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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Even though that picture is a few days old I really like the look of the overbank structure. The track will only make it look more awesome.


The track is done on the overbank. Looks great. I just drove by it today and said hi.

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^That's nice to hear that it's first years were good. The aging process hasn't been good to it, though. I wonder how it is up at SFA.


Rougher than I ever remember it being at Great America. The theming and effects are nice, though. And the station is designed better.

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^That's nice to hear that it's first years were good. The aging process hasn't been good to it, though. I wonder how it is up at SFA.


I really liked it personally but my head was above the restraints so I can't tell exactly how rough it was. Other people didn't seem to be as thrilled about it..

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^That's nice to hear that it's first years were good. The aging process hasn't been good to it, though. I wonder how it is up at SFA.


Rougher than I ever remember it being at Great America. The theming and effects are nice, though. And the station is designed better.



How does it compare to Shockwave at Kings Dominion?

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According to a scanner thread I subscribe to on FB, there is a structure fire at SFGAm, possibly an electrical building. Fully involved fire. Apparently a majority of the the fire is out, but the firemen are entering the music hall (Grand Music Hall I assume) to check for exposure. If anyone finds anything else out, please share.

Edited by ilrider
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According to a scanner thread I subscribe to on FB, there is a structure fire at SFGAm, possibly an electrical building. Apparently a majority of the the fire is out, but the firemen are entering the music hall (Grand Music Hall I assume) to check for exposure. If anyone finds anything else out, please share.

What is the name of the scanner thread?

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You kinda have to wonder if other wooden coaster manufacuturers have taken note of what RMC is doing and if they're making strides to catch up


Well there's Hades 360...

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