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Picture of the day

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Yes well I am the only one who got half the oddball pictures LOL such as "jewbagel" how the heck that was one of them.. and "Domo ori gatto Mr.Roboto!" don't ask me LOL. The one I draw was suppose to be a Sundae but I drew it angry.


Funny enough I just found out that Yahoo game Graffiti as long as you put the correct word in it gives you the points.. so Bagel was the original answer and I think Robot for the other but I dunno..Yahoo must be odd.


Disclaimer _ I hope I did not offend any Joey's in the making of this post.


Basically me asleep this morning My friend yelled at me over the phone as I was like this burried in my pillows , my dad walked in and put the phone next time my ear and my friend all the sudden yells "WAKE UP STITCH ITS 11:45AM GET UP!"

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LMAO!!!!!!!!!! I mean cmon people (nicole and sean)!! It was round and had a hole in it like a donut with jew written next to it!! How can you not get bagel!!!!!!!! Took sean and nicole like 20 answers each to get it right and sean finally answered JEWBAGEL!!!!! ...and he got it!!!!!


Omg that thing with the mean looking sundae, me and nicole just stood there in awe at wtf he was drawing lmao!!!! We both went silent with maybe a ??????????? as an answer!!!! It was a sundae!!!


Fun times were had by all!!!!

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haaha... that sundae was pretty much the best thing ever... except for the ogre yesterday that i guessed "robb" and it came up green which means it's close to the actual answer!!


Ya thats what it means when the word turns green means its close to the answer!!!

But OMG!!!! I have no clue why it turned green but that layed me flat on the floor dying in laughter!!!!!

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^I wasn't too surprised that this particular Disney creation was to be "exposed" so soon. (And Robb, you work it beeyootifully, sweetie!)


I mean - did we really think "nobody would tell," when the real opening of E:E was near the end of --- April???


Anyway, here's a pic of the pin I just picked up on ebay. I call it the "unofficial" Turtle Twister Pin, in honor of the new attraction that DisneyParis' Studios will open next year for the park's 15th Birthday. (o: Before that "other attraction" opens there... the tower thing.... you know....



(photo with thanks to PinPics)


Hey - that's the way we should ride Crush thru the Aussie Current, hmmm?

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