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If you could get rid of one thing..

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- one train operation on a multi-train coaster in peak season with lines oozing onto the midway

Agreed. The "Coaster" at my home park, Playland (Vancouver), is the park's main attraction. Lines often reach well over one hour, yet they barely ever run more than one train. They have three trains, but it's rare to even see them run two.

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What strikes me as funny is you can bring your own food into Knoebel's. For that reason, their food is reasonably priced and tasty. And they always seem to be selling plenty of it.


I was at Hershey yesterday, and they had a pretty good spectrum of food, and it was definately above Cedar Fair's usual standard for food.. but it wasn't cheap. Not by a long shot.


I'll take bison burgers over catered chicken wings or coldstone creamery any day!

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"Smells" used on rides, Disney I am talking about you here. If I wanted to smell something gross I would go smell the garbage. Also I agree about parking prices and over-priced food. If I wanted to pay 25 dollars for food I would go to a nice nice restaurant not a chicken tender stand...

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1. Remove all baby coasters

2. Remove Height requirements under 48 inches

3. Remove all kids areas and games

4. Remove budgets on kids areas.

I don't like seeing those little kids thinking there all that just because they can ride the airplanes or the little cars. Its annoying! Its better off that parks are only meant for thrill seekers in my opinion, but this will not happen because every park needs at least one ride a 1yr old can ride.

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1. Large lines (30+ minutes long). I remember during 1980's, the lines are almost never that bad. I could get 10+ rides on a same coasters within a hour. Unfortunately, today it is just bad.


2. QBot, Flashpass, etc. Basic kindergarten rules: Do not butt. This also contribute to larger lines! (I'll probably get flamed over this suggestion *shrugs*)


3. Get rid of bug bunny, marvel characters, tony hawks, etc. We need more original characters like former SFMM's trolls.

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Correct me if im wrong but are all characters "original"


Not sure what you mean but to elaborate my point. I find Superman, Batman, Mr. Freeze, Bug Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc and all rides named after them very tacky and repetitive. I frown upon parks that drop their original characters for commercialized characters.


Example of parks that still use their original characters are Disney's. Even they still create new characters rather than hiring characters from elsewhere like Six Flags does.

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Correct me if im wrong but are all characters "original"


Not sure what you mean but to elaborate my point. I find Superman, Batman, Mr. Freeze, Bug Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc and all rides named after them very tacky and repetitive. I frown upon parks that drop their original characters for commercialized characters.


Example of parks that still use their original characters are Disney's. Even they still create new characters rather than hiring characters from elsewhere like Six Flags does.


So, bring back Mr. Six?

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Yeah I know that the parks need family rides, its just that little kids anooy me. I do babysit and the 4 year old is a pain at parks.

Sericoly, I would get ride of all TOGO rides!


Why not just have parks say no kids under 10. Then as a result there would be very few adults over 20.


Yeah, nothing but kids aged 11-19. That would really fun for adults, and also be in the park's best benefit...

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3. Get rid of bug bunny, marvel characters, tony hawks, etc. We need more original characters like former SFMM's trolls.

Correct me if im wrong but are all characters "original"


I think he might mean original to Six Flags itself, like have SFI have its own characters and not bring in ones.

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I'd get rid of the basketballs for sure.


I'd also get rid of Spandex - it has no place in a theme park - especially on some of the more......what's the word.......well, you know what I mean.


I would also get rid of Coke products - sorry - I became a Pepsi fan after 30 years of drinking coke!!



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