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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Finally got our trip to Chicago in over the past weekend. I didn't take nearly enough pictures to post a full TR, but I'll do my best to tell you what we saw. I must preface this by saying I am not a coaster rider, but my two boys will ride anything and were really looking forward to X-Flight. We went on Saturday and purchased the platinum flash passes for my two sons. They loved being able to cut the line and riding twice, still had a little wait on each ride as they insist on riding in the front of everything. We also lost at least 1.5 hours due to the weather closures.


I'm going to try to group this a little bit to cover everything I saw


The good-lots of rides, lots of flats, great theming, could really tell when leaving one area of the park and going to the next, we were able to use our dining passes from SFSL here(we asked a supervisor before trying), built on flat land(unlike our home park of SFSL), staff was very friendly. My kids found Raging Bull to be the ride in the park with Superman a close second.


The bad-roaring rapids was closed, X-Flight didn't open till almost noon(we wasted time waiting for it to open, should have rescheduled reservation and caught it later, but the boys really wanted to ride), X-flight was disappointing they only chose to ride it once. The layout of the park is nice with a big loop, but found many ride entrances on the left side of the park seemed to be hidden(roaring rapids, Log ride, boat ride). The park could use a cut-through the center of the park as we would be in one corner of the park and then have to walk through the entire park to get back to another ride(we didn't do this often, but when the kids wanted to get back to raging bull, we found ourselves in the opposite corner). We went on what we were told by several regulars was a very slow day, I would hate to see it on a busy day as we had to wait 15 minutes to get a couple cold slices of pizza. It seems like the Flash Pass at SFSL works better as most ride entrances for Flash Pass users are just entering through the exit and choosing your seat. Are there a lot of left over queus/buildings that aren't used? seemed to notice at least 2-3 on the left side of the park.


Ride Count-for my boys


Raging Bull-4



Dark Knight-2

American Eagle Blue-1



King Chaos-4-6(they really liked this)

Log Jammer-1

Demon-ZERO(closed most the day)

Vertical Velocity-1(said it was a head banger)


Fiddler's Fling-1


I rode Dark Knight, Whizzer, and teacups...

Wife rode Log Jammer and Teacups..


Overall- not having been to many parks besides SFSL since I was my kid's age I would give this a solid 8/10. Food service, signage, and park layout need improving. Even though it seems like I had a lot of negative to say about the place, we really enjoyed our visit and we try to go back again next year, but I would not try this park again without flash passes.

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^unfortunately no I just hunted through the google search results to find good pictures on forgotten web pages turns out with some great stuff. Ill post some better ones later on my computer, for now enjoy the silly pic below


Sounds like someone doesn't know what Stick Puck is, up in Nova Scotia ok enough with streotypical Canadians.


And a decent quality shot.

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I wonder what they will temporarily put in Ragin Cajun's spot? Have they put a "final day" on the ride yet?


I was trying to think: what was there before that ride? Was it just a bridge/boardwalk over/above the water over there?


Sounds like everything got the final approval yesterday, so I assume we'll see some real movement now at the old Iron Wolf site!

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Are there a lot of left over queus/buildings that aren't used? seemed to notice at least 2-3 on the left side of the park.


The only unused queue that is currently there is Iron Wolf's. At least I can't think of any more. That will get some life in it real soon though! As for buildings, I couldn't really say. There is a picnic grove back there, but to my knowledge most buildings in the park are open and operational.


Also, it hasn't actually been confirmed that Rajin Cajun's leaving has it? Makes me start to wonder if SFA is actually getting a new model, as SFGAm should at least have some sort of send off for it.

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Are there a lot of left over queus/buildings that aren't used? seemed to notice at least 2-3 on the left side of the park.


The only unused queue that is currently there is Iron Wolf's. At least I can't think of any more. That will get some life in it real soon though! As for buildings, I couldn't really say. There is a picnic grove back there, but to my knowledge most buildings in the park are open and operational.


Also, it hasn't actually been confirmed that Rajin Cajun's leaving has it? Makes me start to wonder if SFA is actually getting a new model, as SFGAm should at least have some sort of send off for it.


Yes, after having that same question (hope?) I did some reading and couldn't find hard confirmation...so I took a few minutes to watch (some odd) fan made "interviews" with the park's GM and he, indeed, confirmed that RC is being relocated to a "sister park".


It's too bad, as I agree with those that would have rather seen Dark Knight removed before RC.

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Are there a lot of left over queus/buildings that aren't used? seemed to notice at least 2-3 on the left side of the park.


The only unused queue that is currently there is Iron Wolf's. At least I can't think of any more. That will get some life in it real soon though! As for buildings, I couldn't really say. There is a picnic grove back there, but to my knowledge most buildings in the park are open and operational.


Also, it hasn't actually been confirmed that Rajin Cajun's leaving has it? Makes me start to wonder if SFA is actually getting a new model, as SFGAm should at least have some sort of send off for it.


