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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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This kind of makes me wonder why Six Flags would choose to remove 2 rides when that spot behind Frisbee is perfect for a coaster.

Poor location maybe?



I agree. If they were to get rid of a car ride, I'd prefer they scrap the Go Karts. They could also build a new coaster around Superman.

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Here's what I think! I think a B&M Flying would be great for the park, but probably not! A B&M Diving Machine, wouldn't mind! A B&M Hyper like Shambhala built over Superman would be so magnificent! Or maybe an B&M Wing Rider what comes around when it's time! There seems to be enough room, or maybe I'm wrong as you may say!

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After calling that number and listening to the direct mentions of Goliath and Medusa Steel Coaster, this definitely sound like an RMC woodie. Coaster enthusiasts will now run to fiesta Texas, as it would have two RMC's in one park! In all honesty, I hope it doesn't have any inversions. I hope it's an airtime packed woodie, as that is the major category that they are missing. But here's the reason why i'm a little skeptica about them getting an RMC. We already have the iron cyclone and iron colossus stuff going on. 3 projects for RMC in one year? To me, if this were to happen, then that would practically confirm to me that iron colossus won't open till 2016. That way you still get a woodie and a hybrid being built by Six Flags in one year. When you put it that way, it does make sense that they could have this project in the books for 2015.

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After calling that number and listening to the direct mentions of Goliath and Medusa Steel Coaster, this definitely sound like an RMC woodie. Coaster enthusiasts will now run to fiesta Texas, as it would have two RMC's in one park! In all honesty, I hope it doesn't have any inversions. I hope it's an airtime packed woodie, as that is the major category that they are missing. But here's the reason why i'm a little skeptica about them getting an RMC. We already have the iron cyclone and iron colossus stuff going on. 3 projects for RMC in one year? To me, if this were to happen, then that would practically confirm to me that iron colossus won't open till 2016. That way you still get a woodie and a hybrid being built by Six Flags in one year. When you put it that way, it does make sense that they could have this project in the books for 2015.


But RMC Is expanding, so we could get three coasters in one year.

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Fiesta Texas @SF_FiestaTexas · Jul 27

Wow.... Due to the wind, #SFFT2015 has been dropping & diving all day. @screamscape @AboutThemeParks @aceonlineorg


Larson Flying Scooters?


Fiesta Texas @SF_FiestaTexas · Jul 29

Something looks different... have to go check it out! @aceonlineorg @AboutThemeParks @screamscape @ThemeParkReview @TexasThrills #SFFT2015

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I would be shocked if it was a RMC as they already have one. Even if its something completely different I would think other parks in the chain would get one before a park would get two. If I were to guess I'd guess either a Euro fighter, an El Loco type, or what I think would be awesome a ride similar to Lighting Run.

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I'm here at the park now; the balloon is flying high. I've yet to check out the area. Boomerang stalled after the loop presumably this morning. The empty train is sitting there uncovered and I couldn't see any maintanance crews working on it. Other than that, it's a little toasty out today and I'm next in line for IRat. The crew is working very well and effectively.

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I'm here at the park now; the balloon is flying high. I've yet to check out the area. Boomerang stalled after the loop presumably this morning. The empty train is sitting there uncovered and I couldn't see any maintanance crews working on it. Other than that, it's a little toasty out today and I'm next in line for IRat. The crew is working very well and effectively.


Boomerang's train has been parked there since Thursday around mid-day.

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I'm here at the park now; the balloon is flying high. I've yet to check out the area. Boomerang stalled after the loop presumably this morning. The empty train is sitting there uncovered and I couldn't see any maintanance crews working on it. Other than that, it's a little toasty out today and I'm next in line for IRat. The crew is working very well and effectively.


Boomerang's train has been parked there since Thursday around mid-day.


Sound like a hydraulic system issue. No sense in winching the train up to the chain on lift 2 if there'e no hydraulic system to pull it up the rest of the way and release it.

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Could you take a couple of shots for us?


Sure! I'll head over there in a bit and take more, but for now, here's one I took earlier. I'll take a few better ones.



It's right next to the motorama station.


Bahama Blaster is also closed today and they only have one show going if I'm not mistaken. It's the country band that performs in front of the Road Runner and IRat.



Edit: and here are the rest taken from the kidzopolis area and the last from the motorama queue. It's literally right there in the middle of the ride area.




In front of Kiddee Koaster


Right at the train tracks that cross into rockville


In Motorama queue


Bonus shot from the log flume

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^ How tall do you think that is? I wonder if it stayed at the same height as its previous location. I think I heard somewhere that at its former home it was like 92.5 feet high or something like that...if thats the case then I have my doubts about it being a coaster. But if it is, then you can still do some crazy stuff with that height (a la GCI)

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