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Disneyland Paris is really doing some nice strange stuff for a few of it's seasonal festivals and events. For instance...


This is at the front of Main Street, and is being used for Kids' Carnival, a sort-of tie in to Mardis Gras, for children. But lots of color, a bit of a special show I believe... and some of these wacked-out 'sculpture creations.'


They're adding more and more for Halloween there every year too, which is now becoming second to Christmas for visiting the parks, in decoration.


Thanks to www.dlp.info for the pic.


Now can YOU tell me what these... are?

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^ The more I keep looking at the pix, and equate it with a "carnival" theme...


I think these are supposed to be party horns? You blow and make noise with?


~ ~ ~ ~


But then - there's this set of air pumps that 'fan the flames,' so-to-speak, so WTF do they have to do with a carnival?


(Thanks again to www.dlp.info for the pic)


And these guys (?) are gonna..... ?

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