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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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SAN ANTONIO -- Some passengers aboard the Pandemonium had to be rescued nearly an hour after the ride stopped working this weekend.

KENS 5 has learned it took 46 minutes for the San Antonio Fire Department to pluck two adults from the ride and harness them down to safety last Saturday.

With it being Spring Break, KENS 5 asked what was done to ensure the ride is safe now.

Park officials said the Pandemonium ride is now running normally, following a thorough safety inspection.

The spinning-style coaster has open-air cars that seat up to four passengers and rotates at a moderate speed.

Six Flags Fiesta Texas said the inclement weather last Saturday evening was determined to be a factor and one car did not complete its normal ride cycle causing it to stop mid-point along the track.

The coaster company Gerstlauer Amusement Rides is aware of KENS 5's investigation but has not yet replied to our questions.

The two adults Saturday were not injure

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I am just now leaving the park. Very busy but not as bad as I thought. A trip report will be up either tomorrow or the day after in my 'Chris does Spring Break in San Antonio' thread which has a trip report from the San Antonio Zoo already up. For now, this is what has happened on Bahama Blasters as of 4:00pm Central Time. The land for the slides behind Tornado has been cleared and there are two tractors on site with that orange plastic construction fence erected. Pieces are on site and the crew has been working all day on putting the pieces of the slide together. Here's what has been done so far:


Boomerang and Pandemonium have both reopened, and there was no 'broken track' that was mentioned earlier in the thread to my knowledge.


Progress as of 4pm


Construction site as of this morning.

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Any news about where the car valleyed? Must be very sick to swing until the train stops


On Pandemonium? I imagine between the first drop and 'zig-zag' area. I know that's where SFOT's stalled in July 2012. Just a guess though, no certain answer.




My Trip Report is up by the way in my 'Chris Spends Spring Break In San Antonio + Galveston' thread. I didn't want to post it here as it is part of a larger TR.

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I went to the park yesterday for the first time ever. I ran into bad luck and bad management. The winds were too bad for many rides for most of the day. When I walked in at 2 the only 2 non kiddie coasters were Road Runner and Boomerang. I rode RR and left for Sea World. Of course I asked at the entrance if the coasters were running and they had said all day long even in the winds. So after riding Steel Eel and Great White I headed back to SFFT and walked back in just after 430. They just opened Goliath and had about an hour wait due to 1 train operations. Then Poltergeist opened with 1 train operations. So another 1 hour wait. The winds became calm at 7 and of course nothing else opened since the park closed at 9.


My gripe is that after rides being closed most of the day why open 1 train operations? My thought was to sell Flashpass and I would have no problem with buying one if half of the coasters on Flashpash weren't closed. I know weather was a factor throughout most of the day but there were many with my same complaint about 1 train ops. I talked to a worker on Golaith and he said they have had a lot of angry people coming through the line.

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I went to the park yesterday for the first time ever. I ran into bad luck and bad management. The winds were too bad for many rides for most of the day. When I walked in at 2 the only 2 non kiddie coasters were Road Runner and Boomerang. I rode RR and left for Sea World. Of course I asked at the entrance if the coasters were running and they had said all day long even in the winds. So after riding Steel Eel and Great White I headed back to SFFT and walked back in just after 430. They just opened Goliath and had about an hour wait due to 1 train operations. Then Poltergeist opened with 1 train operations. So another 1 hour wait. The winds became calm at 7 and of course nothing else opened since the park closed at 9.


My gripe is that after rides being closed most of the day why open 1 train operations? My thought was to sell Flashpass and I would have no problem with buying one if half of the coasters on Flashpash weren't closed. I know weather was a factor throughout most of the day but there were many with my same complaint about 1 train ops. I talked to a worker on Golaith and he said they have had a lot of angry people coming through the line.

Now, this might not be the case, but from my experiences working in attractions, it sounds like they sent a good amount of staff home early due to the closure of many rides. By the time they had re-opened the rides, they did not have enough staffing to operate multiple trains and it would be difficult to call employees back into work. Plus, as you said above, the employees were told to tell guests that they anticipate a full-day closure, which is a really bad sign, so be happy that you even rode Goliath and Poltergeist.


I don't see why you would call out the park for having bad management as they cannot control the weather and would not keep a large attractions staff when few attractions are open for the majority of the day, due to high winds. As I said before, this might not be the case, but this it sounds like this is the likely situation.

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I dunno. . .


we've had a lot of experience where Fiesta is only running one train on things.


and we've always thought it was to sell "Flash Passes"


just my/our opinion of course, but we've been there on super-crowded days, when Pandemonium is only running FOUR cars.

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I dunno. . .


we've had a lot of experience where Fiesta is only running one train on things.


and we've always thought it was to sell "Flash Passes"


just my/our opinion of course, but we've been there on super-crowded days, when Pandemonium is only running FOUR cars.


