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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Has anyone had small kids on Demon? My daughter meets height requirements 44 inches but at 5 years old skinny. So kinda wonder about the restraints on it being small enough. I know the shoulder part doesn't hold people in as much as the part at the waist for small people. After a weekend at Kings Island and having to tell her many times she couldn't ride Vortex and Banshee (and riding Ariel Ace Flying Chase 10 times in a row) Id like to take her on somewhere with bigger ones. Im around southcentral Indiana so there are a few parks in reasonable distance but 44 inch to 48 inch is a long way to go.


My son has been riding it since he was 3 with no problems. Your daughter will be safe. The minimum height requirements are partly based on the restraints used on the ride in order to ensure rider safety.

Awesome, my little adrenaline junkie will be suprised in a couple weeks. The 5 hour drive will be worth the look on her face.

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Has anyone had small kids on Demon? My daughter meets height requirements 44 inches but at 5 years old skinny. So kinda wonder about the restraints on it being small enough. I know the shoulder part doesn't hold people in as much as the part at the waist for small people. After a weekend at Kings Island and having to tell her many times she couldn't ride Vortex and Banshee (and riding Ariel Ace Flying Chase 10 times in a row) Id like to take her on somewhere with bigger ones. Im around southcentral Indiana so there are a few parks in reasonable distance but 44 inch to 48 inch is a long way to go.


She should be fine. My friend's nephew went on it who's 4 and extremely tiny. He was perfectly fine. The minimum height requirement for Demon is 42''.

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So, if I bought a season pass this offseason, and I need to activate it, what do I have to do? I'm not adding on parking or dining Do I just have to scan my finger at the gate, or do I have to go to the processing center in HTS?


You just walk up to the gate and hand them your Voucher. They will scan it, they will scan a SP Card, then you register your finger. The whole process is under 10 seconds long. You can then print your name on your card on your own time.

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Has anyone had small kids on Demon? My daughter meets height requirements 44 inches but at 5 years old skinny.


I took my baby cousin on Demon when he 5 and barely made the 42" requirement. Couldn't keep him off it since. Your daughter will be very safe; I hope she enjoys it!

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They look great! I love the intricacy of the trains; the designers put a lot of time into designing the small details like the small wings and other Roman-esque features

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Are those seatbelts I spy? Not surprised if so.


It does appear there are blackish belts on the seats. I couldn't tell if they were the brown padding on the seats or seat belts. Either way, it won't effect the ride experience at all. I rode Outlaw Run with seat belts a few weeks ago and I didn't even notice the seat belts at all during the ride. The only thing it did was slow down the loading times but SDC's crews are known to work a bit slower because they're more cautious.

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Are those seatbelts I spy? Not surprised if so.


It does appear there are blackish belts on the seats. I couldn't tell if they were the brown padding on the seats or seat belts. Either way, it won't effect the ride experience at all. I rode Outlaw Run with seat belts a few weeks ago and I didn't even notice the seat belts at all during the ride. The only thing it did was slow down the loading times but SDC's crews are known to work a bit slower because they're more cautious.


It doesn't bother me if there are belts aside from the longer loading times, but our crews are usually efficient. A little extra safety never upset me, especially on a ride this intense!

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^ Yes - because the one thing SFGAm needs to *more* freaking advertising. The park is borderline intolerable as it is..


I'm right there with you, but since they're so keen on sponsoring everything right down to individual blades of grass and leaves on a tree, I'm sure they appreciate all the help they can get. There's a lot of leaves on trees in the park- I bet those tasked with the duty sometimes wish they were CFGAm.



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A question about parking fee avoidance, where is the nearest all day parking lot to SFGAM? This is my first year with a season pass and a car and I don't intend to submit to robbery ($25wtf) every time I visit. Thanks in advance.

Across the street by Burger King. It's illegal though I think.

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