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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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I was able to get two rides in today. That first drop is fantastic. The tunnel is awesome with the lights and mist. A great coaster all around. I'm not sure where I rank it yet but I'm coming back tomorrow to ride more.


Fiesta Texas has a winner on there hands. Oh yeah the Six Flags crew at the park today was awesome.

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It looks to me like Texas has two great RMC rides to brag about. Coasters like New Texas Giant, Iron Rattler, and Outlaw Run (in Missouri) definitely give the industry a whole new target to shoot for.

Couldnt agree more Chuck! Do you think they will ever make a full steel coaster? I necessarily dont think they need to if they can make rides like this

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Had a really great day today! I got to ride a lot of rides a lot of times, and i got to meet Robb, which was awesome. I have to say riding the Iron Rattler was the best experience on a roller coaster ever, I couldn't believe that drop! Thanks to Jamie, Tracie and all of the great crew that put this day together, and I can't wait till Sunday to come and ride the Iron Rattler again!

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Thanks to Jamie, Tracie and all of the great crew that put this day together


Yes thanks again to the whole Six Flags crew for opening Iron Rattler for us today. Also for the free water.


Seriously, I haven't stopped thinking of that first drop. The rest of the ride is great but that first drop is redonkulous

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I went to SFOT yesterday and got a couple rides in on NTAG. I'm leaving in a little while to go to SFFT to ride iRat a few more times. As of right now, I think that NTAG is still my favorite. Iron Rattler is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but NTAG just has a little more "oomph" to me. Of course, I will be able to make a better comparison in a couple of hours after I've been on iRat again lol. The two coasters are pretty different, so it makes it hard to compare the two. I definitely feel like NTAG has more little pops of airtime, but iRat's airtime is a lot more sustained. I love the barrel roll (never even touched my seat) and the dive into the tunnel. I do wish that iRat was a bit longer, but I think the same can be said for most great coasters. Both rides are definitely balls-to-the-wall, and don't let up the entire ride, so I've really got to hand it to RMC for making such exciting coasters.

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^And you only need to be 48" tall! This flyer needs one more proofing!


I know there must be a typo in this flyer, but back when Spanish Superman la Atracción de Acero opened, the height restriction was 120 cm (48 inches), and it's also a B&M floorless...

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^And you only need to be 48" tall! This flyer needs one more proofing!


I know there must be a typo in this flyer, but back when Spanish Superman la Atracción de Acero opened, the height restriction was 120 cm (48 inches), and it's also a B&M floorless...

No. they didn't change the stuff for irat.

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Sorry guys I was in a hurry this morning for today's shoot when I made those edits ! Hope all that attended today's shoot had fun !

No worries Jamie! Sorry to nitpick your stuff, but hopefully it got noticed before too many people with 48" kids signed up!

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I got to ride Iron Rattler (stop counting after 24) today for the Travel Channel shoot. We had a great group of riders today. Everyone stayed on the ride till 5 and everyone was still clapping, hands up and yelling the whole time. I wish I was on the ride right now. Okay, do yourself a flavor and wait till it warms up to get on this coaster.The coaster goes so much faster when its really hot. That first drop is beyond awesome. The little bunny hill after the barrel roll is full of airtime. Irat has made it high on my ranking after so many rides today. I basically sat in each row and I think my favorite is last row, left.


Sorry guys I was in a hurry this morning for today's shoot when I made those edits ! Hope all that attended today's shoot had fun !


Jamie thanks again for letting me part of the shoot. Tell the whole Iron Rattler crew that they did awesome today. I'm already trying to plan my next trip to come ride it again.

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HUGE thanks to Jaime and the crew again. Today literally was one of the best times of my life. I got to meet a bunch of new people and ride an insanely awesome coaster too many times to count. Overall it was just an incredible day. The ride ops were absolutely fantastic. I know it can be an exhausting task to appease several enthusiasts, especially on a new coaster that's so highly anticipated. By lunch, we hasn't ridden that much, but after the iPads they were filming us use to rate the coaster overheated (it got very hot today), they went straight to filming off ride B-Roll footage with a remote controlled helicopter thing (I'm assuming especially made for filming). Fred Grub made a cameo appearance, and the smile on his face when we all came back into the station each time clapping and cheering was priceless. The Iron Rattler is incredible intense, like Mrlittle said above, back left is the best. The back is where you get all sorts of crazy airtime especially on the first drop, the hill after the barrel roll, and going back down the quarry wall into the tunnel. The group of riders today was excellent; very enthusiastic and not a single person with their hands down. I think it's safe to say the footage filmed today is going to be great! I can't wait for this to air! Whatever number one is on your coater bucket list, just bump everything down one spot and put Iron Rattler in top. It's a must ride!

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So aside from the lights on the lift hill, is there any other lighting being used on Iron Rattler like in the past? Or maybe upgraded to LED???
From CoasterForce's video, you can see there are lights shining up under the first drop and another one on the side that looks like it would be aiming at the "IR" on the structure
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