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What park & coaster will open your 2009 Coaster Season?

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It will be something at Tivoli Grdens in Copenhagen in June on the TPR tour, barring ERT I'll go with the really old wood coaster or the floorless Daemonon.


I have less than 50% of the credits available in my own country but none of the one's I don't have are worth the effort.

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Well, it's official. Looks like I'll be going to Belmont Park and Legoland this weekend for their credits. I'll raise my count to 74! And I think I'll go to Belmont first, so Giant Dipper will be that lucky credit to start the probably-not-so-great 2009 season!

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, it is obvious - KINGS DOMINION!!!


Two reasons: 1) it's my favorite park and 2) I need to be there to process my Cedar Fair Platinum Pass so I can travel to all the other Cedar Fair parks (two of them I never been to before).


After I get my pass processed and I'm all good for the 2009 season, I will then head inside the park and ride my first coaster of the season THE DOMINATOR!!!

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