Yes, after having that same question (hope?) I did some reading and couldn't find hard confirmation...so I took a few minutes to watch (some odd) fan made "interviews" with the park's GM and he, indeed, confirmed that RC is being relocated to a "sister park".


It's too bad, as I agree with those that would have rather seen Dark Knight removed before RC.



Remove both and replace The Dark Knight with an Indoor Euro Fighter

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I'd be ok with putting the Theater Royale back in there, and trying to get "Orleans Place" back to a fully themed area. I know Superman will always make that tough, but still.


If anyone has a photo of the Ragin' Cajun site prior to it's construction, I'd love to see it --- I'm thinking there was just some sort of boardwalk or bridge over there, but I honestly can't remember. I know Cajun Cliffhanger was tucked in right across the midway, next to the bridge, I just can't recall what exactly was on RC's spot. Maybe it was just grass/blacktop?

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^ to amend the theater i say Maybe yank DK slap In a dark ride of some sort probably a shooting one. And while your at it put some flyers in rajun Cajuns spot I hear those are all the rage. ; )


As long as condor is here i don't think SFGAM will get a star flyer and that's a good thing.


Condors more unique higher capacity and we have another tower ride as well Sky Trek


Shockwave across the lake


Stick that I your avatar pic and smoke it i know I do


And a nice corckscrew shot that I beleive was used for promotional things.


Park map from 2001 ish

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If anyone has a photo of the Ragin' Cajun site prior to it's construction, I'd love to see it --- I'm thinking there was just some sort of boardwalk or bridge over there, but I honestly can't remember. I know Cajun Cliffhanger was tucked in right across the midway, next to the bridge, I just can't recall what exactly was on RC's spot. Maybe it was just grass/blacktop?


Yes, I believe Cajun Cliffhanger was where Jester's Wild Ride is currently.


This is the best pic I could find of Ragin' Cajun's spot - from 1977...The waterway currently stops on the west side of the covered bridge between Mardi Gras and Yankee Harbor. As you can see, that waterway (currently starts by Batman) continued under the bridge and dead ended near what is now Roaring Rapids. There was a suspension bridge walkway over it as well, right by Buzzy Bee at the time.


Pic credit to GreatAmericaParks.com


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Awesome, yes, I thought there was a bridge over there! Funny how that area looks now (when you look at a google earth satellite image) - just a big rectangular pad with RC on it)! That is now a decent piece of land that will be vacant RIGHT on the midway....curious what they will put there, for sure. Seems like they could bring back the buzzy bees AND put in some flyers in that spot.


And oh, that picture - how I miss the sky rides at this park. Thankful for the train and other Marriott's originals that still exist, but the sky rides were awesome.


Cajun Cliffhanger was in the spot (on the other side of the midway, next to the other side of the bridge) about where Jester's Wild Ride is today. I remember being pretty bummed when that ride was removed - it was always a ride that split groups up (even groups where 'everyone' just went on the Eagle/Demon etc). Great part was being able to watch from above as the floor dropped.


For years I remember getting to go on Magic Mountain's version while also being able to ride SFMM's version of "The Edge" long after they had been removed from Gurnee.

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This was in today's Lake County News Sun in case anyone was interested in reading it. It's mostly about the recent noise complaints (not because of the coasters but because of igNight, at least that is what the article reflects).




Six Flags Goliath project OK’d amidst noise compaints

By Dan Moran dmoran@stmedianetwork.com September 10, 2013 12:31PM

| Courtesy Six Flags

| Courtesy Six Flags

Updated: September 11, 2013 2:50AM


A green light for Goliath didn’t come without criticism on Monday when Six Flags Great America officials won final permission to build their new wooden roller coaster, but also heard noise complaints from both neighbors and Gurnee Village Board members.


While it remains to be seen how much sound will be generated by building the 165-foot-tall Goliath on the former site of Iron Wolf, Monday’s unanimous board approval of a height variance for the ride focused on noise generated by the igNIGHT grand finale and fireworks displays during the 2013 operating season.


“One thing that has come up from residents to me directly is noise. I know that’s not what this (approval) about,” said Trustee Thomas Hood. “It’s not the ride itself, but there have been some issues at the park this year that created some problems.”


Hood added that “I appreciate what Six Flags has done” for the village over the years, “but I think there needs to be a heightened level of response on the issue of noise.”


Richard McFarlane, who told the board that he lives “four houses down” from park property on Darlene Drive, suggested that Great America boost its sound buffers by adding landscaping to a 600-foot berm on the northeast side of the park.


“I’m not going to ask you to vote no on this thing because the park has been a good partner over the years,” McFarlane said. “But I’m going to ask for a condition (and) put a little teeth into this. ... What I’m suggesting is that you add a hedge on top of that berm over on South Road Park.”


McFarlane estimated that the addition of 30 to 40 eight-foot trees would cost around $10,000, adding that “Six Flags is a $1.1 billion corporation. ... This is not going to whack someone’s bonus.”


