skittles are negotiable.

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Wait... so people are really speculating that the newly refurbished T3 will be replaced with a new hyper coaster? There are some very creative minds around here.


I'm honestly thinking the markers are for the water park the way they go from T3 all the way over to Deep Water Dive area.

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In this particular context, I suspect "Last Rides" merely means last rides for the year, not that they're removing any coasters or any other rides (T3 in particular).


October 1st is the last day of their operating season.

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