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Why do R&E bash LA so much?

Wood Dragon 1988

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I think SoCal is much like Northern NJ...except you have much better weather and Portos (I freaking love that place).


People are just nasty in the Northeast and are the worst drivers (traffic isnt much better then SoCal).


But at least nasty Northeasterners are nasty to your face and not behind your back. Sure they are plenty of phonies in the Northeast also, but not nearly as bad as Southern California.


As far as bad drivers, many of the aggresive drivers in the Northeast pay attention when the cut you off. In other parts of the country they are just bad drivers.

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I wouldn't group SoCal and LA in together though.


On my few visits I definetly like parts of SoCal.


However LA itself is just a disgusting hole of a city. I would never want to live within the LA city limits.


I'm going to have to agree with this (and for the record I do consider the OC part of LA) as it's no where NEAR as bad out here as it is in LA. I don't like the "LA" mentality as people have said either. And don't get me wrong, it's fun to visit every once in a while, but I haven't been to the LA area in quite some time.

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"L.A. people" are not wanted in Santa Barbara, either. At one point, one of the bridges over U.S. 101 heading up that way had a message scrawled on it in black paint: "L.A. Go Home."


Ventura County isn't too bad and I like it here, but it's not the same as it was when we first moved here (ironically to escape the Valley) back in 1986. The "L.A. influence" has made its way here to some degree.



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As far as bad drivers, many of the aggresive drivers in the Northeast pay attention when the cut you off. In other parts of the country they are just bad drivers.


I don't know about that...NJ & NY are pretty bad drivers according to this article:




Although it is my official opinion that NY drivers are the most annoying...seriously, I don't get the must sit in the left lane although I'm not passing anybody school of thought.

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I've never seen a single episode, but I can tell you that every teenage jacka$$ in the Chattanooga mall thinks they're on The Hills because they shopped at Hollister or work at PacSun. And you know these morons couldn't tell you difference between a surfboard and a broomstick if their life depended on it.


That and many other reasons are why I wish I could disown about 90% of the teenage populace...


Dan "It might be 'my' generation, but it sure as hell ain't for me" Smith

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Wow, I hate to say it, but I LOVE Los Angeles. I have lived temporarily in different parts of the nation, but there is something about the area that I like.


I am partial to the valley, and valley people ARE a bit different. I agree with the past messages that say 'la proper' people are a**holes, and I think the same way. Valley people are a bit more laid back, perhaps we have a bit of the 'old' LA feel in us, but when it comes down to it, we are just as LA as everybody else!


Orange County freaks me out because there are so many white people, I'm just not used to it growing up in such a culturally diverse area (I'm white, btw). OC generally does remind me of what Hollywood portrays 'White Los Angeles' to be.


San Diego is amazing, this is probably why people have previously stated that they dont associate So Cal with areas outside of Los Angeles. If you are apprehensive to move to Southern California, give San Diego a chance. Also stated, Ventura County is a bit different, but its just not alive enough for me.


Los Angeles people take getting used to, but I guess I am one of those LA people myself. I know that we tend to be more self centered, and even more-so, FLAKY. Everywhere else I have been and lived, when you make plans, you stick to them. Los Angeles people seem to make tentative plans, then pick the best one when the time comes. We come up with some lame excuse not to hang out, and the other party just goes with it even though they know its bullsh*t. All in all, I guess I am used to it.


The traffic is an ongoing saga, but honestly, if you are a local, you know how to get around it. Nonetheless, getting from LAX to the valley during rushhours (630am-11am & 3pm-8pm) will take no less than 2 hours. Once again, I suppose I have accepted this as a part of life. Maybe its part of how we always seem so busy all the time!


My favorite example of LA vs NYC is this: If you are in LA with a road map, people will just walk passed you and not say anything, for HOURS! You are stuck, figure it out yourself. While NYC people are regarded as 'rude,' I noticed that if you pull out a map, within 1 minute, somebody will come up and ask 'What are you looking for?' They may sound abrupt asking, but they are genuinely concerned. They will tell you very fast 'Oh just walk up broadway, hop on the C, go east 3 blocks and you are there.' I attribute this to New Yorkers living on the sidewalk, where they encounter people. LA residents live in their bubble, their car, their parking garage, their work.


If you have an aggressive personality, and you like being part of the 'rat race,' then LA might just be perfect for you! I think the valley folk have a way of balancing the two. If you want the best of both worlds, move up to the SCV, where Robb lives, and you can be here, but avoid all the weird nonsense!!!!


Just my two and a half cents...



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I'll agree that in Ventura County there is NOTHING to do. I mean, there aren't even a whole lot of restaurants where we live. They have the "Outlets" but we've been there probably 7 times in the 7 years we have lived here.


The two biggest shocks for me after living in "The Valley" my whole life then moving up here was the forementioned "nothing to do" and how "white bread" it is/was. Especially the area where we live.


I've gladly seen in the past few years it's gotten MUCH more diverse.

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^ I came to Camarillo back in the '80s when there was even less to do than there is now, and it was white as far as the eye could see. And you could see far because there weren't as many homes!


But as I said, I'm far enough away from L.A. to not have to deal with it, but close enough to get there easily enough if I need to.