Both village attorney Bryan Winter and Mayor Kristina Kovarik said the Goliath approval centered only on the height variance and could not involve conditions, but they agreed that there have been increased noise complaints this year and suggested that stricter code enforcement could be utilized.


“We can measure (sound) at the property lines, and if it exceeds (code), we can enforce it,” said Kovarik, adding village staff has also looked into ways to mitigate sound from fireworks displays. In a change from past years, fireworks were launched for safety reasons from a spot near Superman: Ultimate Flight on the north side of the park — closer to residences.


Great America president Hank Salemi acknowleged that both igNIGHT and fireworks displays had drawn criticism from surrounding residents this summer, adding that “we hear you loud and clear. There’s absolutely no desire for us to be bad neighbors or to be noisy.”


Salemi added that “as the year went along we made sound adjustments up and down” on igNIGHT, a music and pyrotechnics program in Hometown Square. While igNIGHT played its last show on Aug. 11, Salemi said “we will do it in a very different way” if it returns in the future.


As for Goliath, Salemi repeated past statements that the coaster isn’t expected to be particularly loud. The ride’s elements include a 180-foot drop at 85 degrees and a 72-mph top speed, all numbers being touted as world records for a wooden coaster.


“I don’t want to deceive anybody — there will be noise from this roller coaster, and in general wooden coasters can be noisier,” Salemi said, responding to a resident’s concern about existing noise from the wooden American Eagle coaster.


“I will say that technology is infinitely more advanced than it was when the American Eagle was built in 1980,” Salemi added. “In fact, the wheels on (Goliath) are polyurethane, which are completely different from the steel wheels on American Eagle and are infinitely more quiet.”


With Monday’s approval, park officials say construction on Goliath will begin in earnest at the proposed site, which has already undergone removal of trees along its path. The coaster is scheduled to open for the 2014 operating season, with an exact date to be set depending on how weather unfolds during the construction season.

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“I will say that technology is infinitely more advanced than it was when the American Eagle was built in 1980,” Salemi added. “In fact, the wheels on (Goliath) are polyurethane, which are completely different from the steel wheels on American Eagle and are infinitely more quiet.”


Salemi may need to look up the definition of "infinitely."

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Salemi added that “as the year went along we made sound adjustments up and down” on igNIGHT, a music and pyrotechnics program in Hometown Square. While igNIGHT played its last show on Aug. 11, Salemi said “we will do it in a very different way” if it returns in the future.


Besides the complaints of the pyrotechnics and music, was there anything else wrong with this show? It seemed very popular with everyone, especially kids. I liked it, however I thought the story line was a bit cheesy. I just think it's silly to spend all the money for a show, then only have it go for one season. I know that's the life of a show at a theme park though.

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I did not see the show, so know that...but, I'm all in favor of putting Hometown "back to normal". It seems like they have a lot of routinely unused space (Wilderness, SW Territory arena/theater etc), it's odd that they chose to tear up that area (incl jacking up the train station entrance).


Off topic: did we ever find out where the old fashioned cars went to?

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It's bizarre, that YEARS later now, they are still sitting around...right? Do you think they had some thought of putting them somewhere, or literally couldn't find the money to have them shipped elsewhere? Very strange.


It's too bad, while I guess that "they know what they're doing" that ride certainly did always seem to have a line and was a nice family ride. Ahh, just add it to the sounds of the park I miss (the putt-putting of those old engines (and the squealing of the brakes), the whirring of the Sky Whirl motors, the rumbling of Tdal Wave etc).

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Is Outlaw Run loud? Goliath and Outlaw Run are the same type of wooden coasters, so that could give a good idea of how loud it is going to be.

I actually don't believe it makes very much noise. It will be way less noisy than American Eagle, and probably a lot of the other coasters in the park.

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California's great america still has their auto ride under the original name to boot Barney Old Filed raceway I believe. But unless they need new cars or something which shouldn't be an issue there's no point, I really am starting to wonder why were receiving this ride Yet Another Goliath. I just would rather see something that fit the theme or was in Yukon Territory as the only attractions are camp cartoon or whatever it's called loggers run and Little Dipper kinda.


Look at county fairs attractions American Eagle ok it's got the whole USA thing going its a woodie that fits the theme well enough. Demon and Turn of the Century I mean its just like eagle for TOTC vague but still a part of county fair Demon no it's got it's own theme if the park would ever restore it fully. Buccaneer battle no just no I understand the need for something in De lay ja vus spot but from my experience its the least popular water ride. Revolution fits the bill of a fair ride themed to Americana works. X-Flight I mean not really unless county fair is like kings island with X-Base shooting of from Coney Mall but on a smaller scale. And apparently fiddlers fling which is not themed at all but it's the generic tilt a whirl, Dare Devil Dive nothing to say there.


Well that wasn't as bad as I was expecting i couldn't poke as many holes in themeing good job County Fair

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