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*** THE BEBES *** Rainbow Magicland ITALY TR

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I also noticed you where not that enthused with Farenheit and Stormrunner.


Since you have experienced both knoebels, Hershey, Waldameer and Kennywood. Which 2 parks do you recormend us to visit?


Please let me know which coasters in PA are MUST rides.


Actually, we REALLY liked Stormrunner and Fahrenheit! Fahrenheit was one of our favorites of the entire trip!


As far as which two of the four parks you should visit... that's a tough question.


We would say DEFINITELY go to Knoebels! It is different than any other park we've been to and we both agree that it ranks up in our top favorite parks of all time. Phoenix has out-of-control air-time (make sure to check out the 3rd row), the Flyers are SCARY FUN and don't miss the bumper cars (best ever)!!


As for the other pick, we're struggling between Hershey and Kennywood. If it's big coasters and a lot of them that you are after, Hershey is the way to go! Besides Stormrunner & Fahrenheit, other notable coasters are Lightening Racers and Great Bear.

But, if you're more into charm and history, Kennywood is that place. Phantom's Revenge is AWESOME and Jack Rabbit was built in 1921 and has the craziest single moment of air-time ever (make sure to sit in the back)!

Both are great parks and I'm sure you'll love either one!!


The only other "must ride" (in our opinion) in PA would be Ravine Flyer II at Waldameer.


Have fun and we look forward to finding out which parks you decided to visit!

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Your TR's are just so much damn fun!


The last 3 parks that you guys visited, I also just visited on my trip.

It's cool to compare the similarities and differences in our visits, even though they were so close together.

You guys had rain. I had BLAZING hot heat and crazy high humidity! I can't decide which is worse.


I enjoy your TR's thoroughly, and will be keeping an eye out for any new TR's from the Bebe's.


Thanks again for sharing!


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I also noticed you where not that enthused with Farenheit and Stormrunner.


Since you have experienced both knoebels, Hershey, Waldameer and Kennywood. Which 2 parks do you recormend us to visit?


Please let me know which coasters in PA are MUST rides.


Actually, we REALLY liked Stormrunner and Fahrenheit! Fahrenheit was one of our favorites of the entire trip!


As far as which two of the four parks you should visit... that's a tough question.


We would say DEFINITELY go to Knoebels! It is different than any other park we've been to and we both agree that it ranks up in our top favorite parks of all time. Phoenix has out-of-control air-time (make sure to check out the 3rd row), the Flyers are SCARY FUN and don't miss the bumper cars (best ever)!!


As for the other pick, we're struggling between Hershey and Kennywood. If it's big coasters and a lot of them that you are after, Hershey is the way to go! Besides Stormrunner & Fahrenheit, other notable coasters are Lightening Racers and Great Bear.

But, if you're more into charm and history, Kennywood is that place. Phantom's Revenge is AWESOME and Jack Rabbit was built in 1921 and has the craziest single moment of air-time ever (make sure to sit in the back)!

Both are great parks and I'm sure you'll love either one!!


The only other "must ride" (in our opinion) in PA would be Ravine Flyer II at Waldameer.


Have fun and we look forward to finding out which parks you decided to visit!


Thanks for the great advice! It looks like we are going to visit both Hershey and Knoebels. I can't wait to experience the great coasters at both these parks.


I will have a recap for you the first week of August.


Thanks again!

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Nice pics, but honestly do we need to see all those trips to the bathroom?


I think that the bathroom shots are part of the reason why the Bebe's don't just post trip reports. They post Trip Reports!

Their sense of humor comes shining through.

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Will the Bebe's be going out to any other Southern California parks this summer? Or have they had their fill of parks in the LA area?


Hey Shawn! The Bebes are going to try to hook up with TPR somewhere during the West Coast Trip, if possible. Mr. Bebe is contracted on a job through August 10th, so we'll see what Robb opens up for individual parks Aug 11-15. Otherwise, we might just party crash at SFMM or KBF! We might also go to SFMM on Sept 1 or 2 with Lady Bebe's Dad.


We probably won't be anywhere else during the SUMMER besides our own No-Cal trip Aug 16-21 (TPT:P3). Although, we've never gone to any of the small So-Cal parks except for Bellmont, so who knows!!!


BUT, we will be hitting KBF (probably on a weekday in September) and maybe Disneyland for Mr. Bebe's B-day on December 9. And also perhaps San Diego Seaworld sometime before our passes expire in March 2010.


I love The Bebes!


Awww Big Mike!!! We're blushing!!!!!!!

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I loved the trip report! I for one enjoyed the bathroom trips, I chuckled at every one. Hahaha. I've always wanted to visit BGE, glad you guys enjoyed it! Looks like a great park from the photos, which were also great by the way.


I'm still upset I didn't introduce myself TPR Termination Day, we were in that line right by each other before night ERT for like a half an hour! Come WCB '10, expect a "hey"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marshall visits SFMM

June 16, 2009


On Saturday night we planned a Tuesday outing to SFMM. If there is a day of the week to visit a theme park, it’s Tuesday. The gang for the day would be Mr. Bebe, Lady Bebe, Justin (JustinJJ) and Marshall. Marshall hadn’t been to SFMM in over ten years, so there was going to be a lot of new stuff for him. Justin had yet to get a credit on Déjà vu, as it was always broke down, as well as a new credit on Terminator:Salvation.