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- Grocery Store Workers! I can't tell you how many times we have found food way past it's 'good by' date at our local store. Sometimes really serious stuff like BABY YOGURT!!!! You probably don't want to feed your baby yogurt that's 2 weeks past date. I very nicely will bring one up and tell the checker about the problem and I get rolling eyes back to me! First off, I've never even had this problem at Publix in Florida, and on our last trip to Publix I even had this super awesome deli worker go search in their back freezer for Pita Bread for me! This would NEVER happen in SoCAl.


Cracked Me Up!!!!! I love Publix


Elissa, you're from Florida, do you miss it? Minus Publix? I've never been out to the West Coast (will soon), but think that So Cal would just drive me back to Floida. If I move out of this state, it would have to be a bit more drastic.


I HATE Miami with a passion. I'm afraid of hating LA for that same reason. Elissa, what are your views on the change from FLA to SOCAL?

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Miami is nearly as bad as Los Angeles! But at least if you're in Miami, that means you can drive and in three hours be in Orlando!


Robb and I both would love to move out of California, and probably will within the next five years. Florida is at the top of our list to move to, but pretty much any area on the East Coast will do!

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I understand why people would think less of California, but having lived here for...my whole life I really can't imagine myself living anywhere else...except for probably Japan.


Though, I would definitely NOT live in L.A.


Why smoke cigarettes when you can just take a few deep breaths in LA and get the same result?

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Miami is nearly as bad as Los Angeles! But at least if you're in Miami, that means you can drive and in three hours be in Orlando!


Robb and I both would love to move out of California, and probably will within the next five years. Florida is at the top of our list to move to, but pretty much any area on the East Coast will do!


How's about Oregon? We have the seasons you are looking for, people are for the most part good natured. Not too far to get a coaster fix. Cost of living is fair, housing is good, great schools, tons of great restaurants, Portland has some amazing neighborhoods, Seattle is four hours up the road.


I grew up in Ventura, I still miss it, however I left 22 years ago and haven't been back. This is about to change, Kasey and I are going to be in Anaheim in early April and plan to drive up to Ventura to have a look around.


I thought I'd hate Oregon, I love it now. You need to come up and take a look around.

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^ Very interesting because on Monday I spoke to a friend whose family relocated to Eugene/Springfield from Ventura a few years ago. She invited me up anytime, and I've already started researching Amtrak fares. (I'd fly, but Amtrak is less and I like traveling by rail and I'd like to see the scenery anyway).



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We LOVE Eugene. great collage town! Funky downtown area, super Saturday Markets. 5th Street market is fun, awesome brokery. Euphoria chocolates is in Eugene, not to be missed. Have them, if they can take yo out to the 'coast', you wont be sorry.


Amtrak in Eugene stops in the downtown area, not too far from U of O campus and 5th street market.


If you come up during the summer, besides the 'coast', you might want to take a trip up to the Enchanted Forest for a ride on Ice Mountain bobsleds and Big Timber Log ride. Right next door to E.F. is Thrill-Ville with SBNO rides.


Let us know if you do plan to go to EF, we'll try to meet you there.

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^ Y'know, I've always wanted to ride that Ice Mountain Bobsled. I know it's not the GRATEST RIDE ON TEH PLANIT!!1!, but it's always intrigued me. I didn't realize it was so close to there.


If such a trip works out, I'll let you know. Believe it or not, I've never set foot in Oregon, so this is almost a must-do for me.



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I liked living and working in Orange County, and I really like living and working up in Valencia...I did NOT like Los Angeles

Agree 100%. I love living in OC but I absolutely hate the city of LA, what a hellhole.


The only thing that kinda sucks about Cali to me is that you cant drive anywhere other than Cali. Unless you want to go to the great states of Utah or Nevada, your pretty much out stuck in Cali. While I really like socal, the west in general pretty much blows compared to the east (though really the parks and entertainment scene down here is great so theres not much to complain about other than the traffic (born & raised in Chicago so things like the blinker example means nothing to me, drivers are just as pissed off/bad there as in LA). If theres one thing I really liked about living in Chicago was that I could drive to do trips to Ohio/PA/GADV fairly easily, living in socal theres nowhere to go if you want to leave unless you like going to nasty a** casinos.


I personally dont get whats so great about FL, id live in socal over Florida anyday of the week.

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I personally dont get whats so great about FL, id live in socal over Florida anyday of the week.

I agree with pretty much everything you said!


For me though, Florida is a lot like So Call with many of it's strenghs and fewer of it's weaknesses.


It has good weather year round (not as good as So Cal, let's say, but close), it has GREAT parks, it's laid back, relaxing, etc.


It doesn't have any of the Californian "attitude" or traffic, which is a HUGE plus. I will take the old people and the hurricane's over a$$holes and earthquakes any day!


I'd personally rather be almost anywhere on the east coast than in California if it wasn't for my job.



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I agree about the Earthquakes vs. Hurricanes thing.


At least with a Hurricane, you know it's coming for the most part, and you can prepare. With an Earthquake, you can be ANYWHERE (home, work, driving, at a park, at the movies, etc) and your caught without warning, and quite literally with your pants down.


When we were in FL a few years ago, TS Barry rolled in. Now it was rather weak, and I don't EVEN pretend to know what going through a Hurricane is like, but I like the "I can be in the safest place possible" scenario.


Although, when I was in the Philippines, there was an Earthquake AND a Typhoon warning. THAT was crazy.

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My Grandmother lives in Delray Beach, FL and she's now telling me stories about how, when I would visit her & my Granddad when I was at age 10, I would tell her stories about how much nicer the people are there versus how they are here, where I live.


It really is a very stark contrast.

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