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Cowabunga Bay waterpark

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I think the colors are cool. The variety will definitely stand out, and help to attract business.


Which slide is planned to be the largest/most thrilling for the opening season? The purple one?

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Shane I love the slide colors. Starburst should reimburse you for all the extra candy sales they will now have in Utah. Oh and I think they match your Amusement Attic logo ensemble perfectly. Great job on the choices!
^ I think Skittles would be a better Choice.


Shane, all of those different colors will really make the place "POP!" I can't imagine any kid, young or old, not being attracted to Cowabunga Bay because of all the color. I do have to say that my favorite color combo slide will be the Red, Orange, Yellow, Black, and White ones.


- Sid

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Those are my two favorites too, those slides are also the custom slides that are unique to our project. All the other slides are the same as on the Hersheypark model.


The magenta slide will be the longest and as I recall from the one at Hersheypark (theirs is purple) it is pretty fast, dark and intense.

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So this came across my desk today for approval and I just had to laugh. I am not sure if they tried to sneak this by or if Canadians don't know what a Woody is. Needless to say, for the Utah market we will have to change the wording on this sign.


How about "ride the Woody"?


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Another question to add to the list...SCS Interactive and Proslide in partnership do water play structures (Including what was once the worlds largest) too...were they considered in the design stage, and if so, what made Whitewater West's offering the better choice?

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Another question to add to the list...SCS Interactive and Proslide in partnership do water play structures (Including what was once the worlds largest) too...were they considered in the design stage, and if so, what made Whitewater West's offering the better choice?
I had plans to ask Shane that very Question Tomorrow. I suspect it may be that White Water West's In House Design Department may have been the reason he went with White Water.


- Sid

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Today, Shane was nice enough to give me a Construction Tour of Cowabunga Bay and ask a bunch of Questions. The Cowabunga Bay Construction Blog has been Updated with Lots of New Information and Photos from Today's Construction Tour. A Huge Thanks goes out to Shane!


To Check Out the Cowabunga Bay Construction Blog and Photos Click HERE.


Gav, to answer your question, it was simply a Business Decision and that's all.


Thanks Again Shane! You Rock!

- Sid


*Once again, sorry for the Double Post*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a quick photo update on the construction. All the waterslides have been assembled in small sections and steel assembly has begun on the structure. Vertical construction will begin next week.


Most of the site work has been underground and in the past couple of days over 3 miles of pipe have been laid. Footers have been dug, rebar placed and they will begin pouring this afternoon. Lazy River and buildings begin next week. Cowabunga Dude!



footer rebar






Steel assembly has begun on the main bucket tower



shut down lanes



slides assembled and awaiting in the parking lot


this will be where all the pumps and filtration systems go




Miles and miles of underground pipe are ready to be buried

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Gee Shane, Thanks for the Heads Up on the whole Steel Assembly Thing! I posted an Update Today, with Photos from Shane and some I took last Saturday, on the Cowabunga Bay Construction Blog. Click HERE to Visit the Cowabunga Bay Construction Blog. I'm hoping Shane will let me know when the Structure goes Vertical, cause I'd Love to be there!


- Sid

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