SFMM was busier than we hoped, but still a really great time. And it’s soooo much fun to take somebody new to the park and see their reactions!!!


Next Stop: TPR Termination Day!


Finally dark, we got three pretty quick night rides on Terminator: Salvation. What a totally different experience at night!!!! Awesome!


It wasn’t quite dark, but we got in line for Terminator anyway. Hardly any wait and we were off within 10 minutes. Justin said he was feeling fine now, and we got in line for Déjà vu. Hmmm. Familiar. The line was only about 30minutes now and Justin completed his park credits!


On our return toward Terminator: Salvation, Mr. Bebe scores a super yummy sliced chocolate covered caramel apple.


We wanted to ride Terminator in the dark, so we decided to waste some time on Jet Stream. And Justin felt good enough to go on.


The line was really long. After waiting nearly an hour, we called Justin to see if he was feeling better. Nope. He said he was probably done for the day. We finally got on. Marshall loved it!!! And rubbed it in Justin’s face.


Here we are. The only ride in the whole park that Justin has never been on: Déjà vu. Alas, the pretzel loop was too much for Justin, and he elected to sit out.


Marshall gets Freaky!


The girl across from us got drenched from head to toe. I’ve never seen anybody get so wet on a non-waterfall rapids ride.


Justin felt that he could handle the rapids. Lady Bebe and Marshall wanted nothing to do with unacceptably wet rides, so Mr. Bebe and Justin went alone.


We got a front seat ride, then came back around for a back seat ride. The pretzel loop killed Justin, as it had in the past. One time, OK. Two times, not good. Justin may be down for the count. And we lost our souvenir bottles that we stashed behind the lockers! That's four lost so far this year!


Finally back around to Tatsu, where the line was gone, but the misters were in full force.


Round and round we go, and where we’ll stop, nobody knows. Viper. The Bebes always enjoy Viper, especially when you can re-ride 3-8 times without stepping off. Only one lap today though.


It still has the classic old Magic Mountain trains, but they’ve been fitted with poorly designed and uncomfortable over-the-shoulder restraints. And the layout is riddled with trims and jarring transitions. Too bad for the world’s first looping steel coaster.


Next Up: the Revolution. The Bebes usually skip Revolution, but we rode it for Marshall.


It’s no wonder Six Flags was in such a dire financial situation. They hire people to mow the cement sidewalk.


Goliath has gotten some new hang grabs. Unpainted to match.


The nerds have been flooding The Bebes personal Inbox, upset that the entire TPT:P2 didn’t have a single “nerd” shot. So, here it is: Nerd Shot.




We hit the food court by Goliath for some Mexican food. Mr. Bebe got these nachos. He’d regret it for the rest of the day. After eating, it was onward to Goliath.


Marshall : “What’s a B&M Floorless???”


Lady Bebe Screams for B&M Floorless!


Justin Screams for B&M Floorless!


We took a lap on Colossus before being conveniently pooped out of its' exit right next to the Scream entrance.


As usual, Batman delivers a smooth running, tight, forceful ride that everybody enjoys.


Mr. Bebe makes a pit-stop for a quick game of Whac-A-Mole on our way to Batman: The Ride.


“Holy Standing Ovation, Batman!!!” Marshall exclaimed as we landed.


Déjà vu hadn’t opened yet (sorry Justin), so we headed to Riddler’s Revenge for a spin in the back seat.


Terminator:Salvation wasn’t as good this time around as it was the first time we rode it at night, but still a solid ride. The mist was off and the audio was broken in our train.


The Terminator train has a station flyby above the loading zone. It is actually flying by in this pic. Do you see it?


This would be the first Daytime ride for the Bebes and a new credit for the rest of the gang.


We cruised over to the back of the park and jumped in line for Terminator: Salvation.


While we were standing in line, Marshall kept hearing the opening riff of Enter Sandman. It was really annoying him that they didn’t play more of the song. He had no idea he was hearing on-ride audio from X2. We scored a front and #2 row for X2 and it rocked!!!


We got into the queue line quick enough to only have a 1 hour wait. Sheesh!!! Along the queue are posters that ask if your are Type A (lame) or Type X (Extreme!!!). This man is Type A.


Mr. Six entertained us until the gates opened. Then, it was a mad dash for X2!


We finally found them. (left to right: Mr. Bebe, Lady Bebe, Marshall, and Justin)


The crowd at the front gate was plentiful, and finding Justin and Marshall turned out to be a daunting task.


As we approached, we saw our worst nightmare: SCHOOL BUSES! Mr. Bebe’s Blood began to boil!!!!


We got up early, grabbed our SFMM souvenir sport bottles, season pass-holder coupons, and headed out. The Mountain is about a half hour drive from our Chatsworth condo.

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That sucks about your friend getting sick, the heat combined with SFMM's really intense coasters is tough for someone who gets motion sickness (has knocked me out a couple times also).

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The pretzel loop and immediate spin get me every time. I can sit on roller coasters all day long but just cannot do Tatsu. It kind of sucks! I'm curious as to whether I would be able to handle any of the Supermans or Manta.



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