That's unacceptable, though when there is weather that causes long ride closures, then you really can't blame the park for the understaffed positions later in the day.

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That is odd about the wind condition to close rides. I wonder if it has something to do with the recent incident with the ride stalling during the ride. It could just be the park being extra cautious. As far as single train operations, I haven't noticed that during my recent visits. Not to say, it doesn't happen.

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I was unaware that a ride needs more people to run multiple trains. I worked Top Gun at Ki while in high school and none of the coasters at that time had different staffing levels for different amount of trains. I really don't see how you would need more staff to run more trains. Generally you have driver, load and unload.


I am not blaming them for not reopening other rides. I expected them to send their employees home for most coasters. I thought bad management was for running 1 train. From my past experience I don't think it takes more people to run a ride with more than 1 train. The computer runs the block brakes not employees. Please let me know what the extra employees are for with the extra train.


If someone has facts on this, my apologies for saying bad management. I guess I just am spoiled because KI runs their coasters at max capacity even when sending out half empty trains unless it is raining then they put one away on a couple.

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I did think the wind thing was odd but I know parks have different rules.


The BM was running all day at Sea World but only ran in the evening at SFFT. I really didn't mean to complain about that. I understand weather is out of their control. It was just a bummer the day I was in town and spent 108 dollars on a rental car in Austin was so windy. Stupid music festival driving up the cost of rental cars.(I am joking calling the festival stupid)

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^^Don't know about SFFT, but some parks will allow a coaster to run with only 2 people run a coaster if there is only one train running (Main panel op doubles as the attendant for their side of the train), but require three to run multiple trains so the main panel op never leaves the control panel.

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Your missing the point of the post. There were signs out about the closure. The parking attendant even warned guests coming in. I am cool with the closure for winds. I was getting my Gold season pass and went in despite all the closures. I was disappointed in the decision to run 1 train.


Good point about running 1 train Poltergeist had 2 man operation. So maybe that is the reason. Goliath had 4 people in station and driving so I don't get that.

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Your missing the point of the post. There were signs out about the closure. The parking attendant even warned guests coming in. I am cool with the closure for winds. I was getting my Gold season pass and went in despite all the closures. I was disappointed in the decision to run 1 train.


Good point about running 1 train Poltergeist had 2 man operation. So maybe that is the reason. Goliath had 4 people in station and driving so I don't get that.


I was just wondering where the bad management comes in then. That's all.

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I was at the park for a little bit on Wednesday as well. When we drove up to parking they informed us that due to the winds the bigger rides like Superman and Irat would be closed. This wasn't a big deal for us because we were going to see the shows anyway. However, walking around the park I never realized how many big rides there were. Nearly everything was closed. I'd say the only major attraction I saw going was the Roadrunner. All the smaller rides were open of course but that was about it. Yes, the winds were really bad that day so I understand the reasoning to close everything but I almost started thinking they shouldn't have even opened the park. Like I said, I went to go see the shows and only Rockville was showing on Wednesday. (Country show had their day off). Which brings me to an issue I have had for years. Why don't they post their show times online? This has bothered my family for years and its very frustrating. Especially a park that is known for their shows! But I will add the park was spotless because everyone who was supposed to be working rides was out cleaning the park. I left at 2 and I did start to see them warm up the Scream but I have no idea if they eventually opened stuff up.

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^^Bad management to me was running 1 train on Goliath when they had a full compliment of workers to run 2. This led to over 1 hour wait after the ride being closed almost half the day. Road Runner and Boomerang were the only other coasters open. Management should of known that the line would be very long. What do the lose by running 2 trains? What do they gain by running 1 train? As for Poltergiest someone pointed out that they can run 2 trains on less staff. I understand that might of been the case and don't blame management for that. At least they opened it. They probably sent the Irat, Superman crews home too, which was to be expected since the wind didn't die down until 5. I am not trying to beat a dead horse. Just answering the question. The park was clean. I now have to debate if I am going to drive over from Houston on the 30th to ride those rides. I also have to hit Kemah and Galveston Pier on the same day. Might be tough.

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Staffing is an issue. If they sent people home and they didn't have people there then they have to deal with. It is what it is. Superman and Poltergiest have a history of valleying during high winds so they're not gonna risk it especially after the Pandemonium incident a few weeks ago. It's called "go with the flow".

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^^Don't know about SFFT, but some parks will allow a coaster to run with only 2 people run a coaster if there is only one train running (Main panel op doubles as the attendant for their side of the train), but require three to run multiple trains so the main panel op never leaves the control panel.


Michigan's Adventure seems to do this a fair amount on weekdays with Wolverine Wildcat. Even on slow days this seems to a questionable decision to me. Is it really that big of a hit to have one more (likely minimum wage) employee on hand?

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