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Six Flags South Carolina 1975-Today [RCT3]

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Hello again! While I have been showing you photos of the entrance area of the park, our flagship attraction has been quietly being constructed in the back of the park. However, we can't decide on a name! We need you to give us some suggestions. Who knows, your suggestion might be chosen. Take a look at the photos and give us some ideas.

- Michael May




The ride is considered a terrain coaster because it will drop riders about thirty feet right out of the station.




The ride even interacts with the train.




The ride's lift hill doesn't begin until halfway through.




The top of the lifthill will provide a great view of the park.




The ride picks up speed again after the lifthill.




The ride's finale is a plunge under the station.




After a quick turn, the train returns to the station. Don't forget to suggest some names for this coaster!

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Hello! We are continuing to work in the entrance plaza area of the park. We have installed the park's carousel, a classic attraction any amusement park.

- Michael May




The carousel will be the first ride guests see as they enter the park.




The queue for the ride is located in the back, allowing for non-riders a close up view.




This area is quickly nearing completion.




It looks great at night.




Crews are also working on finishing up Carolina Calamity. Thanks to everybody who participated in the contest! There were countless good ideas, and in the end we decided to combine everybody's ideas into one.

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Hello, today we completed what will be the park's tallest ride: Parachute Falls.

- Michael May




Looking from the control center of the ride.




The ride's queue is located behind the ride. It's covered for those hot summer days.




The ride is located next to Carolina Calamity.




Parachute Falls will offer a great view of the coaster!




You have to stand far away to get the whole ride in one shot!

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Just went through the whole thread from start to finish, and I just have to say. Wow! It looks fantastic, it's so clean and tidy. The attention to detail is fantastic. You didn't just throw some walls together and stick a roof on top.


Excellent job, Keep it up!

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Hello. We are inching our way towards the summer and while it might seem like work is slowing down, we're beginning "foundation work" all across the park. Vertical construction on many attractions should start soon. Here are the attractions we have revealed so far:


Carolina Calamity :: Take a ride on this fun family rollercoaster with dips and turns surely to please everyone!


Parachute Falls :: Experience the beauty of South Carolina on this exhilarating attraction.


Carousel :: Our classic carousel features hand-crafted horses and Victorian decorations.


Charleston Railway :: A train ride around the park in our old-fashioned steam engine.


There are countless more we've yet to reveal!

- Michael May




The entry plaza is now complete.

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Hello there! I've seen a few of the attractions here at the park already but one of my favorites has to be the bumper cars. Take a look for yourself.

- Michael May




The bumper cars are located next to Carolina Calamity.




This is sure to be a hit with the families!




The queue is located next to the building.




The Charleston Railway train will pass directly under the ride as it enters the tunnel!

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