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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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LR runs both trains on weekends, but with recent issues with the purple train it may drop to 1 for a bit. T3 will get a second train eventually, and Thunder Run doesn't slow down enough to stop its train from slightly entering the station.


You could easily spend 4 hours in the park only riding major rides (LR, Thunder Run, FearFall, Cyclos, maybe some more flats), and probably a little over 5 if you include T3. Though, I understand if you wouldn't want to pay day admission to do only those... which is another reason why I would very-highly recommend including the water park in a visit.

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I forgot to mention the other day when I went to the park, the Greezed Lightnin' trains are still at the park. Not sure if I saw them from Cyclos or Fearfall, but regardless the trains are still there. What are they even doing with them?

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Btw KK has the 2nd train for T3 but in order to run it they would have to close it, And test......., then get state approval.

Well, T3 is closed while they wait for the new part to arrive... Maybe once they get the part they can get the approval for the 2nd train and have it running 2 trains by the time it reopens

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^Thanks for the input!


I was wondering if they would ever get a 2nd train (and accompanying safety system) for Thunder Run. I remember waiting in a slow line years ago.



In short, the cost is too high too add a second train. It would require structure modification to final brake run to support the addition of a transfer table, mechanical equipment for a transfer table, the actual structure for the table, reprogramming the ride's sensors, and the cost of the new train. All of that would ring up a high bill pretty quickly.


It's really not a good investment for the park at this point.

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^ And we all know that's not going to happen. TR will always be one train operation.


Honestly, Ed Hart probably doesn't care about Thunder Run operating two trains. Besides, I'm pretty sure that he has much larger and more important issues to solve now.

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In short, the cost is too high too add a second train. It would require structure modification to final brake run to support the addition of a transfer table, mechanical equipment for a transfer table, the actual structure for the table, reprogramming the ride's sensors, and the cost of the new train. All of that would ring up a high bill pretty quickly.


Holiday World did it. Twice Just sayin...


It's really not a good investment for the park at this point.


I can understand and respect that. I hope they have the money some day

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Modifying a brake run and adding a transfer track is not rocket science or impossible, but it is very expensive. I have seen some incredibly short brake runs on wooden coasters where the train essentially flies into the brakes that allow for two train operation (cough Ravine Flyer II cough). I'm sure Kentucky Kingdom would enjoy having two trains for Thunder Run, but as others have mentioned it is just not the right time at this moment. Storm Chaser will probably cap off the major coaster expansions for a short time as they now have a very good offering of attractions. Once the park has most of the revitalization growing pains addressed, I would say improving capacity on a major coaster like Thunder Run becomes more of a necessary project.


But at this time, KK is doing the right thing in building new attractions that will build their market base so they can have a strong foundation for the future. Two trains is icing on the cake.

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Modifying a brake run and adding a transfer track is not rocket science or impossible, but it is very expensive. I have seen some incredibly short brake runs on wooden coasters where the train essentially flies into the brakes that allow for two train operation (cough Ravine Flyer II cough). I'm sure Kentucky Kingdom would enjoy having two trains for Thunder Run, but as others have mentioned it is just not the right time at this moment. Storm Chaser will probably cap off the major coaster expansions for a short time as they now have a very good offering of attractions. Once the park has most of the revitalization growing pains addressed, I would say improving capacity on a major coaster like Thunder Run becomes more of a necessary project.


But at this time, KK is doing the right thing in building new attractions that will build their market base so they can have a strong foundation for the future. Two trains is icing on the cake.

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Just in case anybody was wondering T3 Reopened yesterday.

with single train action?


Considering they only have one train I would assume yes

they actually have 2 trains just the 2nd hasn't been cleared.

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Went to the Park today, seen John. He said they have a second train for T3, it's in storage, but it won't be in service til next year. He said they're right on schedule for Storm Runner next year. Track has arrived and should be going in place by the end of the season. It was busy as hell today and he said they've had a few great weekends, that they've been very happy with. I asked him if there would be anything else New next year and he said " you'll know in a couple of weeks". Sounds like they may have something planned for The Zeppelins former spot in that area leading to Storm Chaser. Wouldn't expect any thing big, just something to fill the Zeppelins old spot possibly.

Edited by ratdogg68
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I was also at Kentucky Kingdom today and I took a few pictures of construction of Storm Chaser including track on site!


Here you go enjoy.


A wide shot of the site.


A wide shot of the site.


A wide shot of the site.

Sorry for the low quality posting from my iPad on the road I'll post higher res versions tomorrow when I get home.


The structure looks to be well ready for Storm Chaser with a lot of the extra removed.


RMC goodness!

Edited by DaMarkSta
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^Hey! I'm still excited about visiting KK for the first time and riding Storm Chaser next year, even after Dollywood's announcement! It's all part of the same family vacation trip, so I'll be getting on some great, new, RMC awesomeness that trip!

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^I felt a bit of jealousy over how well-produced theirs was, haha. Nonetheless, as dwarfed as Storm Chaser may be compared to Lightning Rod, the coasters themselves should stand-out at each park respectively.


The whole east coast/midwest is just swarming with RMC's of all sizes! Someone could almost do a whole road-trip based purely off of attempting to ride each of them within a year (minus Twisted Colossus, unless they're REALLY desperate).

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